
Susan Sanders-Kinzel

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9 Posts | 2,457 Comments | Active Since 2001
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A holiday scrapbook page.

Scrapbooking on a Budget
Look for scrapbooking supplies wherever you go. For example, you can buy 100 brass brads for less than a dollar at the local discount store and then customize them to match your layout with acrylic paint and/or sandpaper. Or look in the clearance bin for ribbon...


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Bamboo Jumping Game?
Heres a link about it:


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"Just For Men" Not Working For Me?
Loving Care by Clairol works well. It washes out in 6-8 shampoos so if you dont like the color, its not hard to get rid of. Because you probably dont have long hair, one bottle can last for several applications. Pick a color a little lighter than your natural...


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Red Candle Wax on a White Tablecloth?
How do I get red dried candle wax out of my white Christmas tablecloth? LaGayle from Arizona


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SOS Pad Stained Toilet?
Id use some Barkeepers Friend or Bon Ami cleaner and use it on a sponge and scrub the grey places. It may just rub out. Susan from ThriftyFun


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Purpose of the Flea?
Hi, Ive searched and havent found any purposes for fleas that we would like. It must be that they help diseases and bacteria travel from place to place and probably help with population control of mammals through passing on plagues, diseases and weakening the...


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Device To Keep a Running Total While Shopping?
When my kids were young we would add things up as we went around the store. After putting each item in the cart, we would round up to make the adding easier. We quite often had a limited amount of money with which to buy the groceries. We all do this automatically...


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Removing Candle Color Stain from a Wood Table?
I have a brand new white (wooden) breakfast table and I placed a 6 PURPLE pillar candle in the center of with a flower ring for decoration when we moved into our new house. When I removed the candle to clean the table a few days later, a purple candle color...


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Avocado Seeds Not Sprouting?
You want them fat side down not the pointed end. That is the end where the leaves come out. Try flipping them over and see what happens. They may be too dry at the end that roots but maybe not. Ive never had a lot of luck with the glass of water and toothpick...


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Avocado Seeds Not Sprouting?
Hi apugdog, The seeds often split before they get leaves and roots so it looks like it is working. Dont Panic, all is well. Susan from ThriftyFun


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Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?
Its a difficult situation but you need to honor her wishes in this. Usually after new mothers realize that all of the clothing looks used after a wearing or two and the costs of keeping your constantly growing baby in clothes, they change their minds. One thing...


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Why do some light bulbs stick in the fixture?
There are some devices at the hardware store that are designed to help remove broken bulbs. if you cant find one of those, take a potato and cut it in half, carefully push the potato into the broken bulb housing and unscrew. Make sure the switch is turned off...



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Cleaning The Outside of Magnalite Pots?
This might be helpful


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My Clothes Dryer Door Won't Stay Shut?
In response to the message sent by MAnne: I usually shut the door on the point of the clothes pin half (the beveled end). Maybe I can make a picture to make it more understandable. You basically fit it between the door and the frame. Mine door would not stay...


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My Clothes Dryer Door Won't Stay Shut?
I had one that did that. For a long time (until I finally bought a new dryer) I used 1/2 of a wooden clothes pin (work one side out of the metal that holds the two sides together.) Then I shoved the narrow end of the wooden piece in between the door and the...


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Odd Foods That Can Be Frozen?
Many items can be frozen-cutout cookies, muffins, cake without frosting, peeled bananas, full noodle meals, mashed potatoes and soups. - David


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Water Damage Under The Sink?
(title-green)Request:(/title) We have some water damage to some cupboards in our kitchen due to a leak under our sink. The leak is fixed, but the water damage is starting to come through the paint, it is starting to peel, and the wood is soft. You could put...


