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601 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Can I Remove the Tint from Prescription Sunglasses?
Dont know if this is possible, but ask where your purchased your glasses.


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Recipes for Ramen Noodles Without Using the Seasoning Packets?
I have seen the ramen noodles in a 25% lower sodium version. Its one of the big brands (cant remember the name) and the packaging is blue. Look for it in a large supermarket. Edited to add: Found a package in my pantry. Maruchan is the brand and its 35% less...


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Bar Soap with Less Residue?
My husband also insists on a bar of soap in the shower. The clear glycerin bars leave the least residue IMO. I stockpile the B&BW bars when they are on sale for $1. Dial also makes a glycerin bar--I think its the White Tea one. Keep on the lookout for glycerin...


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Using Borax in a Front Load Washer?
I dont have a front loader. Do they have a liquid fabric softener dispenser? Dissolve some borax in a little hot water (like 1/3 cup), put it in the dispenser and see how that works.


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Oven Burns the Bottom of Baked Goods?
Try purchasing a better cookie sheet--an insulated one with 2 layers. The thin cheap aluminum pans dont work very well. Have you tried reducing the heat when you bake, or placing the oven rack at a higher level.


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Eyeglass Lens Have a Milky Discoloration?
It might be a problem with the coating applied to the lens. Go back to where you purchased the eyeglasses and inquire there, maybe they will have advice for you.


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What is the Best Method for Thawing Frozen Milk?
I cant add much to what radhatterb has said. It seems like the milk may start to cook or boil on the outside before the inside thaws if you microwave it. Bad idea. Buying half gallons makes more sense. In my home we use 1% for everything except coffee. I buy...


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Can Changes in Hormones Affect Hair Dye Results?
I sincerely doubt that your hysterectomy affects the way your hair reacts to dye. I had a hysterectomy (both ovaries) and never had a problem and I color my hair but I stay somewhat close to my own color. Maybe its time to rethink the blond hair. If you have...


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How Can I Thin BIC Wite Out?
Use nail polish thinner. As a last resort, use nail polish remover. Use a medicine dropper to put in a few drops, then shake and test the consistency. Add more if its still too thick.


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Dishwasher Rack Coating is Coming Off?
Amazon has this for $4.99 + $3.00 shipping. It is a worthwhile expense to repair your racks. I did this repair myself maybe 7 years ago as my racks were rusting in spots and the racks are still good today.


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Powdered Sugar in Australia?
Im sure you have it but its probably called by a different name. Its icing sugar in the UK--does that help? What would you use to make a frosting/icing for a cake? Its powdered sugar!


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Preventing Cabbage From Turning Brown When Frozen?
Ive never tried to freeze entire heads of cabbage as that would take up so much space. Try parboiling them first and see if that helps. Cooked cabbage should freeze well.



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Clothing Wetter Than Normal After Washing?
When the load is done and the clothes are too wet, try turning the dial to another spin cycle and try to spin out more moisture. You probably have to have your washer serviced.


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Using a Dishwasher with Well Water?
It may be several things, not just well water. If you water isnt hot enough the detergent doesnt dissolve well enough and may leave a film. Try different brands of detergent to see if one works better. I find any kind works with very hot water. Do you use a...


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Ivory Vs. Zest Bar Soap?
How interesting so many like Zest soap! I didnt even know it was still around. My Mom always liked Zest and made us use it in the bath/shower. She claimed it kept the tub clean. I will look for it in the supermarket next time I go and try Zest again. Thanks...


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Polyester Pants Smell After Wearing a Short Time?
Ive never heard of this but Id experiment. Try soaking your pants in a bucket with warm water and baking soda overnight before washing.


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What is the Difference Between Sour Milk and Spoiled Milk?
I always understood sour milk to be milk that is kind of old, starting to go bad but its still not horribly bad. Some people call this blinky milk. You wouldnt drink it this way but its ok to use in pancakes, quick breads, etc. Your carton says Nov. 26th so...


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Making Meatballs to Freeze?
I make my meat balls similar to yours. I always cook them before freezing. Its easy to bake the meatballs. Place them in a pan lined with foil (for easy clean up) and bake about 15 minutes at 350. Let them cool before freezing.


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Freezing Celery?
Certainly you can freeze it but it will not be crunchy when thawed. It wont be suitable for using in tuna or potato salad, for example, but it will be fine in a soup or stew.


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Invisible Eyebrows?
Many women have sparse brows, they just color them in with a cosmetic. There are powders and various pencils. Practice filling yours in using a very light stroke and experiment with different colors. Some women get permanent eyebrows. They are tattooed on and...


