
Nan Corpe

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7 Posts | 287 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Dog Won't Go Outside at Night?
I have a dog that wont go out unless I go with her, so that solved the problem. I just go with her. Maybe that will solve your problem.


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Life Without a Garbage Disposal?
I have never had a garbage disposal and my kids are grown now. I always keep lemon daisies in my drain to catch bits that shouldnt go down the drain, then I throw them into the trash. I guess I usually live in homes with a septic system. I always put a small...


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What Could Cause a Phone to Ring Once Every Night?
Unless you live alone, its probably meant for someone in your home.


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Dander Reducing Shampoo Recipe?
Try Neem Pet Shampoo. I was told about it on this site and I tried it for a skin problem on my dog. It cleared up with the first bath. I think it would work miracles to reduce your pets dander also. I highly recommend it. You can buy it at health food stores...


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Cook Up Poultry Giblets for Pets
I love em. I guess I would give my pets the liver.


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Cut Roses Not Opening?
I think I can tell you exactly why your roses dont open. Many florists keep them refrigerated so that they dont open in the shop (No one buys roses that are already open). If they have been refrigerated TOO long, they never open at all when you get them. You...


Paint Colors for Kitchen With Blonde Maple Cabinets

Paint Colors for Kitchen with Blonde Maple Cabinets?
You might be on the money with the gold tones. I heard yellow is the big decorating color for china, etc. these days. Maybe you could take the photo to the paint store and ask a knowledgeable person.


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2 Year Old Toddler Keeps Biting Himself?
Theres something going on thats causing him to do this. Talk to his MD ASAP. It could be something at home, at daycare, etc. Meanwhile, Ill ask my daughter whose a professional in this area.


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Preventing Lizards from Getting in House?
I have little lizards in my house from time to time in Florida, but I feel they keep bugs away. I believe my cat keeps too many lizards from coming inside. Maybe you could get a cat. Cats make nice pets and they are great at chasing little critters.


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Homemade Tomato Soup is Too Sweet?
Be sure youre not using canned tomatoes with added sugar.


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Removing a Piece of Glass From Under the Skin?
If its deep, go to the doctor or emergency room. Better to be safe than sorry.


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What Can I Use to Get Rid of Ants?
I keep getting them in my bathroom and Terro works right away. They will come back after a while, and you will need to use it again.



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Watch For Conflicting Medical Information
So did he get rid of the crazy nurse? I hope so. If not, hes got a problem. I worked for a psychiatrist, and we hired a nut like her. She lasted one day, and that was too long.


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Adding Leftovers to Jarred Spaghetti Sauce?
Its so easy to make spaghetti sauce from scratch. I just get a couple cans of crushed tomatoes, add a few cans of tomato paste and plenty of water. I let is simmer slowly, add 5-6 whole garlic cloves, Italian spices, S&P, and let it simmet until its cooked...


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Adding Leftovers to Jarred Spaghetti Sauce?
My family also loves macaroni (any kind) with broccoli, olive oil, garlic, S&P.


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Making Pecan Pie With Butter Instead of Margarine?
You must have let the butter turn to liquid instead of just get soft. That must be what happened. Your butter must have turned to oil and foam. Normally softened butter is always better than oleo in all recipes. Oleo (margarine) contains water.


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Sour Cream Noodle Bake
You left out the cream cheese.


Red cabbage with apples.

A German-American Thanksgiving
My mother made those German dishes, and I still make them. My kids love chicken and German dumplings my mother made (not the pasta type). I still love pickled cucumbers.


A mama squirrel looking for some food.

Hungry Mama Squirrel
This looks more like Grandma squirrel. So Cute! I had a momma and baby that banged on my door every day so I would feed them. I guess they are gone now. Havent seen them in quite a while. Maybe since the neighbor moved in with her 4 kitties.


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Orange Glo Left Laminate Floor Streaky?
Just get a steam cleaner. Shark has a sweep and steam cleaner now. They arent expensive and they work. I have oak floors and they get cleaned with nothing but steam. It even kills germs.


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Collection Agencies Calling on Old Settled Bills?
Tell them all to contact the laywer and let him explain it.


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Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas?
When you give the teachers gifts, please remember the School Counselor and maybe the School Nurse if she is there full-time. They always seem to be left out.


