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Peanut Butter Fudge Not Hardening?
Roll it into balls, refrigerate until cold, and dip in melted chocolate. YUM


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Adult Daughter Does Not Give Mother Gifts?
I had the same problem with my parents, believe it or not. They always gave my older brother and his two kids lots of money and expensive gifts - they said that he needed them. They gave my younger sister and her kids nice gifts too - after all, shes their...


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Plucking Facial Hair Results in Black Spots?
I believe that it is just part of the hair root that remains after the hair has been plucked from the follicle. A gentle squeeze will release it from the follicle--just make sure your hands are clean. You will also notice them again when a new hair begins to...


Money as a gift

Fiscally Responsible Parenting
Mine always got money for birthdays or Christmas, when he had many other presents. I always put it aside in his bank account. He never missed it. When he was older, he bought his first used car with that money (he had a job from the time he was 12 years old...


A rug sitting on a wood floor.

Keeping Rugs From Slipping
Try craft stores. When I used to make hooked rugs, there was a spray-on type backing used for non-slip rugs. Just be sure to use it over a large sheet of paper, cardboard, etc, cause it wont come off of any surface that it accidently gets sprayed on.


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Dog Is Frightened Of Boyfriend?
The behavior will fix itself if you take care of the problem. Ditch the boyfriend. Dont close your eyes to the real problem (BF), or youll regret it in the end. Anyone who choses to stand by after suspecting a pet has been abused and doesnt acknowledge or deal...


Substituting Marshmallows for Marshmallow Cream

Substituting Marshmallows for Marshmallow Cream?
Ditto what everyone else says! Ive gone through all the trouble of counting and measuring and weighing, and finally figured out that it doesnt matter. You dont have to be precise. The only problem Ive ever run into, is that marshmallows are coated in powder...


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Does Borax Cause Dark Colored Clothing to Fade?
Borax is a laundry whitener. It is one of the ingredients in homemade laundry detergent/soap, which I have used for years. None of my colored clothing have faded more than when I used store bought detergent.


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Side Dishes for Baked Chicken at Wedding?
Sea shells with marinara sauce, tossed salad, rolls with butter pats, and a side veggie. YUM.


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Adding Color To White Paint?
Ive used acrylics to tint water-based paint too. Ive used those small bottles of paint for models to tint oil-based paint.


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Keeping Buttons from Falling Off Leather Coat?
Either use dental floss (you can color it with a permanent marker) or buy a spool of buttonhole twist--a heavy duty thread. Place a wooden matchstick or round toothpick under the button to allow a shank of thread. After sewing the button on, pull the matchstick...


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Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?
I must agree with the others, I do not believe that she meant to hurt your feelings, but was trying to live up to her idea of a good parent. Try to not let it color your feelings or it may jeopardize your relationship with your son and grandchild. With that...



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Using Self Stick Vinyl Floor Tiles on a Shower Wall?
No! There is nothing that seals the cracks between the tiles. Water would get in and the tiles would be damaged. But before they would fall apart, theyd get full of mold. This would be more trouble than it would be worth. A tub surround kit would work much...


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Kilz Primer is Very Watery?
Have you contacted the company?


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Does The Power Rider Provide Effective Exercise?
The problem with these, is that when they came out, they were such a big thing that several companies made them. Some of the same type were marketed under different names, and others worked on the same principle, but were very different. Some were much more...


My Cat is Clawing at Her Mouth?
What an adorable kitten! I really have no idea of what is causing her to do this. Do you think that at 6 weeks, she might just be too young/immature and the sensation of it bothers her? Usually at this age, their mothers still lick them to help clean them up...


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Where can I buy ZOTE soap?
We have a high latino population, and all of our stores carry it; Price cutter, save-a-lot, dollar general, even our walmart (which may be your best bet).


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Paint Color for a Kid With ADHD?
Cool colors are the most calming. Stick with any cool blue, green, violet, or in-between shades. Id be careful to use a medium to light hue, since the darker versions are bolder and more energetic, which is contrary to what you are looking for.