American Bulldog

Bulldog With Skin Allergies Licks Paws?
I have heard about giving Benadryl to dogs for itching. Ask your vet or google for information. I have an American Bulldog with skin allergies. She is on Atopica which is a prescription medication. Its the only thing that helped her. We found her a vet who...


Quick Cheesy Egg On Toast on a plate with bacon bits as a garnish.

Quick Cheesy Egg On Toast
Its a bit of a production cutting the cheese into a round shape, isnt it? I do something very similar thats a lot easier. I just tear up the slice of cheese and mix it into the scrambled egg mixture before cooking it in the microwave. That gives you a cheesy...


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Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap Didn't Gel?
It sounds like too much water was used. You can still use the liquid to wash clothes with. If you try making it again, use less water to start with and see how it turns out. You can always add more warm water to thin it out if its too thick.


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Recycling Dirty Styrofoam?
Wash off the food, then you can recycle the styrofoam.



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Homemade Wrinkle Remover for Dryer?
If you spray a wrinkled garment with a little water and tumble it in the dryer for a few minutes, the wrinkles come out. Add a little liquid fabric softener to the spray bottle of water if you have it on hand to add a nice fragrance. No need to buy expensive...


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Use Lemon Juice in Recipes?
I agree with the first post, its probably there to accent the strawberry flavor but 1 tsp. can probably be omitted if you dont have any lemons on hand. Fresh or bottled would not matter. With those ingredients (butter, sugar, eggs, sour cream, preserves) this...


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Shopping for Comfortable Clothes for Female Nursing Home Patient?
Elastic waists skirts are quick and easy to make. Can anyone sew in your family? Make some for your granny. House dresses are a thing of the past, Im afraid. Id suggest a zip front robe/lounger in place of a dress. My mom in in rehab after a stroke and she...


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Refrigerator Lights Don't Work?
Have you tried changing the bulbs?


Bottle of Tilex Power Shower cleaner.

Homemade Fresh Shower or Shower Saver?
This type of product is available in dollar stores. Dont know how well they work but you only risk $1 to try it out.


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Re-dyeing Hair?
Call the toll-free phone number on the box of hair color and ask for advice. Red hair color fades very quickly so if you can, wait a few weeks and the color may then be something you can live with.


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Knit or Crochet Swiffer Pad?
Just make one in the approximate shape of the pad. I often use old washcloths, microfiber cloths or even old tee shirts cut into the right size/shape. If the tee shirts seem too thin, use a double thickness. I throw my homemade cloths into the washer and reuse...


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Using Frozen Tomatoes?
Throw some into soups, stews, chili, or cook down all the tomatoes with some onions & garlic to make a pasta sauce.


Different colored Bic markers.

Permanent Markers Dried Out?
How long have they been sitting in the package? Stand them up in a cup with the points down to get the ink down to the tip. No good? Try soaking the tips in some rubbing alcohol to see if that gets them flowing. Still nothing? Email the Bic company and complain...


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Dog Pees in the House When Excited?
My dog used to do this, usually when we come in the house and she was excited that we came home. We learned to ignore her, no touch, no talk, no eye contact, for maybe 10 minutes, then she would be calm enough and didnt pee.


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Shelf Life of Cake Mixes?
I have used expired cake mixes (no more than 1 year past expiration) and they do not rise well. It appears the baking powder becomes inactive, so if you want to use an old mix, add a teaspoon or so of baking powder. If the mix is more than a year old I would...


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Making Your Own Rag Mop?
I have heard about using those mop heads that have a clamp that holds the mop in place. It was recommended to put rags in the clamp (old tee shirt, towels, etc. ) rather than a traditional mop head. It sounds like it would work.



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Growing a Small Garden Indoors?
I would only do this for the enjoyment of gardening if that appeals to you. I would not count on harvesting a bounty of veggies as thats unlikely.


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Frigidaire Washer Does Not Drain?
Sounds like the water pump. Call a repairman.


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Repairing the Burners on a Gas Stove?
Im not sure its wise to do this on your own as gas is involved, but the easiest thing would be to give the gas ring a good wash and scrub as dirt and debris may be clogging things. My stovetop has removable burners, dont know if yours is the same. It might...


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Freezing Uncooked Potato Chips?
Are you freezing the potatoes totally raw? They will discolor that way. Partially cook them first, then freeze them. See if that helps.


Closeup of male pit bull puppy, white with dark markings around eyes.