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Problems With Sprint Cell Phone Service?
Report them to the Public Service Commission.



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Fixing Over Spiced Spaghetti Sauce
I would add a can of tomato sauce, size depending on how much extra spice you added. If the spices is extremely strong, add a can of tomato paste and keep adding water until you get the desired flavor. Its not a difficult fix. Good learning experience. Remember...


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Jiffy Corn Muffins Too Crumbly?
Add an egg. That should do the trick.


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Removing Streaks On Hardwood Floors?
If you have black streaks from shoes, baking soda works to clean them off.


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Meatloaf Mice
This sounds really cute for kids. Also might get them to eat the carrots. Maybe sometimes you could use green pepper, or whatever else they dont care to eat for the ears, etc. I made pancakes with ears, etc. for my kids and they loved it.


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Thrifty Disney World Vacation?
Dont wait until the park closes to leave. Go about an hour before closing to avoid the hassle of waiting in line for a ride out of the park. This applies to whatever park youre leaving from.


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Dealing With Someone With a BiPolar Disorder?
How do you know he has Bi-Polar if hes not diagnosed? It takes a Psychiatrist to diagnose Bi-Polar. Its mis-diagnosed often. Youre enabling his behavior by giving him money when he spend his on wants instead of needs. If theres a way to put your foot down and...


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Home Safety Tips
I always have at least one German Shepherd. Right now, I have a German Shepherd and 2 other dogs.


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Adding Fruit to Corn Muffins?
You could add fresh corn kernels or any dried fruit, such as blueberries, cherries, etc. I always make corn muffins with fresh corn kernels. They are great.


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Chili is Too Hot?
Add another can of tomatoes with juice and another can of beans. That should do it.


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Difficulties Getting Teen Up and Ready for School?
It doesnt help that your husband doesnt ally with you, but nullifies your authority with the boy. I would insist my husband help to change the boys behavior, or let him be the one getting up in the morning, and mean it.


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Calculating Child Support?
Dont get married until you talk to a lawyer about the child support issue and you know all the facts. Then decide how you wish to handle the situation. There is no way the father shouldnt pay child support, but Im not sure if all the states make the new spouse...


An old cemetery gate.

Old Cemetery Gate (Colorado)
It would be nice if it was tended better. Sometimes, a group of volunteers get together to improve a cemetery with plants, flowers, etc.



Vinegar Soap Mixture For Gnats

Vinegar Soap Mixture For Gnats
I found out quite by accident that flea spray works to get rid of gnats.


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Can the Child Support Office Freeze a Checking Account?
If child support is owed, they will freeze assets until its caught up.


An Afternoon Together
Nice picture to treasure. So sorry for your loss. Its hard to lose a parent. God Bless You and Yours.


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Feces Stains on Underwear?
As with blood stains, feces stains need to be washed as soon as possible with cold water and detergent. If allowed to set, or if washed with hot water the stains will set and be harder to get out. I would do this by hand, and rub briskly. This will usually...


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Removing Pet Odor from Carpet?
You will need to clean your carpets frequently with a mixture of cold water, white vinegar, and a few drops detergent. The vinegar will greatly help to remove odors. Cold water will help to remove stains, whereas hot water sets stains. Too much detergent draws...


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Cleaning a Smooth Top Stove?
I have the same stove. Its a ceramic stove top. It will stain each time you use it, but it is not burn marks. Do not scrape it. Try a Mr. Clean eraser which works quite well, and also a scotch brite scrubber for stubborn stains. There is also a cleaner for...


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Responding to a Dance Invitation?
If you like him, tell him yes.


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Candle Wax off the Wall?
Try a hair dryer and be sure to catch it as it melts so it doesnt drip further on the wall.


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Paint Color Ideas to Brighten Kitchen?
I painted my kitchen Halo Yellow which is a very pale yellow, and it is beautiful. It is like a creamy whitish-yellow. It will brighten your kitchen as well. I wish I could remember the brand, but I know it was a common brand, Behr, etc.


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What is Cool Whip?
Cool Whip is a artificial whipped cream that will hold up in a recipe. It is made from hydrogenated vegetable oil (coconut and palm kernel oils), sweeteners, flavoring, and preservatives. It tastes very good. I prefer to use heavy cream, but if you are making...