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Removing Pen Marks from Wallpaper?
Could someone advise me on how to remove pen marks out of WALL PAPER... In have tried all sorts and nothing works. Its not painted wall - which would make life easier, it happens to be wall paper which proves a little difficult. - Shakela - England


Bleach Bottle Piggybank

Bleach Bottle Piggy
I only used one coat of paint, when I was all finished I sprayed it with a sealer. Smiles, Sheri


Bleach Bottle Piggybank

Bleach Bottle Piggy
(sent in by email) I was going to use the Bleach Bottle Piggy Bank by Sheri from Stockton,CA for a craft for Bible school, and I tried making one but when I apply the second coat of paint the first coat comes off. Do you have any idea what I can do or how Sheri...


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Removing Candle Wax From Stove Top?
I spilled candle wax on my stove top. I have used a teflon scraper but of course it didnt remove it all. Does anyone have any ideas how to remove the candle wax completely? I tried ice cubes but did not makes a difference. I was wondering about an iron. I am...


Windowsill Celery Hearts

Windowsill Celery Hearts
The heart is where all the new leaves grow out so it is the center of the celery bunch.


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Wilton's Candy Melts - What to do with them?
Hi Lois, In the post at the bottom it says not to thin them with milk or water but to use a few drops of vegetable oil. Susan


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Mineral Deposits in a Tea Kettle?
Sent in by email: The vinegar and water boiled in a tea kettle works best. Thanks for the help Cece Frank



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Homemade Swiffer CarpetFlick Cartridges?
Heres how: I posted recently about how to make your own Swiffer Carpetflick refill cartridges, which are simply flimsy strips of cardboard (exactly like that in product packaging that we recycle!) coated with a super sticky adhesive on both sides. I do not...


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Cat Problem?
It sounds like your cat is feeling very insecure. Its funny that he would start doing this after knowing your boyfriend for 6 months. He may also be hurt or sick. I would check with your veterinarian about this behavior. He may have some ideas. I have seen...


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Reception Ideas: Lunch for 100 People?
Here is a lunch meal plan from Big Wedding on a Small Budget by Diane Warner. Dolly Roll Sandwitches = .97 per guest (see recipe below) Fruit Salad = .39 per guest Potato Salad = .32 per guest Mixed Bean Salad = .35 per guest Pickled Beat Salad = .35 per guest...


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Making Christmas Tree from Old Phone Book?
I thought we had instructions here on ThriftyFun but havent been able to find them. Here are some instructions but they dont have a picture of a finished one:


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Gifts for Elderly Friends
Knickknacks, dusting powder, candy (they usually are on some type of diet restriction) more clothing - dont bother. 2 items that elderly people really appreciate receiving are: 1) a gift certificate to a supermarket (hey, we all have to eat) 2) a book of stamps...


Using a plastic tablecloth as a picnic blanket.

Uses for Plastic Tablecloths
We find these indispensable at our house. They become playdough mats, paint mats, mostly used for any messy activity. We use them indoors and out. I usually keep my eyes open for them on the clearance racks. I found a bunch for $0.30 ea and loaded up. I try...


Using a plastic tablecloth as a picnic blanket.

Uses for Plastic Tablecloths
I carry an old cheap plastic tablecloth in the trunk of my car. If I ever need to change a flat tire, I can spread the tablecloth on the ground to keep from getting dirty and/or muddy. An old plastic tablecloth can be used as a drop cloth when painting. An...


Using a plastic tablecloth as a picnic blanket.

Uses for Plastic Tablecloths
I dont know if youve had this tip, but we use it often. Vinyl table cloths - we use them for playdough mats, painting or doing most anything messy. They can be wiped off, they can be shook out, and it saves my carpet, floor or whatever. We even take them outside...


Picture of rolls of wrapping paper.

Organizing Wrapping Paper
Bargain hunters know that the best time to stock up on Christmas wrap, cards and bows is right after the holidays when many stores slash their prices on these items by 60 to 75 percent. For years I struggled with storing these items, and many times ended up...


Picture of rolls of wrapping paper.

