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81 Posts | 411 Comments | Active Since 2007


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What Is Washing Soda?Does anyone know what 'washing soda' is?


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Wearing Toning Sneakers?Has anyone had any experience wearing performance sneakers? The kind that are supposed to tone your legs, etc. when you wear them. Did they work for you? I've been thinking of getting a pair, but don't know if it's just hype or not.


Ice cream cone cupcakes with frosting on them.

Icing for Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes?Does anyone have a recipe or the name of a store bought icing that will really 'stand up' without that melting look? My daughter-in-law is planning my grand baby's first birthday party. I bought her cupcake molds in the shape of ice cream cones, so she's going to use cake mix to make the 'cones' then slice off the tops.


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Grape Juice Skin Recipe?There is a beauty recipe on this site that uses actual grape juice. Not the recipe where you use the grapes themselves, but grape juice like you buy in the grocery store. Can anyone help, please? Thanks!


Eyeliner pencil with sharpener.

Long Lasting, Smudge-Proof Eyeliner?I desperately need a smudge proof, long lasting eyeliner pencil. One that won't fade, smear, or lose the shape that I draw! I've tried waterproof kinds and smudge-proof kinds. I've tried setting the liner with powder or powder eye shadow.


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Planning a Trip to England?I have always wanted to go to visit England! Ever since I was a little girl, I have been interested in all things English. My husband has suggested I do some research as to great, must see, places to visit in England, but I don't know where to start.


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Low Carb Pasta Recipes?I need some help please. My husband is diabetic and is extremely, extremely overweight. I have been trying to help - I won't go into it because I'm sure there are so many out there who are trying to help the people they love. Can't do it for them, but try to be supportive.


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What Are Osage Oranges?Someone on this site recommended Osage Oranges to repel spiders. Does anyone out there know what Osage Oranges are and where I can buy some? Thanks!


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What Is TCP?Does anyone know what TCP is?


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Filling Chips in Wall Before Repainting?We live in an old house that has many coats of paint on the inside walls. We painted the walls taupe and left the ceilings white.


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Cooking Frozen Chicken?Thank you so much all of you for your quick responses and your imaginative recipes. The only thing is, I don't have a crockpot and really can't afford one right now. That may sound silly because I know they don't cost a fortune, but right now we don't have much money coming in at all. Any other baking, stove top ideas? So much appreciated! Thank you, you are great!


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Cleaning a Birdbath?I have a birdbath that I love, but due to some other circumstances, it's been sitting in the garden, dirty and attracting nothing, but flies, I'll bet.


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What is Spirit of Salts?Does anyone know what "spirit of salts" is? Someone from New Zealand wrote in and she wanted to know if they would get rid of tree stumps. She never got an answer and I can't email her to find out.


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Remedies For Cow Licks?Does anyone have a remedy for cow licks? I have tried blow drying in the direction, gel, etc., but with no luck. Have you used a particular product and/or a technique that works? Thank you!


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Old Dirty Dishes in Dishwasher?My sister has a problem with dirty dishes left in her dishwasher. She has been having renovations done to her condo, and before she could run the dishwasher, her building crew turned off the water.


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Reviews of Temperpedic Mattresses?Does anyone have any experience with sleeping on a Temperpedic mattress? We've been thinking of buying one because my husband's back is so bad. We've "tested" them in stores and they are unbelievably comfortable.


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Freezing Scalloped Potatoes?I would like to know if you can freeze scalloped potatoes. I do make mine low fat; I use non fat milk, butter buds and sometimes I use unflavored soy milk or unflavored rice milk. You can't even tell the difference.


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Do Oriental Detoxing Foot Pads Work?Does anyone know, by personal experience or from scamming info if those oriental detoxing foot pads really work? Does anybody use them or know someone who uses/used them? What were their results? I do believe there are toxins that store up in the body. Thanks everyone! You're the Best!


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Where Can I Get Azulene Oil?Does anyone know what azulene oil is? Where can I buy some?


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Cleaning Artificial Hair Pieces?Does anyone have a suggestion on how to clean artificial hair pieces?


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Reviews of ThermaCell Mosquito Repellent?Has anyone had any experience with a mosquito control product called: Thermacell? One of the ingredients is chrysanthemums. It also has other chemical ingredients, but has no Deet in it.


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Removing Black Hair Dye from Hair?I made the mistake of combing through my at-home hair coloring too many times and now most of my hair is completely black, no highlights, just black. I'd like to have some reddish highlights.


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Soup Made With Baked Potatoes?I used to have a recipe a few years back called 'baked potato soup', but can't find it anymore. It was really simple and delicious. You start out with baked potatoes and there's only a few more ingredients. Can anyone out there help? Thank you!


