
Jonnie Shambarger

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2 Posts | 146 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Making Whipping Topping from Powdered Creamer?
Just put the title of your request into Google and the first item that comes up will take you to the directions, with pictures for making Whipped Topping from Powdered Creamer. It is really easy to do.


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Removing Paper Debris on Fabric?
Try laying garmet flat on closed washer and rub gently with a damp cloth. A clean wash cloth works well for this.


How Much Shrinkage Can Occur in 100% Cotton Jeans?
I agree with Chloelizabeth about the hemming. As for the dryer vs. hanging to dry-yes the dryer will shrink them. Hanging, if you hand press at time of hanging will help a lot to reduce wrinkles also. I hang my husbands pants by the hem-separating the legs...


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Saving Plastic Food Liners
These bags are wonderful for microwave baked potatoes. Just puncture potato as usual,fold into the bag and microwave for your units prescribed time. They come out so soft and fluffy. Yum! Yum! Be careful of the steam when opening the bag.


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Buying Shoes at Thrifty Stores and Foot Fungus?
Always carry a pair of nylon footsies (or the cut-off feet from an old pair of nylons) in your purse along with a small can of foot powder (or spray) and use when trying on shoes. Even if you already have stockings on use the footsies over them to keep your...


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Removing Stamps from Envelopes?
I have never gotten the freezer suggestion to work. Maybe I just didnt leave it long enough. When I have placed a stamp on an envelope and then decide to remove it, for whatever reason I use my hairdryer and get the stamp hot and lift it off while the glue...


Freezing Sweet Bell Peppers?
I freeze the raw peppers as others have suggested, with the exception that I lay them out on a cookie sheet, freeze them solid (at least a couple of hours or overnight) and then bag in freezer weight bags. They can be removed from the bag in any amount needed...


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Dumpster Diving Down Under?
In the US we have large metal receptacles we call dumpsters for the collection of trash waiting to be picked up by trucks to be hauled away. Some people go through these dumpsters to salvage items that may be of use to them-these we refer to as dumpster divers...


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Removing Rust Stains from Clothing?
There is a product called Whink in the laundry aisle at most grocery stores. It is a brown bottle about 5 to 6 inches high. It is a thin liquid. Just quirt a little on the rust stain and then immediately launder as usual. I have used it on many types of fabric...


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Removing Smoke Odor from a Microfiber Couch?
Try using equal parts white vinegar and tap water in a spray bottle. Spray the couch lightly, but completely and let it set until it is completely dry. At bedtime is a good time to do the spraying or when no one will be home for a while. It may take a couple...


Decorative hair clip with clear faceted stones holding recipe.

Use Hair Clip for Recipe Cards
Love your idea for the hair clips. I was looking at mine just yesterday and wondering what I could use them for, as my hair too, is now short. I also liked what I could make out of the recipe shown in the pix-and wondered if you might share it in the near future...


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Cleaning a Coffee Thermos?
Depending on how dirty it is, fill with hot tap water and add one or two denture tablets. Leave setting in the sink, preferably over night. The next morning put your hand over the now cooled top and shake it up and then pour it down the drain. If it didnt get...



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Anti-wrinkle Cream Intensified Appearance of Fine Lines?
I dont know how to solve your wrinkle problem, but I would like to remind you to check the warranty on the package of your container. Then contact the maker of the product and report how it turned out for you. They should at least refund your purchase price...


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Dyeing Fabric in a Front Load Washer?
If you google Dyeing Fabric in a Front Load Washer you will find step by step instructions for dyeing the fabric and cleaning the washer. Good luck.


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Recipe for Cucumbers in Vinegar?
I assume you mean fresh cucumbers to eat soon after preparing. This is the way I fix them, and my family has enjoyed them for over 50 years. Make a solution of water and vinegar to suit your taste. I dont measure, but it would probably be 1/4 cup white vinegar...