Organizing Wrapping Paper
If you have any old suit bags, use them for storing long rolls of gift wrap. Also enclose, to save on time, put a roll of scotch tape, scissors, gift tags and a pen or marker. Zip it up and hang in a closet. Be sure to label the bag, so youll know whats inside...


photo of a black and white puppy

Choosing a Puppy
When choosing a puppy see if it will chew on you finger first. If it does be prepared for it to chew on everything in your home. By Cathy Riemersma


photo of a black and white puppy

Choosing a Puppy
Great advice Jo! One thing to remember is getting a puppy is like having a baby. They will be messy, want to chew on things, want to play and sometimes will cry if they are uncomfortable or dont get their way. Expect that this will last for at least the first...



photo of a lawn mower mowing grass

Cleaning Your Lawn Mower
It is always a chore clean under the lawn mower deck. I found the best way is to find an old window screen, lay the lawn mower on its side, get the garden hose or pressure washer and let her have it. Pressure washer works the best. All the dead grass falls...


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Finding a First Job?
Hi Robin, This is really the wrong place for a young person to look for a job. Ask around the neighborhood if anyone needs a babysitter or talk to someone at church. There may be people that need someone to take care of their kids after school. Best Wishes...


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Finding a First Job?
Just a note to young men and women posting on this thread. Be very careful posting your email or phone number in a public forum. Even one as trusted as this one. The first place you should look for babysitting jobs is in your area, advertise your services to...


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Painting Over Varnish?
My sister bought a really nice house but for some reason the kitchen cupboards are made of plywood. In an attempt to make them look good, theyve been varnished too many times-and each coat is THICK. She wants me to help paint them-I think they should be stripped...


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Cleaning with Vinegar?
Hi Nancy, When they say undiluted vinegar, they mean straight from the bottle. Dont worry about the percentage. What comes from the bottle is strong enought. Susan from ThriftyFun


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Cleaning Artificial Plants?
Could you please tell me the best and most economical way to clean my artificial plants? Thank you, Karen Morse


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Cleaning Mold and Mildew from the Shower?
I am looking for a homemade solution. Id heard that peroxide gets rid of mold, I think, but dont recall for sure about that. I dont want to go spending money on Tilex, but want something simple and cheap, that hopefully will work as well! :-) Ann


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Mothball Smell Out of Cedar Chest?
How do you remove the scent of mothballs from an old cedar chest? Rad


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Getting Rid of Bamboo?
We have bamboo everywhere. We cant use chemicals because it is close to our well. We had the yard cleared with a backhoe and this did not help. I understand the the main root can be miles away. Cassiemay


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Craft Ideas for Old Wooden Spools?
I have a bag full of old wooden spools - not the spools you find today - the old spools anywhere from 8-12 inches, some have the yarn/thread still on them & some dont. Im looking for crafts to use them in. Thanks for any help. Dawn


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My Finch Has Laid Some Eggs?
I have two finches and I was told that as long as you dont put a nest in the cage they wont lay eggs. Well, mine did, and she layed them in the food tray. So, I just added another food tray so I didnt disturb the eggs. But, I only saw them sit on the eggs a...


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Fleas In An Apartment?
We have 5 cats right now and a whole lot of fleas in our house. Im going to be giving my cats baths all week and pick up that spot on flea treatment from the vets when I get paid on August 1st, but I need remedies for getting rid of them in my apartment. All...


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Removing Candle Wax From Furniture?
You can remove melted candle wax from a piece of furniture, or sometimes this will even work for carpet, with a piece of newspaper and an iron. Just place a piece of newspaper (folded) over the melted wax area and place a hot iron, on a low setting, on top...


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Sharpie Marker on Leather Couch?
Permanent sharpie marker all over leather couch!! What can I do??


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Sharpie Marker on Leather Couch?
Try a little nail polish remover on a Q-Tip in a place that wont be too noticeable. If it seems to be working, try it some more. The biggest risk is that it will also take off the leather dye. Ive also heard that Goo Gone and Ditto Fluid work. Susan


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Bleach Stain on Carpet?
I just moved across country a few months ago, and when I was unpacking the box I had packed my bleach in, I found that the bleach had spilled in the box, and also leaked through the bottom of the box onto the carpet. Does anyone have suggestions on touching...