Dog Chewing on Shoes?
When you are not around, put your shoes in the closet and close the door. Leave your dog with some acceptable chew items as the other post suggests. Your dog will outgrow this as he gets older. Hes still young. But dont leave anything around to tempt him.


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Organizing a Small Bedroom?
I think its unrealistic to get a small room to be exciting and clever. Functional and uncluttered would be more practical to hope for. A full size futon can be pushed into a corner so space for walking around it is not needed. Get some industrial shelving for...


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Removing Ink from Car Upholstery?
Try hair spray or rubbing alcohol.


Blue canvas tennis shoes steaming.

Remedies for Stinky Shoes
If possible, remove the innersole and wash it by hand, air dry and spray with Lysol (or generic equivalent). If its not removable, spray the inside of the shoe liberally with the Lysol spray and let it dry overnight. This may need to be repeated a few times...


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Ideas for Using Wilted Cherries?
How about using them for pie filling? You can freeze them in pie portions.


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Tea Stains on Rubbermaid Juice Container?
Bleach. Fill the container with warm soapy water and add a tablespoon or so of bleach. Let sit for a while and rub with a sponge. Repeat using more bleach if the stain remains.


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Remedy for Dog's Itchy Feet?
It sounds like allergies and my dog has similar issues. Benadryl can be given to dogs to eliminate the itching.


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How Do I Stop Taking Prescription Sleep Medications Safely?
Your health care professional would be the one to ask as they know your history. That being said, try reducing your dose. The pills are small but you can break them in half and take half a pill for a while. I have used Ambien but I limit myself to 2 times a...


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Freezing Celery?
You can wash, slice and freeze celery but it wont be crunchy when thawed. It is fine to use in soups or stews but no good for using in tuna salad or something like that.


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Getting Out of a Car Lease?
You can try to find someone to take over the payments (lease assumption).


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Remedy for Smelly Front Load Washer?
Google your brand and model of washer or check the mfgrs website. You may need to clean a filter or the detergent/bleach dispenser. Always leave the door open when the washer is not in use.


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Helping Hair Grow Faster and Healthier?
Ive heard that taking Biotin supplements makes the hair and nails grow faster.


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Making a Water Bottle Cozy?
I just use coasters underneath the water bottle or glass. Never thought of making a cozy for a water bottle but it shouldnt be too hard to sew up a rectangular sleeve out of scrap fabric. Try leaving the bottom open if its too hard to sew a cozy with a flat...


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Breaker Keeps Tripping at Night?
The breaker itself could be faulty and may need to be replaced, or there could be a short you cant find. Best to call an electrician and play it safe.


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Freezing Pumpkins?
I guess you can, but whole pumpkins take up lots of freezer space. It would make sense to remove the seeds and rind, cube the flesh and pack in freezer bags.


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Finding Free Furniture?
Check Craigslist in your area to see if anyone wants to get rid of furniture. Does your town have a bulk trash pick-up day when residents can put out large items? Drive around the night before to see if anything good can be salvaged.


Black dye spots on shorts

Dye from Velvet Top Transferred to Shorts?
Go ahead and use the Awesome as the shorts are unwearable in this condition. If that doesnt work try chlorine bleach.


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Small White Head on Finger?
It is paronychia, an infection around the fingernail. Google for more info. You need to see a doctor as I doubt it will clear up with just antibiotic ointment. May be a bug bite or it can be from an injury that you dont even remember happening.


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Removing a Set In Coffee Stain on Clothing?
Let your husband try to get the stain out himself and see how he does. He has no reason to be unhappy with you. Stains need to be treated as soon as possible. He should have told you it was stained. What color is the robe? Is it colorfast? Try bleach if its...


photo of interior of burned stainless steel frying pan

Cleaning a Burned Stainless Steel Pan?
Have you tried a Brillo soap pad? It takes a lot of scrubbing to get that burned surface off. If that doesnt work, take the pan outside and spray it with oven cleaner and let it sit for a while. Repeat if necessary.


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Remedy for Skin Damaged by Apricot Scrub?
Yes, certainly your skin will heal back. Why wouldnt it? Just be gentle with your face in the future.


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My Frugal Ways
Libraries often have free activities for kids depending on their age like storytime, arts & crafts or movies.


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Lightening Dyed Hair?
Most home hair color dye jobs will lighten up after several good washings. If its a little too dark just shampoo frequently. Ive heard it recommended to use Prell or a dandruff shampoo for this.