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Freezing Bell Peppers?
If you like stuffed peppers: Cut the tops off and clean them as you would for stuffing and parboil for about 3 to 5 minutes. Drain well, place upside down on a cookie sheet, flash freeze then bag them. When you get ready to make stuffed pepper just make up...


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Causes of Itchy Scalp Other Than Dandruff?
I use plain old white vinegar for a final rinse-about a tablespoon (I dont measure just squirt some) in a cup of water. Pour over your hair, making sure to work it down onto you scalp. Dont rinse it out. Towel dry your hair and by the time your body is dried...


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Removing Soiled Food Odor from Freezer?
When I had a similar experience I tried most of the things listed in the USDA fact sheet without much luck. My freezer was almost new so I was unwilling to part with it. I bought a 5 pound package of clay kitty litter, poked holes all over it with an icepick...


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Summer Energy Saving Tips
Lori, thank you for some good pointers. I am interested in the hog hair filters. Where does one look for these?


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Cleaning a Greasy Dishwasher?
I use Tang-the powdered drink mix. Just fill the detergent despensers with Tang instead of detergent and run the empty dishwasher through its cycle.


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Unsubscribing from Freecycle?
Have you checked at the very bottom of your freecycle email for a place to unsubscribe? My Western Arkansas freecycle has such-it is located at the very bottom right-hand side.


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Leftover Rice - Four Ways
You might like to know that cooked rice freezes really well. I use brown rice, and since it takes longer to cook I prefer to cook more at a time. I use what I need and bag, in freezer bags, portions in the size I will need for another meal. It will thaw in...


Sliding glass doors with white twin sheets as curtains behind lace curtains.

Use Sheet for Curtains
I think the deep hems are snazzy!


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Apple Flappen Recipe?
If you will Google Apple Flappen Recipe you will find a couple of recipes right off the bat. They sound delicious.



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Freezing Bananas in Their Skin?
They are fine to use but I have much better luck with peeling them and putting them in a plastic bag. It is also easier to use them if you have measured out the amount you want for your recipe before freezing. They will turn dark if left in freezer very long...


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Cleaning Italian Aluminum Espresso Coffee Makers?
I dont know why you were told not to wash it. I have had one for over 40 years and hand wash mine after every use. I just put a drop of handwashing dish detergent on my damp dishrag, go over the entire pot and rinse well and let drain dry on my drainboard. All...


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Buffalo Guacamole
Boy, Deeli, I do believe our taste buds run the same. I wish I lived next door to you so I could sample all the wonderful recipes you send in, as I will never be able to make them all, since my dh doesnt care for our type food!


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Dealing with Dry Hair
I know that Downy Fabric softener conditions hair. When my granddaughter was too small to care for her own hair I accidentally picked up the diluted fabric softener instead of the detangler to get the tangles from her long beautiful hair. I realized my mistake...


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Frozen Rice Krispies Dessert?
Sounds good! Give it a try with the Rice Krispies treats and if that doesnt taste just right (it might be just a little too sweet) then try it with the basic graham cracker crust, substituting Rice Krispies for the graham crackers. Go ahead and add a little...


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Frozen Rice Krispies Dessert?
Sounds good! Give it a try with the Rice Krispies treats and if that doesnt taste just right (it might be just a little too sweet) then try it with the basic graham cracker crust, substituting Rice Krispies for the graham crackers. Go ahead and add a little...


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Use Lonely Sock as Powder Puff
I, too have been looking for a powder puff. I love your husbands idea. Give him a big hug from me. I will get up and fill my extra cotton sock as soon as I finish this e-zine. Thank you.


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Refurbishing an Outdoor Plastic Table?
I would try scrubbing it with a brush and some Bar Keepers Friend (this is found where other kitchen cleaning supplies are found in your grocery store). Sprinkle on your table, wet your brush and begin to scrub it around on the table, if it doesnt immediately...


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Front Load Washer Leaves Clothes Hard?
I have good luck with filling my liquid bleach despenser with about 1/2 cup white vinegar. The clothes come out much softer than with fabric softener and also absorb better when drying my body with the towels.