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Dryness Around My Eyes?
Is the dryness around the inside or outside of your eyes? Mine get dry around the insidee, and yes, it is allergies. Ive even tried plugs put into my tear ducts numerous times, which didnt work too well. My body expelled them--it was really strange. My doctor...


Kitchen towel with crochet top.

Crochet Kitchen Towel
You have given us so many great crafty things to help us out around the house. We appreciate them all-Thank you!


Washable Wiping Squares

Make Wiping Squares to Save on TP
I cannot believe all the criticism this has brought on--people thinking this is disgusting, unsanitary, etc. Toilet paper and especially cloth diapers are relatively newer inventions in history; people lived for eons without them. Yes, they are convenient, but...


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Creating an Office Fund?
My husband worked at a large business with over 800 employees. They had a friendship fund. Whoever joined got $2.00 held out of their paycheck weekly that went into a general fund. When members had a baby, a death, an accident, etc, they got a check for a SET...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Tree Ornaments Have Black Spots?
Im sure that you are talking about glass ornaments in which the paint is sprayed on the inside. Storing the ornaments in a place that has temperature fluctuations causes this. Sometimes the paint inside cracks. Unfortunately, most basements, attics, sheds, or...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Ideas for Using Stand from a Bird Bath?
I had this happen to two of my birdbaths, both of which were concrete. We had no place that sold replacement bowls. One was a small, low birdbath; I bought a terracotta plant saucer to put on top. In the center, I put a large smooth river rock to both hold...



Santa jars

Baby Food Jar Santa Candy Jar
I just wanted to tell you how much Ive enjoyed the craft patterns that youve shared with us. Thank You!


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Prevent Bitter Tea
If using green tea, you want it to be a little bitter. The ingredients causing the bitterness are the cancer fighting ingredients in the tea. A little honey will usually quell the bitterness.


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Tomato Plant Stems Being Eaten?
If the leaves were eaten off and the stem is still intact and planted, it will grow again--tomato plants are very sturdy. If the stem was totally severed at or below ground level but the plant top is lying on the ground, just replant the top. Keep it watered...


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Difference Between Honey Bees and Carpenter Bees?
I just want to make a remark about carpenter bees not/rarely stinging. A few years ago, I was weeding my flower beds when I heard a single buzz go by. A moment later, I was attacked by a swarm of carpenter bees. I was not near a nest and did nothing to provoke...


closeup of bracket

Bracket for a Roman Shade?
From the looks of this bracket, I would try replacement parts from a window treatment company, like Graber. They were probably sold with purchased window treatments and may be available for purchase as hardware replacements. They possibly are more expensive...


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Cause of Tiny Holes in T-shirts?
My son and his wife had this problem too. They figured out that they were washing tops with a few that had zippers (which they had left open - unzipped - when washed). Once rectified, the problem ceased.


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Cat Litter Toilet Clog?
Never flush cat litter down the toilet, not even flushable litter. Never put anything but toilet paper down the toilet (not even flushable wipes). It will save lots of problems and some big plumbers bills. Id call a plumber as soon as possible. The problem...


Boxes of potatoes bought on sale.

Use Calculator to Get the Best Price
Tracking the prices in a notebook is what is known as keeping a price book. I kept one for years. In the back, I kept clothing and shoe sizes, sizes of furnace filters, types of water filters, window and table sizes, etc. It was the first thing I grabbed when...


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Getting Rid of Fleas in Human Hair?
Just take a bath and shampoo your hair really well. The soap will kill the fleas. Unfortunately, the next time you visit your friends house, new fleas will jump on you again unless they take care of the problem. Ann was right about what needs to be done. Unfortunately...


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Fleas in Human Hair?
Fleas can live on your scalp and lay eggs there, and you would be the host. Washing your hair with shampoo would drown them and rinse the eggs down the drain. It wouldnt however stop new fleas from jumping on you and moving to your scalp again. Once fleas are...