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Pineapple Sauce for Ham?
I believe this is the recipe for the pineapple sauce... I took a large can of pineapple chunks and drained the pineapple juice into a small sauce pan. I opened a container that I thought was raisins but it turned out to be currants. I added about 1/2 cup to...


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Candle Wax on Hardwood Floor?
Renters caused problems for us: How can I take spilled melted wax off hardwood-floors, it also splashed up on the walls and metal closet doors. Thank you for your help Mary in Pueblo, CO


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Throw Rug Stains On Linoleum?
I have a bathroom with a new linoleum floor (less than one year). Our tenants put throw rugs by the toilet and shower. The rugs reacted with the linoleum and left a dark yellow stain exactly the outline of the rugs. I have tried everything to remove the stain...


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Removing Mothball Smell From Wool?
How do you remove Mothball smell from woolen sweaters? Harriet


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Cleaning Porcelain Dolls?
My daughter has a collection of porcelain dolls from all over the world (about 50 of all different sizes)and they are really dusty. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to how to clean them. The clothes are also smokey (we used to smoke in the apt. before...


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Repairing Slate Steps?
The slate steps at the front door of my church are breaking off in pieces where the steel hanrails are attached. Short of cutting the stone and pouring cement in its place, is there any way to repair the joints or reattach the railings to the slate? RC from...


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Getting Rid of Bed Bugs?
My question is how to rid my home of bed bugs. Bugs in the chairs, carpet and outside home. Thank you, Michelle


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Getting Rid of Crawdads?
I have had problems with crawdads for years in my backyard creek, now they seem to be coming into the yard. Any ideas about getting rid of them? I have small grandkids and a small dog so please nothing poisonous. Thank so much, Debbie from Wilkesboro, NC


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Ridding a House of Fleas?
I recently returned from a weekend trip to find my house full of fleas. I have an indoor cat, but have never noticed any fleas until now. I also have two dogs outside. I dont know how they get in my house, but they wont go away. I also have a 1 1/2 year old...


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Mildew Smell In Car?
I accidentally left the sun roof open on my two-month old car over night and, Murphys Law, we got hit with a major storm. My interior was drenched! The car is still operating okay and ive been letting it sit in a underground garage with windows and sun roof...


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Getting Rid of Pigeons?
I have pigeons on my roof and you can just imagine the MESS I have on the sidewalk. There is NOT a nest. Any suggestions to get them to move without hiring a professional service? - Jo


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Apple Butter Recipe?
Your readers have been great in helping in the past and now I have another, but simple request. My gdaughter loves home made apple butter. What I need is a good recipe and also what type of apples to use. So readers, please help me to show my gdaughter that...


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Protection and Treatment for Insect Bites?
I am being bitten by what I think may be fleas. They are painful bites causing swelling and itchy at the site. What can I use or do to protect me that is non-invasive, as well what to I put on them now that I have been bitten. The bite and itch last a long...


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Attaching Shells to Mirrors?
I want to glue sea shells around a large round mirror with no frame. The edge of the mirror is scratched and worn away in some places and I feel this would revive it in a creative way. Any hints on how to attach shells would be appreciated. Sharr from Queensland


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Removing Seafood Odors from Your Hands
Remove fish odor from your hands, utensils and dish cloths, use one teaspoon baking soda to a quart of water By Geraldine Taylor


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Storing and Using Spices
Store your spices in a cool, dry space to keep them fresh. If they are too near to the stove they will lose their flavor more quickly.


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Female Cat Peeing Everywhere?
Im glad I found this site, I hope someone can help me out there. I have a 6 year old cat and she tends to pee wherever she pleases. It is getting very frustrating. Its getting to the point where I cant handle it, peeing on plastic bags, on the floor, my clothes...