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Caring for an Aging Parent?
Somehow, your mother must be seen by a doctor. You must have an agency in your town that can advise you on elderly matters. Some older people dont want to go to the doctor, but they need care, and we have to get it for them any way we can. If your mother is...


Chocolate Mug Cake

5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake
I love this idea. Ill use it for the holidays. Lots of little gifts needed. Theyll love this at school (or anywhere). Thanks


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Getting Rid of a Musty Smell Under the House?
I hope you get a better answer, but at least I can tell you that it sounds like moisture is forming under the house, and perhaps forming mold. Since mold can be dangerous, you need a way to let water escape from under the house rather than being trapped under...


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Troubleshooting the Cause of My Large Electric Bill?
You didnt give a location. If you live in the south, it could be ceiling fans, pool pump, etc. running all the time.


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Tips for Dusting?
I buy the store brand baby wipes at wholesale clubs. If they dry out, just add a little water. I clean a lot of things with those wipes, and I dont have a baby. You can even use them on your body.


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How Do I End a One Way Friendship Tactfully?
You must have encouraged this friendship in the past, so she might feel you actually care about her and her baby. Its tough being a single mother, and I wouldnt recommend it. I wouldnt hurt her feelings, but I would probably ignore (forget) the birthdays, etc...


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Fleas in My Hair!
If you have an animal, the fleas will prefer to live on him. Are you sure they are fleas? If your animal has fleas, treat him with a remedy from the vet. Nothing else works. Trust me! I have 3 dogs, and they are treated every month with Comfortis. You can also...


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Debit Card Number Stolen While Shopping on a Secure Site?
You didnt say what security you have or what the site was, but some security isnt any good, and some sites are not secure. I do a lot of shopping online, but I use a particular credit card with maximum of $500.


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Substitute for Cream Cheese in Cheesecake?
I couldnt survive without cream cheese. I dont believe you can make cheese cake without cream cheese. Pudding is pudding. You would have to eat it with a spoon. I even buy fat free cream cheese and make cheese cake from it. They are simple to make. Just a few...


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Something is Biting Me in My Apartment?
Youre definitely infested with something, probably bedbugs, fleas or lice.


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Concerns Over the Prep for a Colonoscopy?
The anticipation is much worse than the actual colonoscopy. If you have bowel problems, this is the best way to find out how to fix them. Everyone needs to have one.


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Why Do Potatoes Turn Black After Cooking?
When you remove the peel, the air turns the potato black. Place them in cold water after peeling. Adding some salt helps also. Other foods also turn black when peeled, such as apples, etc. Lemon juice or salt also prevents discoloration.


Wildlife: Vulture
You realize there must be something nearly dead, or decaying when you see a vulture nearby. Maybe a dead rat or squirrel, etc. depending on where you live.


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House Plants Get Covered in Sticky Webs?
Sometimes I just take a plant outside and spray it with Raid Ant & Roach spray which I always have in the house since I live in FL. For my fruit trees, I use insecticidal soap.


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Pasta Salad is Too Dry?
Use a dressing with olive oil as an ingredient or add a little olive oil to your dressing. That should solve your problem. Pasta doesnt absorb oil, but it does absorb water.


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Power Lines in Front of a Window?
It is more than likely a code violation to have electrical wires hanging in front of a window. If its your house, you might be responsible for having them moved, or else the power company is responsible. Im not sure, but it is a legitimate concern for your...


My Frugal Life: Trial And Error
Thanks for all the ideas. You can try yogurt for you GSD with yeast problems. I go to a dog park every day, and many owners there say they feed their dogs yogurt to prevent yeast infections, ear infections, etc. It wont hurt the dog, and if it helps, its worth...


My Frugal Life: Car Free
You could try contacting your local County Commisioners in your part of Florida, and request public transportation. We didnt have it in our part of Florida, but now we have buses and bus stops, and its very helpful for kids who ride buses to school and others...


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Dead Heading Roses?
You can deadhead after each rose dies, but be sure you cut just in front of the nodule before a 5-point leaf.


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Tiny Brown Flying Insects?
It sounds like fruit flies, but I never heard of them doing this. Do you have fruit trees? We have sand fleas or gnats in FL that get through the screen, and Raid Flea Spray kills them efficiently.