Remedy for Toddler With Diarrhea and Diaper Rash?
Take her to the doctor ASAP. My son was like that when he was little and he needed a prescription cream to clean up the rash. I believe it was a fungal infection.


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Dyeing a Merino Wool Scarf?
Problem is that you must use hot water to dye fabrics, and the hot water is likely to shrink the wool a lot. Wool changes texture (turns into felt) from hot water and may not be as soft. The pattern may not dye evenly so you may not end up with a solid color...


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Washing Machine Backing Up into Sink and Dishwasher?
Your sewer line needs to be cleaned out. I have had this happen. The wash water would back up into a nearby bathroom sink. Washers eject water rapidly and your sewer line cannot accommodate it. It is probably ok with slow moving water like water draining out...


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Egg-free 4th of July Recipes?
Ask your nieces mom what she likes to eat.Have a cookout. Kids like burgers & hot dogs. Maybe she doesnt even like potato salad, or you can omit the eggs. Most kids like popscicles or ice cream in the summertime, or a piece of watermelon. Keep it simple.


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Top Load Washer Smells Moldy?
Be sure to leave the lid open on your washer so that it dries out inside. Dont close the lid right after doing laundry--all that moisture wont evaporate and mold can grow.


Dyeing Bra Extensions?
Just wear the extenders the way they are and dont worry abut the color matching. No one sees it but you. The food coloring may stain your skin and will likely wash out. Not worth the trouble.


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Need Help Organizing Personal Belongings?
I dont think this is what you want to hear, but if you havent used your items in several years you will never used them. Throw them away. They are cluttering up your life. I can see having an emotional attachment to people or pets, but these are just objects...


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Sump Pump Lid?
The other opening on the lid is probably to accommodate a drain from something else like a dehumidifier. It sounds fine the way it is but you can rig up another kind of cover if you wish.


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Determining Prices for an Ironing Service?
Hard to say. You dont want to be more expensive than a dry cleaner or the customers will use the dry cleaner instead of you.


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Kenmore Ice Maker Leaks Water Onto Floor?
When did you do the original $300 repair? Call them back and complain that they did not fix the problem. If it was recent you may be under warranty.


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Trouble Sewing Lycra?
Its an experimental thing when sewing stretchy slippery fabric. Try a new thinner needle (new means its very sharp). Try smaller stitches, larger stitches, different tension, zig zag, etc. Ive heard it recommended to place tissue paper over the area you are...


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Homemade Laundry Detergent Booster?
Experiment. Use a small amount of Tide (like 2 tablespoons) with your homemade detergent and see how it comes out. Add more Tide until you are happy with the results. I personally was not happy using homemade detergent as my wash looked dingy.


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Easy to Manage Hair Styles for Young Girls?
Your daughters are old enough to have some say in their hair. If waist length hair is hard to manage, shoulder length would be much easier. Ask them for suggestions. They are girls, not boys. No crewcuts. You cant be serious. Have them braid their hair or wear...


Small terrier playing with kitten

Free Doggie PJ Pattern?
I just use clothing that fits the dog fairly well, then I tailor the item to fit. I have a large dog (80 lbs) with a very broad chest, so I use some of my old tee shirts (womens medium size) and then taper the garment towards the hem so it fits better. For...


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Recycling and Disposing of Electronic Waste?
Check with your town hall to see if there is electronics recycling available for residents. Our county has a couple of days a year for this where residents can bring this material to the high school for collection.


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Recipes for When It's Hard to Chew?
Oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, softly scrambled eggs, tuna fish mashed finely with just mayo (no celery or relish), yogurt, cottage cheese, macaroni & cheese, rice pudding, pudding or jello. Keep thinking, youll come up with more.


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Pasta Sauce Keeps Burning?
Many reasons why this can happen: Most pots are metal, so I dont know what other kind you could use. A heavy pot is best. Avoid cheap tinny pots for this purpose. Your heat may be too high and you need to stir it up from the bottom often. The stove may be the...


Photo of a Staffordshire terrier Dog

What Breed is My Dog?
Looks very much like an American bulldog.


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Remedy for Tooth Pain With Bleeding Gums?
You must see a dentist as soon as possible. You may have an infected tooth (abcess) or some other problem. The tooth or the root may be cracked. This is not something you can treat yourself. Get to a dentist right away and good luck.


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How Can I Get Rid of a Mouse in My House Without Killing It?
Get some other type of trap. There are humane ones that do not kill the mouse. You will probably not get rid of it without a trap. Can you borrow a cat for a few days? That would help.