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Grape Jelly Not Setting?
Making jelly can be tricky; you have to follow directions exactly, you cant double most recipes, and the fruit must be ripe. Old pectin will not allow the jelly to set properly either. I just keep making it -practice makes perfect. When mine doesnt set, I often...


Save Over 15 Days of Time

Save Over 15 Days of Time
I agree that FB is a big time waster, but rather than hear about what you plan on doing, I would much rather hear about what you did after the year is over.



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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Social security doesnt care that she is an only grandchild. She could only draw from her grandmother, if her grandmother was her legal guardian with full custody.


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
If you were legally adopted, your biological mother signed away her legal rights to you, and you lost your rights to her benefits. Should your adoptive parents die, and both the deceased parent and yourself meet the qualifications, you would be able to get...


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Uses of Diatomaceous Earth for the Human body.
Any fiber helps in cleaning the colon. Diatomaceous earth will kill any parasites present.


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Hanging Pictures on Plaster Walls?
You cant. Nailing or screwing anything in the plaster will make a hole - period. Since you are renting, you will have to abide by the landlords rules. Poster putty will come off, but it will only hold paper, nothing heavy. There are some special hooks that...


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
No. The system was set up to help surviving spouses and children only. If he wanted you to receive something, hed have left you as his beneficiary on his life insurance policy.


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Using Food Grade DE for Cockroaches?
We had a water leak under our kitchen sink and got German cockroaches -the first time wed ever had a roach problem. I used borax-sugar for about three weeks with no benefit. DE took care of the problem within 3 days. I put it down and left it down for about...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Rid of Possums in the Yard?
Possums have extremely bad eye sight, which is why some act aggressively. I used to work at animal services/control, and was told that it was extremely rare for them to have rabies- cats and dogs get rabies far more often than possums. Check your city codes...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Receiving Survivor Benefits?
Was your mom able to work long enough and pay enough into the system for benefits to even be available? Either call you local SS office or get on SS website to get answers to you questions, or find out what you need to get together in order to file. You are...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Killing Weeds Around Hosta and Azaleas?
Why a thin layer of mulch? Mulch should be at least 3-4 inches deep to block weeds. As it decays, it should be top dressed yearly, if needed. Some people place a layer of newspaper under the mulch to help block weeds, but this depends where you live. I live...


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Lemon Juice Treatment for Dry Hair?
Usually, you pour it on after shampooing, but it isnt a treatment for dry hair. Lemon juice lightens hair, helps remove hairspray and styling gels, and cuts oil, which is why it is used for oily hair. Id think it would make dry hair too dry and brittle.


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Getting Rid of Worms on Driveway?
When the ground gets saturated with water, the worms must come out, or they will drown. It what they must do - you cant stop it.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Who is his legal guardian? He/She is the one entitled to his benefit check. If you arent his legal guardian, you are entitled to nothing. Unfortunately, this happens when marriages are dissolved and children are involved. This is why its best to have wills...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Collecting Survivor Benefits While in School?
Once upon a time, benefits continued through college; they no longer do that. Now, they usually stop when a person turns 18 or finishes high school, whichever comes first. I think there are a few cases where they may last longer, like a cognitive impairment...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Those were his benefits, not yours; I do know that SS has requested refunds when people have died. They pro-rate the money for that month by the number of days the person had lived. You will have to visit an office and file paperwork to get things in order...


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Using Compost on Vegetable Garden?
Most cities sell their wood chips as mulch, not compost. It can be used, however, decaying wood chips steal nitrogen from the soil (for the decaying process). Most plants rely on that nitrogen to grow properly. If you use it, just be careful to spread it on...