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Canning Okinawa Spinach?
I am not familiar with this vegetable, but I wonder if it would freeze it it were completely cooked. I find that some things freeze better this way than in the original state. If no one comes to your rescue with an idea contact your state extension office. They...


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Affixing Fabric to Mirrored Closet Doors?
It is hard to know just what is needed here without knowing if the mirrors are framed, or frameless. With frames I would measure the exact length and width of each mirror. Next would be the selection of the fabric. Cut your fabric to exact length and width...


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Use a Spatula For Leftover Oil
If you dont have a spatula (rubber scraper) then pour out what you can and use a paper towel, or even some newspaper to wipe the skillet or pan out.



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Ideas for Using Wilted Cherries?
I dont have an idea for the use of the cherries. But I do have an easy way to pit them. If you have a vegetable peeler that has the rounded, slightly curved end you can flick the seeds out as fast as you can pick the cherries up. Just puncture the cherry through...


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Getting Rid of Cockroaches With Bleach and Water?
A more safe approach it to go to your druggist and ask for boric acid. It will be a rather small bottle. Mix a teaspoon of the boric acid and a teaspoon of sugar and put it in a small jar lid and put it back under your stove or any place that is inaccessible...


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Freezing Fresh Parsley and Basil?
I have never had basil to freeze, but I freeze parsley every time I buy some at the store. I pick the leaves off, put them on a cookie sheet and freeze them. When frozen I put them in ziplock freezer bags and lay them flat on th shelf of the freezer, under...


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Remedy for Smelly Front Load Washer?
In addition to leaving the door open when the washer is not in use, take out the detergent drawer, empty the standing water in it and leave on top of the washer so that the cavity where it belongs has a chance to dry out. The odor comes from the standing water...


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Pages Too Big for Computer Screen?
If you will hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and roll the wheel in the center of your mouse it will adjust the size of your printing.


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Removing Yellow Stains from Stored Clothing?
If the stains are rust from the hangers there is a product Whink, a brown bottle found with the laundry detergent in your grocery store. When you put it on you can see the stain disappear right before your eyes. Then you will need to launder immediately. If...


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Freezing Okra?
I use the same method as Lilac-wash, let dry and freeze. Blanching is not necessary for okra. I do put mine on a tray, freeze it, then bag while still frozen. This keeps it from clumping together so that you can remove just the amount you want to use and put...


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Fabric Dye from New Clothing Transferring to Skin?
If the salt doesnt work then try white vinegar. Anytime I buy something new with color I run the sink full of hot tap water and add about 1 cup of vinegar, let it set overnight and rinse it a couple of times with cold water. If the water still shows color I...


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Pineapple Dream Pie
Is the vanilla pudding prepared per package instruction, or used dry? Also what size can crushed pineapple and is it drained?


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Freezing or Canning Bell Peppers?
Both bell peppers and onions freeze well to be used in cooked foods. They will not be good for eating raw, as in salads. I like to chop them up, freeze them on a cookie sheet and then bag them. That way you can take out and use as many, or few as you like without...


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Making the Pork Cracklings for Mofongo?
You can buy pork cracklins in the meat department of some grocery stores. If you dont see them ask the butcher to order some for you. Frying out the cracklins (pork skin with some of the fat still attached) is a large job, and one that is really messy, if you...


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Removing Stains from Colored Underwear?
They can be soaked in Oxyclean. I use it regularly and it makes the colors come out brighter. I think there is even an airosol oxyclean spot remover now, though I havent used it.


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Can Frozen Cabbage Be Eaten Raw?
If you dont make freezer slaw it will be limp, and usable in soup or other cooked dishes, but not very tasty to eat raw. Frozen Coleslaw 1 large head cabbage, shredded (I just use a bag of pre-shredded cabbage) 1 green pepper, chopped 1 large carrot, shredded...