Pair of faded blue jeans hanging in front of door

Dyeing Blue Jeans?
I was wondering if anyone has ever re-dyed blue jeans. I really dislike light blue jeans and was wondering if I could get some dark blue/indigo colored dye and use it. Madison


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Scuff Marks on Walls?
In my apartment that I am renting, there are black skid/scuff marks on the walls from previous tenants. I want to remove these marks. I know its not dirt because it wont come off with just plain water. How did the scuff marks get there in the first place? I...


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Keeping Mice Out of My House?
Does anyone have some tips or ideas from keeping a little mouse from ruining my kitchen? This mouse poops on my countertop and gets into my drawers. He comes out at night. I am petrified of mice and cant get myself to set a trap. Please help. Thank you! Rhonda...


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Removing Rust Stains in the Bathroom?
For 20 years I have put up with a rust stained ceramic toilet bowl. I have tried cleaning it by removing all of the water and soaking it in vinegar and baking soda, all commercial cleaners available here in New Zealand, and every method known to Womankind to...


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Common Ingredient Substitutions
According to this site you could try regular milk: Question: My question is: can you substitute regular liquid milk (actually, Id use soy) for evaporated milk in a baking recipe? And if so, what would be the substitution?  A dough recipe I have calls for 1...


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Ink on Leather Car Upholstery?
I would like to know how to remove ink from leather upholstrey. My friends daughter has drawn all over the backseat of her vehicle (smiley faces, etc...) with an ink pen. Thanking you in advance. Debbie


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Making Money at Home with Online Surveys?
I would like any info on online surveys. I know that some can cause problems for your PC. I am looking for some good ones to make extra money at home. Nanabn


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Ants in Dishwasher?
I have ants in my dishwasher. Has anyone else ever had this problem? How can I solve this problem? Brit21


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Permanent Marker Stains off Linoleum Floor?
My cousins two year old recently found a permanent marker and drew all over their kitchen floor. Does anyone have any ideas or tips on how to get this out? None of the cleaners she has tried have worked so far. Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated...


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Halloween Party Games?
Im throwing a Halloween party and I have everything but need ideas for games. I know you can play a game like hide and go seek but I want something different, exciting and something Ive never done before! Thank you, Jenna Catcott


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Removing a Ring That Is Stuck On Your Finger?
WD-40 can be used a get a stuck ring off, just give a light spray. By IMAQT1962


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Fruit Fly Control?
I have had a terrible problem with fruit flies lately. The fruit is not overripe, nor do I have garbage piling up. Ive also checked the drain. Anyone know how to get rid of these? Leslie (San Diego)


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Motor Oil Stain on Carpet?
How do you remove an old motor oil stain from a car carpet? Thanks, Deb from NE


Closeup of woman's ear.

Hydrogen Peroxide For Ear Wax?
Hydrogen peroxide is also good for killing colds in the beginning. It really does work. I got an eyedropper and put hydrogen peroxide in each ear. Let it sit there a while, then drain out on a towel. Its helped me several times and with no ill effects. I also...


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Getting Rid of Pet Odors?
I need to know the best way to get dog pee odor out of carpet. Rick Makela


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Blackhead Remedies?
I have blackheads on my nose, what would help? Caroline


Milkweed Ornaments (Shadow Pods)

Craft Project: Milkweed Ornaments (Shadow Pods)
(sent in by email) Several folks have asked where to get pods for the milkweed crafts. I went to Michaels and discovered a big bag of potpourri scented with vanilla that has some pods similar to milkweeds and other interesting things. The scent might be bothersome...


Milkweed pods painted like Santa.

Milkweed Ornaments (Santa Pods)
(sent in by email) Several folks have asked where to get pods for the milkweed crafts. I went to Michaels and discovered a big bag of potpourri scented with vanilla that has some pods similar to milkweeds and other interesting things. The scent might be bothersome...


Milkweed Ornaments

Milkweed Ornaments (Tiny Holy Village)
(sent in by email) Several folks have asked where to get pods for the milkweed crafts. I went to Michaels and discovered a big bag of potpourri scented with vanilla that has some pods similar to milkweeds and other interesting things. The scent might be bothersome...