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Growing Celery?
Its not called staking, because it isnt staking. Blanching means covering the vegetable, or parts of it, from sunlight. This keeps it a lighter color and usually more tender and sweeter. It traditionally is done by covering the plant with something (mulch, cartons...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Statute of Limitations on Outstanding Debts?
There is a law like this, Im not sure how many years have to pass, but you have some things wrong. The debt has to be from a bank, credit card, store payment, etc - not a personal money loan from another individual. if the loan was spoken about and you promised...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Benefits usually end when a child turns 18 or finishes high school. You can go on Social Securitys website for answers to many questions. Since you are essentially 17 and a junior, you dont have much time or many monthly payments left. Personally, Id visit...


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Growing Collard Greens?
Usually when garden plants flower and bolt, they arent eaten because they turn bitter. If you dont mind bitter greens, go ahead and eat them.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits and Teens?
Benefits usually last until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school. Maybe they misread the childs age or had it posted incorrectly. Call to get the info verified or corrected.


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Sharing Living Expenses With Boyfriend?
You have already given up your entire life for him and his family; and you do more than your share. Whoese idea was it for you to add to the financial expenses, his or yours? If his, hes definitely taking advantage of you; if yours, just drop the idea and bank...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Remedies for Smelly Feet?
Brew strong tea, cool, then soak your feet in this; it will help with the sweat problem, which may help with the odor problem. Its a cheap solution that works for many. Secondly, my friends son was allergic to dairy. Whenever he ate dairy, his feet stank to...


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Social Security Survivor's Benefit Eligibility?
Call an attorney; it may not be legal for her to go be any other than her legal name in some places.


Planting Tomatoes?
You can do anything, but they may or may not grow well. It is best to rotate plants every 3-4 years, especially if there was a problem with viruses or pests.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Using Vinegar, Salt, and Soap for Weeds?
First of all, youd use regular salt; epsom salt is actually a plant food. Vinegar will render the soil sterile, meaning that nothing at all will grow there, maybe for decades (it stays in the soil). It will also render the soil sterile if a rain washes it to...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Did he have a social security number and legally work in the US? He would have had to pay into the system in order for it to pay out. Did he work in any other country and does it have any type of benefits?


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Go to socal securitys website; they have the answer to many questions normally asked. That being said, a person must pay in for several years before any money can be drawn. If no money was paid in, no credits were earned, and no benefits are available. Call...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Height of Flower Pot Bird Bath?
The height depends on the size of the clay pots you use. Since the pots vary, so will your birdbath. Just add an extra pot or use larger ones if you need a taller bird bath.


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Weeds in Peony Bushes?
Carefully pull the grass out by the roots and mulch well to eliminate future problems. It may be easiest, if you live in a cold area, to do this when the peony is dormant so the plant wont be disturbed. You can also dig the peony out if necessary, clean the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Can Cleaning Your Ears Affect Your Eyes?
When you get a gum infection, the the tooths root goes up into the sinus cavity where the eye socket also is. I always have eye problems when I get a sinus infection. Your ear canal does not connect with your eyes in any way. The eustacion tube (in the ear...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Marriage and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?
Most people get married by ordained ministers. They will have to report their union since it will get recorded in the courts. If they fail to do so and keep cashing their checks, theyll probably be charged with fraud, may get fined and jail time, and will still...


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Using Pine Needle Ash in Garden?
As long as you didnt use any lighter fluid or anything like it to start them burning, you can absolutely use it. Biochar is great for gardens.


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Need Help With Home Repairs?
I had a friend in this position; her trailer was too far gone to be fixed. She applied for and got an apartment for low income, disabled, or senior housing. In out state, the Housing Authority takes care of this.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Repairing Damage from a Home Perm?
Is your hair falling out or breaking off? Falling out would probably be due to an allergy from the product; breaking off (most likely at the roots) would be from over processing or burning the hair at the scalp - this has happened to me three times. I will...


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Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits?
You can go to SSs web site. They have answers to lots of general questions.


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Social Security Survivor's Benefit Check?
As long as you get checks, they will go to your legal guardian. If you would like them to go to yourself, you will have to get legally emancipated from your parent/ guardian. Since you are already 17, it probably wouldnt happen through the courts before your...