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Rotten Fish Odor in Freezer?
When this happened to me and none of the suggested methods worked (coffee grounds, baking soda, etc.) I got a 5# bag of the clay kitty litter, used an ice pick and jabbed it all over to make tiny holes and closed it up in the freezer for about a week and it...


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Whitening Synthetic Fabric Clothing?
I use oxyclean. I fix a bucket of hot water and put in about one tablespoon of Oxyclean powder per gallon of water. I make this up right after I do laundry and each time I change my undergarments I put them into the oxyclean mixture to soak until I am ready...


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How Do You Hard Boil An Egg?
I always put my eggs in cold water, covering the eggs by about an inch of water-bring to full rolling boil, turn the heat off and let set for 20 minutes. This is using an electric stove, if using a gas stove then let them boil for 2 minutes before turning the...


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Bleaching a Gray Shirt to Make It White?
The possibility of bleaching will depend to a great extent on the fabric content. If it is all cotton you should be able to bleach without too much trouble. Many of the manmade fabrics will not bleach at all. Just be sure to dilute the bleach before getting...


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What is the Best Way to Heat Shower Water?
Since you keep the containers close by anyway I suggest you try your way, while catching the water and then the next time try it your daughters way and then see what the difference is. It would be nice if, after you have checked it out, you would give us a...


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Shelf Life of Previously Frozen Milk?
When you put your milk in the freezer notice the expiration date on the carton it was removed from. Count forward to that date and that is how long it will be good when thawed. It is best to freeze part of it when you first purchase it and then thaw it when...


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Which Is More Healthy Brined Chicken or Buttermilk Soaked?
If you are young and do not have high blood pressure the brining will be OK for you. However, be advised that too much salt when you are young has a build-up potential for giving you health problems later in life. Personally I would opt for the buttermilk.


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Older Dishwasher Not Drying Dishes?
I dont like to use the electricity required to have my dishwasher dry my dishes, so I open the dishwasher just before the drying cycle starts. The dishes are quite hot at this point and will airdry in just a few minutes. I can either put them away after a little...


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Finding a DJ for My Daughter's 17th Birthday?
No suggestions-just congratulations to your daughter on her 17th. I will have my 75th on that date.


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Shelf Life of Frozen Cabbage?
I have never frozen cabbage by itself but I have frozen soup with added cabbage for three to four months with success. Hope this helps.


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How Can I Organize My Reusable Plastic Bags?
I roll mine up and store them in a large coolwhip container. I can tell at a glance which size is which. Any sized container would work and it does not look bad left setting in the corner on my cabinet.


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Greek Yogurt Recipe?
Strain yogurt in a cheesecloth for about 4 hours in the refrigerator. Save the whey, it is useful in baking (makes really good pancakes).


Repairing a Sofa Seam?
It looks like the cushion does not come out, so if I were doing this I would invest in an upholstery needle (this is a rather large curved needle) and some extra heavy thread. Both of these items will surely be available at your local fabric store or wherever...


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Making Soft Candy Similar to Orange Slices Using Lemon Juice?
Goodgle how to make lemon jelly candy and you will find a recipe for making several flavors-to include lemon.


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Toilet Paper Advice For Septic Tanks?
I have been using Northern for 20 years with no problems.


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Making Mini Muffins?
You can use them for anything you use the regular size muffin liners for. You just need to adjust the baking time, i.e. watch closely after about 10 minutes. My favorite use is banana bread muffins. Yes, I am speaking of a banana bread recipe or loaf bread...


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Recipes Using Pollack Fillets?
How about baking them and then chunking them up and make a sandwich spread/cold salad like you make tuna salad. I have never tasted Pollack but when I make tuna salad ( I dont care for tuna) I can hardly taste the tuna.


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Buying a Wonder Box Cooker?
I didnt look long enough to see if there is one for purchase, but, if you Google wonder box for cooking you will come up with directions for making one as well as instructions (recipes) for use.


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Substitute for Ascorbic Acid when Freezing Apples?
I use a pan of water with white vinegar, a ratio of a couple of tabelspoons to a gallon of water (I dont actually measure, just a good glub from the vinegar bottle) to slice my apples into and then when I get them all peeled I put them into my freezer bags...