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Overly Timid Dog?
Just give her time to adjust, and dont traumatize her more by forcing her to be around people, especially men, until she develops a little more confidence. She might have had a bad experience to overcome, and these things take time and TLC.


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When Do Hibiscus Bloom?
I believe hibiscus is a flower that grows in southern U.S. They grow here in FL. You might want to do a computer search.


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Replacement Parts for a Stove Top Percolator?
Sometimes you can find them at thrift stores. You can try writing the company that made it. They might have replacement parts. Good luck. My friend volunteers at a thrift shop. If you want to send me your e-mail address, I can let you know if she comes across...


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Using Warm Compresses on Dog's Swollen Eye?
The warm compresses shouldnt hurt the dog providing they are just warm, not hot, especially is there is swelling. They probably feel good to her. She definitely needs to see the vet. Sounds like she is a brave little trooper. I hope the vet can fix her eye...


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Small Brown Bugs With a White Hair on Front and Back?
Whatever it is, you must need to pay an exterminator to get rid of them. They could be some from of lice.


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Dealing With Loneliness After the Death of a Parent?
Its so sad to lose a loved one and be left alone, but one day you will be able to speak of your father with a smile. I know this from experience. Try to remember what a blessing it was to have him. Dont dwell on your aloneness. Be sure to do things to keep...


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Refinishing the Outside of a Cinder Block House?
Cant you use primer and then a stucco-like paint? I know they use a paint like this in FL and it looks pretty good. Hides the concrete blocks and provides some insulation. I dont know the name of it, but you can check with a home improvement store or a DIY...


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Buying Laxman Rekha for Lizards?
I never heard of it. Be careful you dont kill other creatures. Why do you want to kill lizards? They are our friends in FL. They eat bugs and dont hurt anyone. In addition, they are such nice little animals, unless you get up to the alligator size. Even then...


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Selling Homemade Skin Care Products?
Im fairly certain your products have to be approved before you can sell them. Im not sure what agency that is, but you can google it. Good luck!


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Why are the Buckles and Handles on Coach Purse Turning Red?
I wouldnt say its not real for sure, but I have never had that problem with any Coach products. I use Coach dog collars which really take a beating at the dog park and I have Coach bags. Maybe you can polish the brass to remove the red.


Skinks in a plastic box.

Redheaded Lizards (Broad-Headed Skinks)
I live in central FL and I havent seen this color lizard yet. Some lizards can make pets very sick. Im not sure if this is one of them. Cats and dogs will eat them sometimes. I have seen my cat with a lizard in her mouth. She stays on my front porch, but there...


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Discouraging Cats from Catching Mice?
Thats so cute! But Im glad my cat hasnt brought a mouse inside yet. However, living in Florida, I do find lizard corpses from time to time, so I think she brings lizards in. This is like cat heaven. So many critters to chase. I try to make her leave the little...


Red tablecloths over soil.

Speed Up Tomato Growth with Tablecloths
Why red plastic? Im curious also.


What is This Fruit and How Do I Prepare It?
I have a mango tree, and they look like mangoes. Mangoes, if they are ripe, are sweet, juicy, and delicious. Maybe you got one that wasnt ripe or maybe its something that just looks like a mango.


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Keeping a Tan Longer Using Olive Oil?
Your tan is bound to fade as your skin rids itself of the dead cells. The only way to keep a tan is to keep going in the sun to keep renewing it. Theres a serious risk of skin cancer when one gets a tan, so maybe a fake tan is better. This is what most of the...


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Hibiscus Damaged By Cold Weather?
We leave things as they are until we see new growth. After a reasonable time, if theres no new growth, we cut it down. If there is new growth, we trim off the dead stuff.


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Making Your Eyeglasses Scratch Resistant?
I always pay extra for scratch resistant lenses, but they get scratched anyhow even with good care. Sometimes I wonder how one can tell if we are getting ripped off when we pay for this. Is there a way to tell? I dont know how to tell if I have all the extra...


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Will Washing Dishes in Bleach Harm the Finish?
I use a capfull to a sinkfull of dish water.


Family: Robin's First Grandchild
Congratulation! Trey is a beautiful boy.


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Advice For Reading Small Print
I think you might be overdue for a visit to your eye doctor. A new pair of prescription glasses might do the trick.