What Breed is My Dog?
I looked up Siberian Husky on Google and then clicked on images. There are pups that look almost identical to yours. Susan


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Pie Crust Using Wheat Flour?
Heres a good recipe: Susan


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Use Tires for Rammed Earth Project
Here are some YouTube videos about Tire Rammed Earth Projects:


A clear glass lamp.

Painting Glass Lamps?
Another idea which will ruin the transparency but can change the color. Take it apart, plugging one end with paper towel or a cork and pour paint inside. Tip it and roll it around so that all of the inside is covered with the paint and let any extra paint drain...


Man in Housewife costume

Frugal Halloween Costumes for Children and Adults
I designed a costume for my neice one year. A bunch of grapes...! We used purple sweats and sweatshirt. Blew up purple balloons, and attached all over the sweats with safety pins. We also painted her face with purple face paint (this is optional). Was very...


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Fixing a Muddy Area in My Yard?
I saw these at an Green Living Festival: Something like this might work because it would keep the mud from pooling. Susan at ThriftyFun


What Breed Is My Dog?
He looks a lot like ThriftyFuns Maggie. We were told she was a Chow mix. Her tail does go back up over her back, shes about 50-55 pounds, deep chested, face a lot like a shepherd but does have Chow features, too (Black spots on her tongue, a bit stand offish...


water plan

Air Purifiers That Run on Sunshine and Water
(sent in by email) This is an excellent idea, but you should warn readers that some house plants are toxic/deadly to children and pets. Some are dieffenbachia (dumbcane) and philodendron (yes, it is!). I know this is a problem because my cat became ill from...


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Tips for Parents Sending Kids to College
Good tips! Another one is warn them that leaving their laundry in the laundry room may mean they lose all of their new clothes. This happened to my daughter her first week at college. Susan from ThriftyFun


Closeup of dog.

Dog Is Aggressive After Owner Died?
Hi Arryn, The first thing that came to mind is that he is trying to protect you, like your husband did. This may or not be the case but it is important that he knows that you are the master now and that you can take care of yourself. Because you have both been...


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Meal Planning Notebook and Filing System
(Sent in by email) Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I tried that menu planning from one of our readers and I do admit it is work but the results how I will know where all my loose recipes are at. I still have to right down the favorite ones in my picture...


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Substitute For Plastic Garbage Bags?
When I was a child we would line our kitchen garbage cans with newspaper. Wed put newspaper around the outside with a little folded at the bottom and the top, then make a square that would fit in the bottom. This kept the can fairly clean and easier to empty...


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How Frequently Can You Breed A Dog?
Heres a good link about it: Scroll down and they have some information about breeding.


Rocks painted to look like a snake.

Recycled Rock Crafts
Ah, I didnt paint these rocks, they were painted by students for a recycling contest. They were lovely and painted by two different people I believe. I love it when I see nice crafts like this so though it might inspire some of you. Susan from ThriftyFun


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Lizards Are Eating Kalanchoe Plants?
(sent in by email) The leaves of the Kalanchoe are like a cactus - have water in them. I have seen the lizards nibbling on the leaves. I live in a suburb outside New Orleans; it gets very hot and dry for days at a time. Perhaps the lizards are getting water...


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Bull Mastiff Puppy Eats Everything?
Hi Candace, A Bull Mastiff is a huge dog and with your limitations, not being able to exercise him regularly and your fiance not being able to either, he really might do better in another home. Puppies are puppies, especially big dogs, until they are about...


What is this mushroom?
Here is the address for the Mycological society near you. Tri-Cities Mycological Society Route 1 Box 525C Richland, WA 99352 Heres a good site to get you started trying to identify it. It could be an amanita type mushroom which would be poisonous. http://www...


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Removing Polyurethane from a Table?
I agree with Sharon about the sanding but use the very finest sandpaper you can buy, it will take off part of the poly that is probably too thick. I wouldnt wax anything with polyurethane on it but I may be wrong. Susan


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Cabinets With Too Much Paint?
Just a warning on using the heat gun, I used a heat gun on an old bookcase that had been painted. I kept having lung problems afterward so be careful that is isnt lead paint on the cabinets. The stripper gel might be safer, wear rubber gloves and have good...


