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2 Posts | 107 Comments | Active Since 2013
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A completed lemon-jello pound cake.

Lemon Jell-O Pound Cake
I remember this cake, delicious. Since it freezes well, I will be making it. Thank You!!!


Rehashing Frugal Living After a Death

Rehashing Frugal Living After a Death
First, my condolences on the loss of your husband. I pray for good health, and strength for you and your housemates. So thankful that each of you found one another, God Bless!!!


Mexican Street Corn Tacos

Mexican Street Corn Tacos
Does it matter if its flour or corn tortillas?


A box full of limes, lemons and oranges.

Using Up A Surplus of Food
What a great post, you did a wonderful job!! Cant wait to see the recipes!!


Frozen Yogurt Bark

Frozen Yogurt Bark
Wow, this sounds great, Thanks!!!


Chicken Thigh with zucchini on plate

Slow Cooker Garlic Lime Chicken Thighs
This sounds wonderful, I cant wait to make this. Thanks!!!


Easy Refrigerator Pickles

Easy Refrigerator Pickles
For 1 large cucumber, there is only 1 1/2 cup of water. Is this enough liquid to cover the cucumber?


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Fresh Frozen Seasoning
I agree, WOW, a great article, Thank You!!!


Robin's Nest

Robin's Nest
Even though some things may be interrupted, they are beautiful!!!


Ready Bacon Anytime - cooked bacon on a piece of parchment paper

Ready Bacon Anytime
WOW, Thank You!!!


Vendors selling flowers outside.

Market Flowers
Absolutely, I agree!!!


Easy Preserved Lemons in jar & bowl

Easy Preserved Lemons
Once the jar is full, and you cover the lemons with salt, you then add the water which has been boiled and then cooled as noted in the link?



Straw Handbag Planter - attractive garden shed with purse planter hanging on the door

Straw Handbag Planter
What a great idea, absolutely LOVELY!!!


Solar outdoor garden lights that have been brought inside to use as emergency lighting.

Solar Lights for Power Outages
A wonderful idea, very clever!!!



Tahini Salad Dressing
The statement other spices. What other spices are used, and how much of each? Thanks!!!


A cutting board full of very small garlic cloves.

Using Tiny Garlic Cloves
Hi Donna: Did you add any liquid to the crockpot?


A box of watermelon for sale with an arrow marking the one that was chosen.

Choosing Great Watermelon
All of this is great information, Thank You!!!


A black and white photo of a man in a suit.

Simple Memories of Simple Moments
Beautiful Story Mina, yes scent is very powerful. My father always wore Aramis, sometimes my husband will wear it, and it always brings back memories!!! Thanks!!!


Black Swallowtail Butterfly - butterfly on yellow flower

Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!!!


A black and white photo of a child holding a lollipop.

Theories for a Frugal Life
I have read this post several times, thanks so much for sharing!!


A green salad with fresh ingredients and purple flowers.

Thoughtful Thrift
Interesting, what is mystery stew and rock soup? Can you share the recipes?


A green salad with fresh ingredients and purple flowers.

Thoughtful Thrift
I really enjoyed your post. Can you provide the recipe for the salmon soup? Thanks!!!


Mexican Cabbage Soup in bowl

Mexican Cabbage Soup
This sounds delish, cant wait to make this, Thanks!!!



Shop Specifically For Plant Bargains - closeup of phlox flower

Shop Specifically For Plant Bargains
Beautiful, thanks for all the information!!!


Saffron Onion Chicken on lavash bread

Saffron Onion Chicken
Looks and sounds good, cant wait to try it. Thanks!!!


A clean freezer with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

Clean Fridge And Freezer Interior With Peroxide
Never thought of using peroxide, always used baking soda. Thanks for the great info!!!


Anything Goes
Chicken Dinner plate

Anything Goes Chicken Dinner
I havent done this with frozen meat, it sounds wonderful, cant wait to try it. Thanks!!!


A computer screen with a debt repayment calculator.

Struggling with my Small Budget
Congratulations and continue on, I pray that all will go well for you!!!


An organized freezer filled with plastic shoe boxes.

Freezer Organization with Shoe Boxes
Sandi, what a great idea!!!


Three different leftover cheese.

Using Up Leftovers from a Party
Thanks for all the ideas!!