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Memory Tricks For Spelling
A college professor told me (many years ago) to always remember there is no ice in promise and I have never again had to go to the dictionary before making a promise!


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Can I Put New Formica Over Old Formica?
Yes you can add new formica directly over the old formica countertops. Just be sure they are very clean and dry. If there are bad places in the old countertops the bad places need to be cut out and a well-fitted patch needs to be put in before the new formica...


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How Do I Make Cleaning Wipes?
Remove the cardboard tube from the center of a roll of papet towels. Then cut the roll in half and insert the roll in a large can with lid (i.e. a large plastic coffee container would be good). Using the mixture propertions posted by KansasCindy add to the...


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Unclogging a Bathroom Sink?
When mine starts running slow I take the U joint under the sink off and clean it out as that is where most of the hair and gunk builds up. Be sure to have a bucket or other sizable pot or pan to catch any water that may be there.


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Substituting Tomato Sauce for Tomato Juice in Recipes?
1 7 oz. can of tomato sauce plus 1 can of water equals one 1 14 oz can of tomato juice.


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Adjusting E-mail Screen Settings?
Hold down the control button with your left hand and roll the center wheel on your mouse. Rolling it away from you (or toward the top of the mouse) will enlarge the print, and rearrange as necessary. Rolling it back toward you will decrease the print.


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Cleaning Coffee Thermos Carafe?
Fill it with hot tap water and add 1 or 2 (depending on capacity of thermos ( I use 2 in my quart size) denture tablets (these are the tablets used for cleaning artificial dentures). Let this set unclosed until the water has cooled (I do this overnight) then...


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Front Load Washer Smells Terrible?
Use white vinegar in the fabric softner recepticle instead of fabric softener and when the wash load is finished remove the dispenser drawer and leave the door of the washer open until it has a chance to dry out. I also take an old towel and wipe the door gasket...


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Cooking Using a Pizza Stone?
If you put cooking using a pizza stone into your search engine (google) you will come up with many entries concerning using you pizza stone. Good Luck. jsham


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Keeping Sliced Tomatoes Fresh?
I like to marinate in just a little olive oil and red wine or balsamic vinegar.


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Cream Cheese and Manzanilla Stuffed Celery
Oh, Deeli, how I would love to have a couple of days to pore over your recipe books/file! You have not posted anything that doesnt make me want to get in the kitchen and start cooking/fixing. I think we must have identical tastebuds. Thank you so much for all...


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How Do You Freeze Turnips?
Just Google How do you freeze turnips and the first item to come up will give you the detailed information. By the way, I am envious of your having turnips to freeze. They are just about my favorite dish. Good luck with the project.


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Make-up Storage System
What a great idea. When you get it finished come back with a picture for us.


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Is There a Difference in Quality When Using Butter Instead of Margarine?
If you are using the original (i.e. stick or hard) there is no difference in the quantity (amount) but you should not substitute soft for hard, or vice-versa. As for quality, there will be some difference in flavor but the end product should be very much the...


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Replacing Side Rails With a Bed Frame?
I wanted to keep my iron bed but wanted a queen-sized bed. We solved the problem by attaching 2x2 boards, cut to a length to accomidate the side rails, to the bottom of the bedsprings with screws. They keep the springs from slipping and support the bed and...


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Using a Toaster Oven?
No question is stupid if an answer is wanted, that said, the use of your oven depends on your particular oven. If it is a larger one and there are heating elements on both top and bottom then the bread should be toasted on both top and bottom. However, the...


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Use Business Name from Statement
What a great idea. Thanks. I will use this in my home files.


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Old Fashioned Dish Scrubber
When you get it made it would be nice if you posted a picture.


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Dice Whole Canned Tomatoes For Recipes
A way my family enjoys whole canned tomatoes is to just put the can in the fridge until real cold and serve in individual bowls for a side dish-this is particularly good with beans and cornbread!