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Opening a Stuck Desk Drawer?
Some desks used a latch for security. Opening another, specific drawer will release the latch, allowing you to open the bottom drawer.


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Shrinking New Leather Boots?
Google how to get cowboy boots to fit. I believe that they are thoroughly soaked with water, then worn until dry. This way, the leather will shrink as it dries and conform to your foot. Id try just soaking the part you need to fit, and not too long - you dont...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Alternative to Paper Towels
I have a rag box (cut up old clothing, towels, etc) which I use regularly for several things around the house, cutting my use of paper towels drastically. I buy cheap paper towels that go on sale 2/$1.00. A roll usually lasts me 2-4 months. For draining bacon...


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Facts about Sunscreen
Are you aware of the new research that shows that sunscreens contain cancer causing ingredients and should be used cautiously? Its so difficult to know what to do.


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Food in Cupboard Tastes Like Varnish?
I have a house with older cupboards, but have had this problem too. If anything sets in the cupboard too long, even if unopened, it gets a strong chemical taste. I think it has to do with the packaging; Ive found foil packages the worst. But the last box of...


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Finding Free Furniture?
Fumigating may not get rid of the bed bugs unless you get it done several times. If you live in an apartment, they may find their way back through the walls from anothers apartment. It also wouldnt be healthy for your small children or you, being pregnant. Look...


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Medical Assistance for Someone on a Fixed Income?
Are you sure about your insurance? This is considered a surgery and not necessarily an eye correction. If youre not sure of what to ask your insurance carrier, request your eye doctors office call.


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Receiving Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Survivors benefits are for spouses and children under the age of 18. If you are 16 and unmarried, you may be able to draw. Check with your local office.


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Foot Pedal Not Working on Sewing Machine?
You need a new foot pedal.


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Sewing Machine Slows Down?
Do you have a plastic foot pedal? I had a similar problem, and my foot pedal had to be replaced. I found a site on the internet that sold them and received mine in a few days; it cost under $30, including shipping. The rubber thing inside it had a tear. Try...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Propagating African Violets from a Leaf?
Just snap a leaf off with a little of the stem if possible. Bury it a little past the stem (up onto the bottom of the leaf) in a nice potting soil, water the soil, and keep the soil moist. After a while, you will see a tiny new leaf growing from the base of...


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Thread Not Catching?
Ive found that my machine wont sew properly if I use cheap thread. Once I switch to a good thread, it works just fine. Ive been sewing for almost 50 years and have just started having this problem, but I remember people talking about it 30 years ago. You may...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Rid of Unpleasant Compost Bin Odors?
If a compost bin is being kept properly, there should be no unpleasant odor, just an earthy smell - after all, youre making enriched dirt. What type of kitty litter are you asking about: clay, ground corn cob, ground walnut shells, shredded newspaper, etc. I...


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Venting a Gas Dyer Inside the Home?
Electric dryers can be vented indoors. Its not safe to vent a gas dryer indoors.


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Ideas for Making Palm Tree Leaves?
Is this just for a temporary decoration? If so, Id make them from newspaper. Use a couple sheets for the leaves and roll some for the veins in the leaves for support (glue on), then spray paint them dark green.


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Hiding a Spare Car Key?
I have an elderly neighbor who pins an extra house key inside her top, just in case she accidently locks herself out of her house. She does it every morning when she gets dressed so it is always with her if needed.


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Pain from Upper Partial Dentures?
Did you have your teeth removed 5 years ago and these are your first dentures/partial? Sometimes a tiny bone chip is missed or breaks loose during or after surgery. The denture rubs against it and it causes pain. Ask your dentist if this could be the problem...


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Growing Corn?
The tassels are at the top of the plant. They send pollen down to the silk that grows from the ears of corn. The silk catches the pollen to pollinate the corn rows on each cob. Removing either the tassels or the silk will not allow the pollination process to...