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Product Review: Zenni Optical
How do you know what size lenses, etc. to get since all people dont wear the exact same size? I would like to try Zenni, but this question holds me back. The optician fits the glasses to your face, etc. when you buy them locally. How do you get around that...


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Cosmetics at Yard Sales and Thrift Shops
I would advise against buying cosmetics at yard sales and thrift shops unless they are brand new and sealed (never opened).


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Leave Printer Off Until Needed
I do what Janiebean (above) does. I rarely print anything unless I have to. I have a file named receipts and after I email the payment information to myself, I file it in the receipt file.


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Use Paragraphs When Writing Online
Paragraphs should be used whenever the thought or subject changes.


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Spouse Won't Sign Divorce Papers?
Maybe its a good thing he wont sign. People should think long and hard before ending a marriage. Its not a casual thing to do. It can utterly destroy children, and they must come first. They didnt ask to be born. Theres too much me, me, me! going on and people...


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Cheap fun in Orlando?
Good luck with that! If you live in Orlando, you know the theme parks are expensive. However, there are so many nature-oriented things to do in Florida; beaches, nature preserves with trails, parks for picnics, etc. The theme parks often have special discounts...


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Reviews of AAA Auto Club?
I have used AAA for many years, and I can give them a A+ rating. They come when you need them. They wait isnt usually long at all unless there is a weather issue. My whole family belongs.


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Problems With Other Tenants?
Look up your government landlord-tenant rules. You might have grounds to break your lease. And isnt pot smoking a crime in Canada?


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Reviews of AAA Auto Club?
I recommend AAA very highly. Isnt $65 for AAA+ coverage? It seems regular yearly coverage would be around $45, but I could be mistaken. They come when you call them, they will tow your car, start your car, etc., and they come usually within 1/2 hour or less...


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Use A Net Bag For Clothes Pins
Good idea, and it keeps unwanted visitors out.


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Using Cloth Diapers With Rubber Pants?
When I had my baby boy, I used cloth diapers and rubber pants. I put him to bed like this which was a mistake, as his circumcision became infected. The doctor treated him and advised that I let him sleep in double diapers and no rubber pants for a while at...


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Condensation on Walls and Windows in Mobile Home?
You should check to see if she is heating the trailer safely. Perhaps the gas heater needs to be vented to the outside. Best to be safe.


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Candle Wick Very Thin and Flame Struggling?
You figured it out yourself. Cheap, thin wick. Always look for nice thick wick. I learned my lesson after throwing away candles with thin wicks that refused to burn. Now I use battery candles. Much safer, especially with pets. If you use wax candles, be sure...


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Reviews of "The Total Transformation" Behavior Therapy?
I am retired now, and my daughter is also a Counselor (elementary school), plus she is a Behavior Analyst. There are many books written that are not useful. Most importantly, what is the authors credentials. She should at least have an M.S. or Ph.D. Behavior...


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Unable to Work Due to a Car Accident?
This is a question you should be asking a lawyer. And you should ask him right away. These things have time limits, and if you wait too long you may be sorry. He shouldnt charge you unless he wins your case. He also should be able to recommend a doctor to help...


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Financial Liability for an Auto Accident?
If a person doesnt have insurance, they almost always regret it. Its a necessary expense. As far as uninsured motorist insurance goes, everyone doesnt carry it as it adds to the premium.


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Can Skin Oil From Dog Paws Fade a Leather Couch?
That repairman is just playing CYA in case you have problems with your furniture. He sounds dishonest.


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Buying a Stand Electric Mixer?
Base it on how much you plan to use it. Kitchen Aid makes several mixers. Of course, the most expensive is the best and it does everything. Cuisinart is another good brand, and there are others. Look them up in Consumers guide and see what they are rated lately...


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Stop Drinking Soda
I wonder how many colas you were drinking. I have a coke every day with lunch, but just that one a day because I know how bad it is for a person. Kids should never have sodas of any kind. They need to have juice or water.


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Product Review: NutriSystem
A relaltive was an area counseling manager for Nutrisystem back when they had meetings for dieters. They closed these places and now just sell food. I have a problem with anything that has so many chemical additives. Better to just to eat sensibly, get enough...


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Reducing the Cost of Orthodontia?
When my daughter was a little girl, I took her to an orthodontist to see if she needed braces because she had a tooth that was growing too high on her gums. He said Yes, she needs $thousands worth of braces. Just to be sure, I took her to her regular dentist...