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Pressure Canning?
Call your county extension agent or get a Ball canning book-sold in most any store that sells canning supplies. The cost of the book is minimal and will serve you well if you plan to do much canning.


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Homemade Chunky Tomato Soup Recipe?
Peel the number of tomatoes you want to use, for 2 that would be equilevant of 4 large tomatoes, cut them in chunks and put them into a large stew pot. Peal and chop or dice 2 good sized potatoes and add them to the tomatoes. Bring to a good simmer and when...


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Wilted Spinach and Cherry Tomatoes
Thanks for reminding me of this. I make it with the following additions: sliced raw mushrooms (the white ones), sliced sweet red onion, and about 1/4 teaspoon dijon mustard mixed with the vinegar and oil. Yum yum!


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Recipe for Tesco Deli Tikka Rub for Chicken?
If you Google Tikka Rub you will find several recipes. Ask your g-son for some specifics of taste (i.e. was it strong garlic taste) and you will probably be able to come up with it, maybe using parts of more than one recipe.


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Using Paraffin Wax and Chocolate on a Cake?
Never thought of it for cake, but I use it to make Martha Washington candy (cocoanut based balls of candy dipped in mixture of chocolate and paraffin) so I see no reason it would not work. An interesting idea-thanks for mentioning it.


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Removing Odors from T-shirts?
I use oxyclean and a large bucket. I disolve about 1/4 cup of oxyclean in my bucket of water and add any smelly or stained clothes to it. Let it set (sometimes several days) as least 30 minutes and then add it, water and all to my washer when I get ready to...


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Fixing a Wobbly Ceiling Fan?
My son balanced mine by clamping a spring-type clothes pin to one of the blades. He said it was for the purpose of seeing just where the balance needed to be, but after more than a year the clothespin is still there and still doing its job. I dont think it...


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Freezing Green Onions?
I like to have fresh green onions on hand but can seldom use them all before they would go bad and freezing them is the way to save them. Just chop them ready for use in a cooked recipe (they wont be good to use in a salad), put them in a freezer bag and flatten...


Make Container Covers from Old Socks

Make Container Covers from Old Socks
They also make nice sweat sleeves for your icy drink.


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What Can I Make With Immature Pears?
Make pear honey or pear butter (just like apple butter, but sub. pears). If you google either one you will get many recipes. Then this winter either will be excellent on your hot biscuits or rolls.


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Bleach Stained the Shower?
This is not addressing your shower problem-rather the planter warts on your foot. The Dr could have given you a very easy way to get rid of the warts (and the resulting pain) and that would solve your problem. The way to get rid of the warts is to cover them...


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Baking Muffins in a Muffin Top Pan?
I start checking mine at 5 minutes before the directions for regular muffins. They are usually done in about 2 minutes less time than reguar ones. You can tell by when they start browning around the edges. ps- you probably wont make reqular muffins much after...


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Corn And Macaroni
Is the macaroni cooked or dry? And is the whole kernal corn drained?


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Corn And Macaroni
Thanks. It still does not tell me if the macaroni is cooked before mixing with the other ingredients, nor if the whole kernel corn is drained.


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Pitting Cherries Without a Pitter?
I like to use a vegetable peeler. Just insert the cupped end into the stem end of the cherry and pull the pit out. Be sure to hold the cherries over the receiving container so as to retain all the juice.


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Do Ziplock Bags With Water and Coins Really Repel Flies?
Why not try a brown (or other dark color) button?


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NBC'S (Nachos, Beans, and Cheese)
I make these in the microwave, and because I like it hot I add a slice of jalapeno pepper to each one. m-m good!


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Buying Prescription Reading Glasses or Drugstore Glasses?
Check the yellow pages of your telephone directory-there are places you can take your prescription to who will charge you much less than you eye Dr. Just be sure what the cost will be up front.