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Nutritional Value of Baked Vegetables?
Baking zucchini into the brownies sounds like a good idea to me. It will add fiber and the vitamins of the zucchini will go into the brownies (not to mention moisture). There is always some vitamin loss when cooking but it still will be healthier brownies. And...


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Recipe for Dry Garlic Spareribs?
Here is a link to a good one that Connie posted:


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Hair Spray Tips and Hair Dressing Tips
If you just have to re-spray your hair before you go out, cover your clothes with a towel, hair spray can be hard to remove. By Dee


Avoiding Sunburn, Sunscreen and Sun Protection
Heres a good article about the best sunscreens available right now from the Environmental Working Group:


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Seasoning a Cast Iron Pot?
What has always worked for me for new cast iron is to get some suet from the butcher or meat market. Smear it over the surface of the cast iron, then Id put mine in my gas barbecue for a while, put on more and keep cooking. It will season it nicely. This works...


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My Son Turns 8 on August 8, 2008?
Golden birthdays are birthdays in which their age is the same as their birthday, like someone born on the 30th of the month, their 30th birthday would be their golden birthday. I dont remember ever hearing about these until we started ThriftyFun but many consider...


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Recommendations For Donut Chains?
Here the best donuts are at Safeway. They are fresh baked all day long and are better than most.


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Looking For Powdered Egg Replacement Recipe?
(sent in by Email) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The LDSCN Weekly Recipe Archive Powdered Egg Conversion Chart, Powdered Egg Omlet, Bannocks and Whole Wheat Pancakes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powdered...


Handstamped "purse" for a gift of greeting cards.

Gift Card Purse
(sent by email) How do I go about getting the pattern for the Card Purse that was listed in todays craft section. Its so wonderful but I have low vision and sometimes cant navigate your wonderful site. (b)Editors Note:(/b) Not all of our crafts have instructions...


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Rottweiler's Mysterious Death?
It could have been poison also or something that she ate. So sorry for your loss.


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Toilet Paper Roll Favor Boxes
(b)Editors Note:(/b) Put them in the oven at 200 degrees for about 5 minutes and it should kill anything on them.


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Overnight Crockpot Roast
We wrote to Barbara and her answer is in the original post, yes, add water, 1/2 cup. There is more information about cooking of veggies, etc.


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Biological Vs Non-biological Washing Powder?
(sent in by email)Bobbling: There are small balls of fibre covering the surface of the socks.


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What are Graham Crackers?
Graham crackers are called Digestive Biscuits in England but we have it recommended elsewhere on the site to use 1/2 digestive biscuits and 1/2 crushed rich tea biscuits to most closely make graham cracker crumbs.


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Odor After Cleaning Up Dog Vomit?
My Siberian Husky became sick last week all over my carpeted bathroom floor. There were about 6 large spots of vomit and diarrhea. I spent half the day cleaning. I tried about 3 different carpet cleaners and finally got the majority of the stains out. My problem...


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Are Cats Supposed To Pant?
Cats rarely pant. It could be the cat is overheated, is it hot where you live, or it could be a lung problem. In many years of owning cats, Ive only had one cat pant and she was injured by dogs. It is definitely something to be concerned about and is not normal...


Video: Rocco (Lion and Dog Mix)
It was our attempt at an April Fools Joke. Rocco is indeed a Chow Chow. Weve had him about a month. Hes different than most Chows in that respect, he seems to love everyone. He spent most of his life in a kennel at a puppy mill so may be so glad just to be...


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Heat Stain on Dining Room Table?
(Sent in by email) I left my Chi flat iron turned on for about 16 hours and laying a top my brand new Dresser. Its wood but does have a matte type finish on it. The heat from the ceramic plates left a horrible steak of faded areas directly where the iron was...


Planting a Memorial Garden

Planting a Memorial Garden
And another for my sister. GGVi


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