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Getting Rid of White Ants?
Ive never heard of white ants. Are you sure theyre not termites?


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Killing Morning Glory?
The morning glory is an annual, but will aggressively reseed itself the following season. It took me years to fully get rid of the vine, due to it reseeding itself. I still love morning glories, just in someone elses garden!


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Home Remedies for Ear Infections and Wax Removal?
First, wax should not be washed out of the ear canal if the is any ear infection present, or a hole in the tympanic membrane. Are the ear infections because of an abnormality in the eustacion tube--where the ear cannot properly drain? Id visit a good ENT, who...


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Replanting Grass After Killing Weeds with Vinegar?
Unfortunately, if you used lots of vinegar, it can render your soil sterile for several years, so nothing will grow in it for a long time. It really should only be used where you dont chose to have anything grow, like cracks in sidewalks, between stepping stones...


finshed tp pots

Toilet Paper Tube Seedling Pots
I like to use TP tubes as collars for my newly planted plants, to protect from cut worms and hungry birds.


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Biting Indoor Bugs?
Bed bugs can bite one person in the home and leave another alone. Just because the others are not being bit at this time does not mean that you do not still have them - they are nearly impossible to get rid of. Spread a food grade diatomaceous earth powder...


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Avocado Tree Leaves Turning Brown?
I dont know if this is true or not, but Ive heard that this is from using chlorinated water when you water your plant.


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Holding Siblings Accountable for Back Child Support?
No sibling is responsible for what another, adult, does. If your brother-in-law dies and leaves his siblings an inheritance, the courts can go after the inheritance for the money he owes. Sounds like your brother-in-law either misunderstood or is trying to...


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Buying Life Insurance?
You said that hes on disability, but in great health, which is contradictory. Anyway, it has been my experience that an insurance will not cover the disability -at all, if they even allow you to buy the policy. For example, if he has a vision problem (they...


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Reusing Envelopes For Note Pads
When I returned to school, I realized that all the computer rooms had printers closeby. Students would leave the paper that was partially printed, even if only a few words were on a page, for the trash, recycling, etc. I often took piles of barely used paper...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Finding an Old Boyfriend?
Often, if you do a people search, you can get an email address along with a physical one and a phone number. But, Im with everyone else here - you drifted apart and moved on for a reason -leave it at that. While you may think youd like to talk to him, he probably...


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Cooking Spaghetti Sauce in a Cast Iron Pan?
I agree, acidic foods will draw the iron out into whatever you are cooking. Pioneers never had anemia because they cooked everything in cast iron cookware, which is so much healthier then teflon, aluminum, or other pans we use today.


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Dyeing Bleach Spots on Sweats?
Unfortunately, it wil not dye uniformly with the bleach marks. Look at the store for a dye remover (usually sold near the fabric dyes) to wash the entire garment in, which will remove the color from the article of clothing, then redye it. You could try to remove...


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Grants to Pay Taxes for Seniors?
My sister and her husband had tax problems with their business too, and she found out that the IRS will forgive the debt owed to them by any person one time, or at least reduce it drastically. Contact a tax attorney if you can find one, if not contact the IRS...


Infrared Zone Heating System
A comfortable 76 degrees? My father used to keep his house at 72 degrees is the winter, and we all used to sweat when we visited there. Our house is a comfortable 66 degrees, and right now its 18 degrees outside. Anyway, thanks for the info.


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Coupon Usage Cost Me More?
To be frugal, you have to be smart. Why woud you ever pay more than you normally would pay for an item just because you have a coupon, then expect to save money? If you really want to save money, you dont use coupons just because you have them. Coupons are...


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Softening White Sugar?
While you may not be able to use it as pourable sugar, you can still use it. Pour water into the container over the sugar and shake it every now and then. The water will melt the sugar and make a syrup that can be used in drinks (tea, lemonade, kool-aid, etc...