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Keeping Neighbors Pets From Defecating in Yard?
Save your citrus peels (i.e. orange, lemon etc) and either grind them up in your blender/food processor or chop finely with a sharp knife and sprinkle liberally over your garden area. The pets despise this scent and will hunt other places. Just remember to...


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Rust Coming From Rinse Agent Dispenser in Dishwasher?
Since it is new I would go back to the place of purchase and see what they have to say. If they try to ignore you keep after them until they make it good.


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Baked Jalapenos
Please clarify the cooking procedure. Thanks, jsham


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House Nachos
I like the idea of the sausage mixed with the beans. It will be so easy for me, as I always have cooked sausage in my freezer. I just cook it when I get home from store, crumble it well and freeze it in zip-loc bags. I have done this to have available when...


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Creamy Tang Pie
I am wondering if this is Tang instant breakfast drink mix (I havent seen this locally) or if it is Tang instant drink mix. Could you please clarify. Thanks, jsham


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Preventing Mold Growth in Stored Cooler?
Dry it very well and store it with newspaper in it. The more black ink on the newspaper, the better. Also crumple the newspaper rather than just sticking it in flat-folded. This will keep it smelling fresh for the next use.


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Lowering Electric Oven Temperatures While Baking
I surely appreciate your tip. I, too, have this problem, but had no idea how to rectify it. Will be baking muffins this morning using your method. jsham


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Chuck Wagon Biscuits
Sounds great. Am anxious to try it and I wont be waiting until I am outdoors. Will be great way to keep kitchen cool. I am also interested in the grub gravy. Thank you. jsham


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Toiletries Gift Bag For Mother's Day
Another very good gift for a Mother on limited income is a food basket of her favorite (mostly non-perishable) items she is fond of but reluctant to spend money for. If she has letters to write, something many of us do not do these days! some pretty stationery...


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Removing Grease Film on Ceiling Fan?
Try Dawn Power Dissolver found at Wal-Mart near the dishwashing detergent. If your fans are not made of unfinished wood it should work. I find that it really does disolve the grease. I prefer to spray it on my cleaning cloth and apply to the surface rather...


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Brite Floor Cleaner?
Put floor cleaning product Brite in your search engine and a place to order it will come up.


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Creamy Ditalini with Asparagus
This sounds really interesting, however I think you have left out some of the instructions. Could you please be more detailed? Thank you. jsham


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Cooking Fish?
This milky residue for fish is the same as blood from beef. it is not harmful nor is it inedible. Just carefully remove it from the edges of the fish. It does not mean the fish is not totally cooked. Eat that fish, it is good for you.


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Grammar Tip: "Stationary" vs "Stationery"
This reminds me of my bane: I could never remember how to spell promise until I figured out it contains no ice.


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Freezing Hollandaise Sauce?
Since you are throwing it out anyway, why dont you try freezing it and let us all know how it works. One thing I would mention, if you do freeze it you will probably need to beat it up well when you heat it. I freeze lots of gravy-types and this is how I treat...


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South of the Border Chicken (Crockpot)
The 1/4 cup measure on the orgeano and cilantro sounds like an awful lot. Are you sure this is correct? Otherwise it sounds really good.


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Preventing Powdered Sugar From Hardening?
Just keep it in an airtight container, but do NOT put a damp paper towel in with it. While that is great for brown sugar it will only cause powdered sugar to clump into one hard brick. This is the voice of experience!


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Removing Cooking Smells After Frying Fish?
If you will set a lighted candle close by when frying fish (or most any smelly thing) it will remove the smell without it getting all into the house.


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Do They Still Make LaFrance Bluing?
If you Google it you will find entries to tell you more about it, and where you can purchase it.


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Repurposing Containers
Love hibbardgs suggestion about the pickle jars. Did you know that you can close the jar up with a piece of newspaper (the more black in on the paper the better) and the pickle smell will be gone in a few days. Also, the net onion bags make wonderful scrubbies...


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Musty Smell on Dry Clean Only Clothes?
Hanging in the open air for about 24 hours will do wonders for musty smells.


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