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Internet Yarn Site Featured on PBS Knit and Crochet Today?Does anyone know what the name of the knit, crochet, and yarn site spotlighted on the PBS TV show "Crochet Today"? The founder was interviewed on the show. Apparently on the site you can catalog your yarn stash, find patterns, learn what yarn works with what patterns....


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Cat Has Lost It's Appetite?My indoor-outdoor 3 year old cat is usually always hungry, but yesterday he lost his usual huge appetite. He has still been pretty much his normal, spunky, kitten-like self and still loves to run and play, but is a tiny bit sluggish. Yesterday he wouldn't eat his morning meal, but by evening we fed him his favorite of canned salmon cat food and he did eat it. But it's strange that he doesn't even want his treats which isn't like him. Could loosing his appetite be caused by worms? I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow.


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Comparing LCD and CRT TVs?Comparing LCD and TUBE TV SPECS: I've been looking at lower cost TV's to buy and have found it extremely hard to convert the specifications between Tube TVs and LCD TVs.


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Cat Rolls in Litter Box?Have any of you seen a cat who rolls in his litter box? When I caught him doing this the cat box was fairly clean with almost new litter except in the bottom corner where he wasn't rolling. He had used this box to go in 2 times so it wasn't brand new litter. He's a strange cat that hardly ever cleans himself. In fact we call him Pig Pen because he loves to lay and roll in the soft dirt outside to "powder" himself in the summer time.


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Reviews Of Mythic Paint?Has anyone tried Mythic brand of non-toxic indoor house paint? It has no off-gassing and no VOC's. I saw it advertised on TV and am curious about it's durability. And how smoothly it goes on.


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Growing English Laurel From Cuttings?I'm trying to propagate English Laurel. I need a super-fast growing hedge for privacy and can't afford to buy the plants. But I DO have access to cuttings.


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Cat Rolls in Dust?Is it normal for a healthy cat to constantly roll in soft powdery dirt? I can't help but laugh, he looks like he loves it and is having the time of his life as he lays on his back and rubs back and forth in the dirt (like a dog).


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Moss Growing on Lilac Bushes?I have several lilac bushes that are covered with moss and lichen. They are dying. Are the lilacs dying because of the moss and lichen or is the moss and lichen growing on them because they're dying? What do I do about it?


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McCall's Patterns Never Fit?I've always had a problem with McCall's patterns fitting me. So, I've been reading up about it on, and also talking to the ladies that work in my local JoAnn Fabrics and in the fabric area of Walmart. Everyone says the same thing, "McCall's patterns NEVER fit!" I've read it's because McCall's patterns have 'lots of ease'. Has this been true for you too, or am I losing my mind?


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Car Has No Power When Accelerating?Several days ago I bought a 1992 Mitsubishi Mirage. It's exactly the same car with the same size engine as my 1991 Dodge Colt so I know how it's supposed to perform. The Mirage lacks power when accelerating suddenly, like from a dead stop into traffic (dangerous) and also from 55 to a faster speed on the freeway.


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Finding Pillar Candles?In my area all the candles that are not in glass containers are all gone from the shelves. Is there a new law for fire safety that I don't know about, or are the businesses afraid of getting sued if someone starts a fire in their home?


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Buying Metallic Yarn?Where is the best and least expensive place to buy fancy metallic or shiny rayon yarn in bright colors? The brighter and more glittery the better. I'm not looking for eyelash or bumpy yarn.


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Do Old Kenmore Dryers Have a Circuit Breaker?My late 80's Kenmore Dryer worked one day, then just stopped the next. It won't turn, it won't heat, nothing happens! It's as if it came unplugged suddenly, but it didn't. Is there a circuit breaker in there somewhere like blow-dryers have in case they get too hot?


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Reviews of Breeze Brand Litterbox?Has anyone tried the Breeze brand of litterbox they sell at Walmart? It comes with special litter that is made to let the urine "flow through" it then down into a drawer that's got an absorbent pad in it. The pad lasts one week and looks like a kitty diaper. Supposedly, you scoop the solids and change the pad once a week and only put in new litter once a month. It sells for $29.99 at Walmart, the refill pads (4 to a pack) are around $4 and the litter is around $7. It's made by Tidy Cat. I'm thinking of buying one.