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Pruning a Variegated Sedge?
Not sure but if you wait and see what happens you will find out. Maybe the plant needs more sun and higher temperatures to get going. Isnt your state pretty cool and rainy? Maybe its just not a good plant for your area.


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Old-Fashioned Stove Top Popcorn
I just use a heavy old pot with a lid. No need for aluminum foil or leaving the lid partially off. Leave the lid on and it pops faster. Steam will escape even with a lid on. When its done, remove the lid. It is nice and crispy. Also, no need to wait 30 seconds...


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Refrigerator Makes Ice But Will Not Dispense?
Sometimes old ice solidifies into a block at the bottom of the bin preventing the screw from turning, or the screw mechanism turns but the ice is in too large chunks to dispense. Try emptying out the bin by hand and see how it does after that.


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Wedding Gift Ideas for the Couple Who Has Everything?
A nice picture frame makes a good gift. Obviously not a cheap one from the dollar store, but a nice one. Ive purchased these from Michaels craft store, Kohls, Marshalls and HomeGoods.


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How Do I Clean Moldy Smell from Top Load Washer?
Best thing is not to get a moldy smell to begin with. Always leave the lid open when the machine is not in use and you wont get the smell. Its too late now, I know, but do that once you get it cleaned. There are some cleaners on the market sold specifically...


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How Can I Make Homemade Balloon Weights?
Anything can be used as a weight as redhatterb said. Check with your Dad or other male relative who may have a workshop & tools. Ask if they have any spare metal washers. This can be found in hardware stores for very little cost and is a metal disc with a hole...


Decorating A Barn For A Wedding Reception?
You are going to drape an entire building in fabric for a wedding? It seems excessive to me. I would just drape the front of the room where you will have the podium, stage, altar, bridal table, or whatever you call the place where the center of attention is...


patio table and chairs

How Do I Paint a Patio Umbrella and Chair Seats?
I dont think its such a good idea to paint them. The paint is likely to peel and crack. Better to leave it alone.


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Bedroom Paint Color Advice to Coordinate With Purple Curtains?
If you are using purple for curtains and other color accents, the walls would look nice painted a pale gray.


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Does Running the Air Conditioner Continuously Save Money?
Depends on many factors, the temperature, humidity and your a/c unit. If you cant set the temperature on your unit (some window units are like this) it is either on or off. Id shut it off while I was gone. If you have central air you can set it to 80 degrees...


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Should I Use Plastic or China for a 50th Anniversary Backyard Party?
Backyard party, use disposables. Make life easier.


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Function of Top Left Key on a Gateway Keyboard?
A moon indicates the sleep or hibernate feature, I would think. It appears to shut off the computer but if you try pressing any key or the space bar it should come back on. If that doesnt work, then dont press that key.


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Removing a Facial Scar?
Theres a drugstore product called Mederma thats supposed to help eliminate scars. My mom always applied vitamin E oil. In the meantime, be very cautious when using your flat iron. Use a lower setting so its not as hot.


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Dark Blemishes on Face?
Perceptive comments from Lorelei. I guarantee no one notices that mark but you. If it continues to bother you, put some concealer on it, go to your prom and enjoy yourself.


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Whipping Evaporated Milk?
Yes. Everything must be very, very cold--milk, bowl and beaters. Google how to whip evaporated milk and you will find lots of sites.


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Whiter Teeth?
I have had good luck using the Arm & Hammer Whitening Booster. Its sold near the toothpaste in stores. You put some of this on with your toothpaste when you brush. It does make teeth a few shades whiter. No sensitivity issues and inexpensive - under $6.


Keeping Bags from Falling into the Wastebasket

Keeping Bags from Falling into the...
Tie a knot at the edge of your plastic bag. That makes the opening smaller and it will fit snugly over your small wastebasket. A cleaning lady showed me this.


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Where Can I Buy Red Curtain Rods?
If you cant find a specific color of curtain rod, you can spray paint them whatever color you want.


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Jeans Getting Wrinkled in the Dryer?
Try washing & drying them again. Wash in a load that gives items room to agitate. Before putting them in the dryer, stretch & shape them to get the wrinkles out. Tumble dry with a few tennis balls. Dry for 10 minutes, then check them to see if they need to...


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Best Laundry Detergent for New Born Baby Clothing?
Id use the ones that have no color or scent added. Costco or Sams have their own brand in large jugs. All makes a variety of this called free & clear.


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Use Silicone Basting Brush for Shedding
I dont get it. Do you use the basting brush on the animals or to sweep up the floor or furniture? A basting brush is rather small. Isnt it a lot of work to go over a large area with a small implement like this? Please elaborate.