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Freezing Drinks Made with NutriBullet?
The fruits lose nutrients quickly when broken down like this and separate when thawed. The color also changes, so it doesnt look as appealing and sometimes the flavor changes slightly. What I do is get the fruit when its cheap, cut it in chunks and freeze the...


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Reducing Debt?
I agree. Just because you have a credit card doesnt mean that you have to use it constantly. A credit card is a tool, and does not open the door to foolish spending unless you allow it to. Keep it for emergencies; you may never need it, but if you do, youll...


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Locations for Aldi's Stores?
Go to to find a listing of stores in the USA.


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Can a Fungal/Yeast Infection on Skin Attack Joints?
Not sure if it can pass through the hip joint, but fungal / yeast infections are systemic, meaning that they are throughout the body, although they often surface in an isolated area. The best way to rid yourself of a problem is to change your diet. Medication...


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Getting Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders Safely?
Brown recluse love cardboard and often hide in the spaces in corregated cardboard boxes, so its next to impossible to find them. They also will find their way in through air vents, furnace ducts, attic pull downs, crawl spaces, etc. Unfortunately, its near...


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Termite Warranty?
I agree with foxrun, if there was a warranty, it should have been spelled out; a person can hire an exterminator for only one treatment with no warranty. So much has to do with things simply beyond ones control or people doing things without realizing that...


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Envirotex Lite?
Usually, you carefully remove the tape while the paint is still wet. When it dries, some paint can peel off with the tape, the tape can lift the paint, or the paint will seal the tape on the wall. Call the company, Ive always used plain masking tape, not blue...


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Preserving Old Prints?
Id make a copy of them and hang the copies in the garage. That way, the humidity wont ruin the originals.


Finished trivet.

Tongue Depressor Trivet
I see no reason popsicle sticks couldnt be used, youd just have to tweek the instructions a little.


PVC Pipe For Deep Watering

PVC Pipe For Deep Watering
We did this when we planted my Japanese maple. The neighbor planted hers (which was taller than mine) at the same time. Mine is now about 2-3 times taller and has a much larger spread than hers. This really made a difference.


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Canning Salt vs. Table Salt?
No, they shouldnt be used interchangeably, if they could, recipes would not specify canning salt. Table salt will turn the contents dark, the brine cloudy, and settle to the bottom of the jar - all caused by the iodine and anti-caking additives. Kosher salt...


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Is Canned Tomato Sauce or Paste Gluten Free?
You may want to consider growing a few tomato plants and canning your own, so in the future you will know what is and isnt in them. It really is a lot easier than most think.


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Do Mosquitoes Breed in Moving Water?
They breed in stagnant water. If your fountain is large enough and if it worries you, consider getting some small goldfish for it; goldfish/coy gobble up mosquito larva like treats placed especially for them.


DIY face brightener

DIY Face Brightener
This is great for oily skin - especially during the summer months. Just massage it in; you can feel it cutting right through the oil and restoring the pH of the skin. I just drop the aspirin in the water. It will dissolve by itself in a few minutes (no need...


An antique chair being restored.

Take Better Care of Your Possessions
We have become so much more of a disposable society. I can see the difference just in my lifetime. We are now raised to be merely consumers. The problem is, with the economy the way it is now and more people out of work, we can no longer afford to throw things...


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Quitting Smoking?
WOW - Congratulations! What a tremendous step youve taken. Any addiction can be difficult to overcome, and nicotine is no exception. Take some time for yourself and soak in a tub full of water with epsom salts added (1-2 cups) for at least 30 minutes, at least...


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Using Kilz Oil Base Paint on Dry Wall?
Id call the company also. I believe their oil-based primer can be painted over with either oil or latex paint.



How to spell FRUGAL
Too bad that frugal doesnt have a w in it for wait until it goes on sale. Everything goes on sale sooner or later, and it is often possible to save lots of money on things you need just by waiting a short while.


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Making Meatballs to Freeze?
Yes you can, but you must be very careful to defrost them in the fridge and not out on the counter.


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