An outdoor evergreen tree decorated for Christmas.

Didn't Have Much At Christmas
Beautiful Story, thanks for sharing!!!


An unpaved dirt road through pine trees.

Goodness Still Exists
Yes, goodness does still exist! Thanks for a beautiful story!!!


cookie on plate

Emergency Cookie for Two
Wow, this sounds really great, cant wait to make this. Thanks!!!


A bottle of Nestle Pure Life water.

What's in Your Bottled Water?
Thanks for the info!!!



A ferris wheel at Disneyworld.

Thrifty Regrets
No regrets, sounds like both you and your husband did a wonderful job!!!


Moth Hero - large tan moth

Moth Hero
Very nice of you!!!


An assortment of different prepackaged salads in a supermarket.

Food Inspiration at the Market
What a great idea!!!


Moroccan Chickenon plate with lemon wedges

Moroccan Chicken
Sounds Delish, cant wait to make it!!!


Deep Fried Shrimp on Baguette  Bread in pan

Deep Fried Shrimp on Baguette Bread
Question: You just simply lay the shrimp on the bread, and it stays on while it is being fried?


Robin Red Breast - robin in part sun

Robin Red Breast
Beautiful, one was on my lawn a few days ago!!!


A bathtub with a pole for gripping.

Bathtub Safety
I agree, besides being functional, it does look nice. Your husband did a great job!!!


Chicken, potato and broccoli on plate

Quick Mushroom Chicken Bake
I love mushrooms, will definitely make it!!!


A birdbath with concrete birds covered in snow.

Too Late to Fly South
Very Nice!!!


Fastening a Bracelet - using a paperclip to hold jump ring to fasten

Fastening a Bracelet
Wow, what a great idea, thanks!!!


Stovetop Cornbread for One

Stovetop Cornbread for One
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!


A plate of spinach and cheese appetizers.

Spinach and Cheese Appetizers
For the frozen appetizers, how long would you bake them, and at what temperature?


A plate of Chinese boneless spareribs

Chinese Boneless Spareribs
Jackie, this sounds great, cant wait to make these, Thanks!!!


tan and brown moth

A Garden Visitor


cucumber seeds in plastic bag

Saving Cucumber Seeds
Good information, Thanks!!!


serving of the casserole

Million Dollar Spaghetti
This looks and sounds great!!! Very easy to make, portion control is the key!!!


mint flowers

Mint in My Garden
Hi Timothy: I agree with Robyn, a grocery store or even a gardening center, because it is difficult to grow from seed. Just remember, to plant mint in pots, because it is very invasive. Other than that, enjoy!!!


Becoming More DIY

Becoming More DIY
Thanks for the recipes, I will definitely look for the two books. Great article!!!


Baked Sauerkraut and Tomatoes

Baked Sauerkraut and Tomatoes
I also have never seen this. I just recently bought some sauerkraut, cant wait to try this. Thanks!!!


My Fruit Prep for a week

My Fruit Prep for a Week
Do you leave the bags open while they are in the refrigerator?


Homemade Sandwich Dressing

Homemade Sandwich Dressing
This sounds delicious, cant wait to try it, Thanks!!!


Mexican Style Chicken and Rice

Mexican Style Chicken and Rice
This looks delicious; I will be making it shortly!!!


Mexican Style Chicken and Rice

Mexican Style Chicken and Rice
This sounds delish, cant wait to make it!!!


Growing Tomato Slices

Growing Tomato Slices
What a great idea, cant wait to try. Thanks!!!


Watching an Eagle Cam

Watching an Eagle Cam


Creamy Italian Turkey Wings

Creamy Italian Turkey Wings
This sounds great, cant wait to make it!!!


Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies
What an easy recipe, thanks!!!


Dealing with A Broken Shoulder

Dealing with A Broken Shoulder
Thanks for all the information, I am about to have rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder. Everything I have read is very informative and helpful!!!


Eat Leftovers And Be Grateful

Eat Leftovers And Be Grateful
Hi Doug...I agree, this post is terrific. I also love leftovers, thanks again!!!


Quick and Easy Garlic Rolls

Quick and Easy Garlic Rolls
Sounds great, I cant wait to make these, Thumbs Up!!!