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Using It All - Lemons?
I have a lemon tree and I do everything with the lemons. One thing you can do is make a great house spice called gremolata. It is made from salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried parsley and dried lemon rind. This is good on everything, meat, fish, vegs. The only...


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Aloe Vera Gel for Minor Burns
Take advice from a Floridian. The very best thing for painful, red sunburn is to open Vitamin E capsules and very gently pat the Vitamin E on the burn. It makes the pain go away instantly and it also helps lubricate the skin and keep it from cracking. I found...


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Saying "No" to Someone Who Asked You Out?
Just say you really appreciate the offer, but no thank you. If hes an adult and hes being bullied, hes got more problems than you need. If hes a child or teen, he needs to talk to a school counselor or his church pastor, etc. Dont start something you dont intend...


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Keeping a Dog from Being Lonely?
Youre supposed to be your dogs companion. Isnt that why you got a dog? I hope the dog isnt tied up outside all the time. Even a huge dog doesnt take up much room in a house. Just enough room to lie down in. If hes housebroken, the only thing you need to do...


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Buying a Shepherd Husky Mix?
Its not a mutt anymore. Its now considered a designer dog. You will probably have a difficult time finding one. It hard to say what the cost would be. Its always wise to check your local shelters or rescues. You might find a dog that is mostly shepherd and...


Cat with Urinary Tract Infection?
Thats a pretty old cat. Poor old guy. I had frequent UTIs and they were torture until I got to the right MD. I start out with every new cat giving them dry food with urinary tract protection in it. There are several brands you can get. If youre not using it...


Black puppy with Lab like ears and white feet.

What Breed is My Puppy?
I think shes part lab and part really cute dog. Its probably too soon to tell. Please ask the vet. He will know.


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Making Sure Pet's Shots are Up to Date?
Take her to a vet. He will know what to do. If you have had her for three years, shes overdue for protection for dangerous diseases. Florida requires yearly license and rabies vaccine. You can get a 3 year rabies vaccine in some cases, but the license is a...


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Treating a Cut on Dog's Ear?
I understand wounds on the ears bleed more, sometimes excessively, and are more difficult to heal. Why dont you want to take him to the vet? If he was injured by another dog, there could be other injuries.


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Young Child Raised By Grandmother Now Lives With Mom?
Your daughter is not helping the child to make the transition. She is jealous of her childs feeling for you which are not sick. She is naturally more attached to you since you raised her from birth as a favor to her mother. You should speak to someone confidentially...


Zoey (Siberian Husky)

Zoey (Siberian Husky)
She is a lovely girl. Your cat seems to like her very much. Pets are such a joy. I have q white husky and she is a sweetgirl. She loves the dog park. She goes every day and she knows when its time to go.


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New Puppy Not Eating Enough?
Of course you have taken the puppy to the vet. What did he say about his age and his appetite? If you havent taken him yet, you should do so right away. If you dont care enough to take him or if you cannot afford to take him, perhaps you should take him back...


Closeup of Keesha.

In Memory Of Keesha (Keeshound/Shepherd Mix)
We had a dog that was Shepherd/Keeshond mix who looked just like yours except she was more blonde. She was a big girl like a shepherd and so sweet. Her favorite thing was chasing a ball and going to the park. We have lost dogs from old age, but losing her was...


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Product Review: Dryer Balls
I liked these, but my dogs kept getting hold of them and I kept having to clean them over and over before I could use them again. Finally they disappeared. While I used them, they worked.


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Newly Adopted Dogs Urinating in House?
I have several dogs and even as puppies they never peed in the house. It might be because I have a doggy door. When a new puppy comes in it sees the bigger dogs go out the dog door and it just seems to follow and does its job outside. Are you in the climate...


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Weaning a Breastfed Baby ?
Good grief? Is this your own baby? If so, you should be asking your doctor this question. Dont take advice about your baby from anyone but your doctor or your babys doctor. We are strangers to you.


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Dog Has a Gas Problem?
Your dog sounds like he has a digestion problem. You should ask the vet about this. You didnt say how old the dog is. Some dogs, like Bulldogs and Boston Terriers, normally pass a lot of gas because of the way they breathe, but I havent heard of labs having...


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