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Removing Printer Ink from a Plastic Binder?
Try rubbing alcohol, WD-40, nail polish remover or hair spray. Apply some solution to a cotton ball and rub that on the ink.


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Locating Ingredients for Laundry Soap?
Its stocked in many supermarkets. I have purchased it in ShopRite.


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Giving Dogs Pills
I wrap my dogs pills in a small piece of lunchmeat. Its easier to wrap if the meat is sliced thin. I usually have ham or turkey on hand so I am not buying this specially for the dog. She loves it and swallows it right down.


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How Do I Get My Hair Color Back to Its Natural Color?
You are lucky since you have short hair. There is no easy way to do it, you have to let it grow out and suffer through it but it goes pretty fast with short hair since you are cutting it every month or so. If you dont like that idea, you could have your hair...


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T-fal Cookware Turned Grey in the Dishwasher?
I believe its better not to put nonstick cookware in the dishwasher frequently as it tends to discolor. Ive experienced this, too. There are usually washing instructions that come with new pots. I rarely have room for pots & pans in the dishwasher but I will...


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How Do You Clean Tape Residue Off Windows?
Try rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, lighter fluid or even hair spray.


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Banks With No Minimum Balance?
I dont know which banks are in your area. Do you mean checking or savings accounts? You can research the various banks online or give them a call as MCW suggests. If you are over 50 many banks have special free senior accounts. If you have a direct deposit...


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Organizing Checkbook Register
I dont use a check register any longer, except for the very few checks I write each month. I save my receipts from any transaction and check those against my checking account online which I view every day or so. This shows you your account activity in real...


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Are Walmart Great Value Products As Good as Name Brands?
I use the WalMart brand of several items. I particularly like their grape jam (not jelly) which tastes just like Welchs. Ive been using their brand of powdered dishwasher detergent for years. It works well for me. I also use their brand of dryer softener sheets...


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Homemade Dish Detergent Recipe?
I dont know if you mean for washing dishes by hand at the sink, or for the dishwasher. For doing dishes by hand I used just about anything. I sometimes get liquid laundry detergent cheaply. The off brands are watery, so I use that. I prefer the colorless unscented...


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What Can I Make Out of Speaker Cabinets?
You could install shelves and use it to store paperback books, video games, cds or other small items that need to be organized.


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Inexpensive Repair for a Sweatshirt with a Shrunken Neck Opening?
Yes, the suggestion of a slit is the easiest solution as redhatterb has done. Id make it look like a modified V-neck. If you dont want the neckline so open you can sew in a piece of fabric to make it look like theres a tee shirt underneath.


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How Can I Repair the Worn Bottoms on My Trash Cans?
Good questions as my trash cans have holes in the bottom too. Never thought about repairing them. I suppose you could cut an old auto mat to fit inside and glue it in somehow.


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Can I Substitute Self Rising Flour for All Purpose in a Cake Recipe?
No! It is not the same thing. Self-rising flour has extra salt and baking powder and will throw off the recipe.


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Adding Clear Sachet Pellets from Walmart to Heat Therapy Rice Bags?
I was thinking the scented pellets might melt if heated in the microwwave. I wouldnt recommend it. Make your pillows without scent to be safe.


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Freezing Chicken Salad?
Ive never tried freezing salads containing mayonnaise. I dont know how it will look when its thawed as the mayo may separate and the celery may go soggy or mushy.


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What are Some Good Chuck Roast Recipes?
Cut it up into chunks and make beef stew out of it. Cook it with some bottled BBQ sauce until it falls apart and make BBQd beef sandwiches.


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Teriyaki Sauce
I appreciate the recipe, but it is easier (and cheaper) for me to purchase the teriyaki sauce. I never have dry mustard, sesame oil or molasses on hand.


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What Is Couponing?
I use the coupons that come with the Sunday papers as my husband likes to read 2 different papers. Lately I see very few worthwhile coupons. Most require you to purchase 2 items and I just want one. My household is small so I dont want to stockpile lots of...


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Making Cushions for a Kitchen Nook?
I was thinking to make them of pieces of foam sold in fabric/craft stores. They come in various lengths and thicknesses. Just sew square or rectangular fabric covers.


small orange tree

Replanting an Uprooted Tree?
Its probably possible but the tree must be uprighted and you will need the services of a professional to help as its too heavy to move on your own. Call a tree surgeon or arborist in your area and ask. If you can do it yourself, stake the tree to give it stability...


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