Hot Vanilla Mix

Hot Vanilla Mix
Thanks Becky, I cant wait to make this. It sounds wonderful!!!


Easy Baked Rice Dish
I have made this rice dish, and it is delicious!!!


A bowl of popcorn.

Healthy Microwave Popcorn
Thank you so much for sharing this!!!


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"
I also agree that the pictures are great! Its wonderful that the two of you can work together.


Two Ingredient Chicken

Two Ingredient Chicken
I noticed you only use chicken legs, what about any other pieces of chicken?


bowl of Cuban black bean soup with rice

Cuban Black Bean Soup
Cant wait to try this, thanks for the recipe!


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Portabella Turkey Burgers
Just wanted to make sure this amount is correct, seems a lot - 2 cups of Dijon mustard?


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Italian Seasoning
Thank you, I have all of these seasonings!!!


Susan smiling on the ferry.

Happy Founder's Day
Thanks to your mother, and to each of you who continue to carry on ThriftyFun.


Three microwaved sweet potatoes.

Easy Microwave Sweet Potatoes
I usually bake them, thanks for much for this recipe. Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite vegetables!


Bowl of broccoli cheese soup.

Unexpected Broccoli Cheese Soup
This sounds good, I plan to try this!!!


Tzatziki Dip With Veggies and Pi

Very easy, and Im sure delicious, Thanks!!!


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Using Dried Garbanzo Beans?
Hi, a question regarding your post. At what temp do you bake them? Also, after you bake them, then add the seasoning, how and what do you serve them with? Thanks!!!


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Fresh Tomato Soup
Looks very easy and very good. I have an abundance of tomatoes from my garden, cant wait to try this. Thanks!!!


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Add Carrots to Mashed Potatoes
What a great idea Kim, thanks!!!


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Picnic Salad
This is easy, quick and sounds delicious, cant wait to try it!!!


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Arizona Mountain Soup
This sounds great, I cant wait to make it!


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Make Your Own Sausage Patties
I am interested in making this homemade sausage. How much of each spice (salt, pepper and sage) do you add to 20 lbs of meat? Please e-mail me at mccrayjac AT Thanks! Jackie M.


One Size Doesn't Always Fit All

One Size Doesn't Always Fit All
I really enjoyed your article, I totally agree with you!!!


A cornfield in Iowa

Lessons Learned From My Grandmother
Beautiful, how lucky you were!!!


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Use Onion Soup Mix for Seasoning
I havent made or had this in a long time, it brings back memories. It will definitely be made soon, Thank You!!!


My Frugal Life: Oddball Of The Family
Congratulations Tawnya on paying down your debt. Keep up the good work!!!


Peach Coffee Cake on plate

Prize Winning Peach Coffee Cake
Thanks for the recipe, cant wait to make this!!!


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5 Minute Mini Cinnamon Rolls
Thanks for a great idea!!!


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Baked Chicken Thighs
Hi Deeli, This sound delicious, cant wait to try it!


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Baked Hamburgers
Robin: Should the pan be covered? Thanks!!!


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Garlic Spread
Wow, what a great recipe!! Thanks!!!


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Marinated Oven-Baked Chicken
Which vinegar did you use, white or apple cider?


Seed Starts by Window Indoors

4 Steps To Figuring Out When To Start Seeds...
Thanks Ellen, this is valuable information!!!


ThriftyFun Website 2001

ThriftyFun Through the Years
Honestly, I cant remember how I found ThriftyFun. But I am so glad, in some many ways that I did. What a wealth of information!!! It ranks Number ONE in my book!!!


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Leftover Mashed Potato Soup
Thank you so much, sometimes I have left over mashed potatoes, and need some ideas. This sounds delish!!!


Scattering of dried pinto beans with red peppers and cilantro. Cooking Dried Beans

Going Back to My Mama's Ways
I just want to say that I have enjoyed each and every article. Thanks!


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Garden Vinaigrette
How much honey? Your recipe says to add honey, but how much is not stated. Thanks! (b)Editors Note:(/b) 1 tablespoon Honey. It has been added to the recipe. Thanks for your help with this.


Reusing Broken Terra Cotta Planters

Reusing Broken Terra Cotta Planters
Wow, what a great idea! Thanks!


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Broccoli Pasta Toss
Now, this looks easy and sounds good!!!


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