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Using Cone Yarn?How thick is 1/69 metallic cone yarn? I'm trying to buy some on eBay. Is it like sport-weight, "fingering" or baby yarn? Or is it super-thin like "knit-cro-sheen" cotton for doilies or even thinner like button thread?


Emery Cat Boards

Reviews of Emery Cat Boards?Has anyone used the "Emery Cat" scratching pad that files a cat's nails when they use it? Does it work? I've seen it advertised on TV. Here's their web site.


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Removing Chlorine from Hair?If you swim daily in a pool for physical therapy or recreation you'll want to remove that nasty chlorine from your hair without drying it out with excess washings. I simply buy conditioner from the dollar store.


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Free Turban Sewing Pattern?I've been looking everywhere on the web for a FREE turban sewing pattern. I know I can buy one by McCalls, but I'm to cheap! Anyone out there know a web site with a free turban pattern? Sometimes I'm in a hurry and don't have the time to do my hair before I leave the house.


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Cat With Laryngitis?All of a sudden my cat squeaks when he's trying to meow. He's otherwise very healthy with no sneezing, swollen glands, or runny nose. Has this ever happened to anyone else's cat? If he's not better in a day or two I'll take him to the vet.


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Can You Play Harmonica With Dentures?I'm an avid harmonica player but I may be required to get dentures. I'm worried that having dentures may impede my harmonica playing. Do any of you have any experience playing harmonica with dentures? If so, do the dentures diminish your skills in any way?


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School Supplies for Low Income Children?How do you get help buying School Supplies for low income children. My daughter could use this money to pay bills instead of buying school supplies, as she lost her job.


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Netscape Won't Load Anymore?I use Netscape as my browser and today it loaded fine earlier in the day, but when I tried to load it a second time it won't load, in fact there's absolutely no response when I click on the icon.


Treating a dog with fleas.

Do Fleas Jump Off of Pets After Treatment?When a pet is given the first dose of Advantage or Revolution, do the fleas jump off the pet and into the environment? Or do the fleas die from the chemicals?


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Wholesale Acrylic Beads?I need quality wholesale lightweight acrylic beads in bulk lots. Not the ugly plastic beads you find at the craft store, but nice looking plastic beads. I would prefer they come strung on cord and not loose. But any kind will do as long as they look nice and are fairly cheap.


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Will My Auto Insurance Cover This?I ran over a piece of metal I couldn't avoid on the freeway. My car's front-end got damaged and now shakes. I only have "bare-bones" basic car insurance (liability and uninsured motorist); will the "uninsured motorist" part of the policy cover the damage?


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Pattern for Crocheted Vest Worn on American Idol?Does anybody know where to get a pattern for the crocheted vest worn last night (on 2/23/10) by the female singer Didi Benami on American Idol? It had a round granny motif on the back and was multicolored. I loved it and can't wait to make one.


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Does Estroven Reduce Hot Flashes?Have you gotten relief from your menopause hot flashes by taking the supplement Estroven or any others? These hot flashes are disturbing my sleep and driving me crazy!


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Getting Firefox Out of Safe Mode?I used to have the choice when loading up my Mozilla Firefox browser to choose the regular mode or the "safe" mode. Several days ago I tried to log on in "regular" mode and only the "safe" mode was available to me.


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Loading Songs onto an iPod Nano?I got an iPod Nano for Christmas and I haven't a clue about how to download songs from the internet. Can somebody walk me through it? In case you need to know, my computer has a 1.10 GHz processor with 512 MB of Ram and I'm running Windows XP, version 2002, Service Pack 2 with a Dial Up modem. Hopefully the dial-up won't be a problem! The Nano supposedly comes with 8 Gigs of total space. Thank you in advance for your help!


Cat Swallowing Food Kibbles Whole?My 2 year old cat (with good teeth) used to chew his tiny pieces of dried food (kibble) normally, (we'd hear "crunch-crunch" when he ate). But these days he just swallows the kibble whole. Do your cats also swallow their dried food whole or is something wrong?


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Plastic or Metal Foot For Free Motion Quilting?I'm going to buy a free-motion quilting foot for my Brother Low-shank sewing machine. What's better a Clear plastic foot or a metal foot?


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Microchip and Magnetic Pet Doors? I recently saw a blurb on TV about microchip pet doors. I already knew about magnetic pet doors (where a magnet is attached to the pets collar that unlocks the door), but the magnet was big, bulky, heavy, and doesn't work well if it gets wet.



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