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Multisurface Spray Cleaner for Quick Clean Up?I need some kind of cleaner to use in between my regular house cleaning. Something I could spray on and wipe off, but it will have to cut through grease too. We live near three major freeways plus the pollution and pollen in the city is awful, too.


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Removing Oil from a Leather Chair?Does anyone have any ideas on how to remove oil from a leather chair?


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How Do I Remove Ligustrums (Privets)?How do I get rid of my ligustrums without the expense of having them professionally removed? I'm allergic to them.


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Face Doesn't Seem Clean After Washing?No matter how careful I am, and I am a fanatic about washing my face twice a day. I use Clearasil and have used so many other cleansers; my face is dry on the cheeks and oily at the T zone. But no matter how much I wash and I rinse like crazy, when I use toner the cotton ball comes back brown with dirt. Any suggestions out there?


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Cleaning and Shining Hardwood Floors?Does anyone know how to clean and shine wooden floors that have NO sealant on them? We live in a house that's almost 60 years old and can't afford to refinish the floors ourselves. Also, we don't have the physical strength to do so.


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Jewelry Organizing?I need help organizing my jewelry. Yes, I am an earring addict. Now I have three dresser drawers consumed by my jewelry and I need the space in my dresser; we have a really small house and space is so limited. Any good ideas out there?


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Baby Shower Ideas for a Daughter In-Law?Does anyone have any great ideas about a baby shower? Games, food, decorations - all will be welcome! My daughter in law is having her first baby in May 2008 - I don't have any children myself and this is my step son's wife.


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Eskinol Papaya Toner?Does anyone know where I can buy Eskinol Papaya Toner? I have been looking all over the internet with no luck. I live in the United States. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


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Coconut Oil Diet?Does anyone have the 'coconut oil diet'? I'd love to get a copy of it, please. Thank you.


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Planning A Cruise?My husband and I have been thinking about taking a cruise vacation. Is there anyone who has taken a cruise and can give us any hints as to what to look for as far as the ship itself, where it's registered, what we should ask about, scams, best time of the year to go, websites, etc.?


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Boiled Dough Cookies?Does anyone have a recipe for a cookie that you boil first and then bake? My husband says his mother used to make something she called "tadows", I haven't a clue as to the correct spelling.


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Recipe For "Tadows?" CookiesMy husband says his mother, who has long passed away, used to make a cookie he calls 'tadows' - this is spelled phonetically because he doesn't remember the spelling.


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Stains on a Toilet Seat?I have a graphic problem - you have been warned - about cleaning my toilet seat. My husband takes a medication called Byetta to help him lose weight because of diabetes. Unfortunately, it gives him horrible diarrhea - I suppose you get the picture by now.


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Looking for a High SPF Sunblock With Insect Repellent?I am looking for a high level sun block that also has a bug repellent in it. Does anyone know the name of one? Or, does anyone have a recipe for one?


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Making Clarified Butter in the Microwave?Does anyone have a recipe on how to make clarified butter using a microwave? No matter how I try, I can't make it on the stove. But I am certainly open to anyone who can give me a simple, fool proof way to do it! Thank you!


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Websites That Sell Really Cheap Books?Does anyone out there know of a website that carries really cheap used books? I'm also not too particular about what shape the books are in, as long as they're not missing any pages. Preferably one that has reasonable shipping rate.


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Does Concealapore Clog Pores?I have read on this site that Concealapore really does make facial pores disappear (or at least make them less noticeable). I'd love to try it, but does anyone know if it clogs the pores?


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Caring For and Storing Silk Clothing?How do I store my silk, beaded evening jacket, please? I want to keep it, but don't wear it a lot. It's black silk with metallic beading all over it.Thank you!


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Measuring Curtains for a Wall?I would like to hang curtains on one wall in my bedroom. I would like the curtains to look full on the wall, not skimpy looking. Can some one tell me how I can measure the wall and then find out how many panels of curtains I will need?


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Making Iced Tea At Home?I cannot, no matter how I try or what recipe I use, make iced tea. It gets bitter and/or cloudy no matter what I do. Is there someone out there who can give me an absolutely foolproof recipe, please?


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Getting Rid of Drain Gnats?I've read on this site, but can't find where, people put some kind of household and/or natural products down the house drains to stop those little flying insects from coming into the house.


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Homemade Lip Stain?Does anyone have a recipe for a lip STAIN? Thank you!


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Using Dairy Cream On Skin?Someone recommended fresh dairy cream as a treatment to get rid of pitting on the skin. Where would you buy 'fresh' dairy cream? What is dairy cream?


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Homemade Sudsy Ammonia?Can someone please give me a recipe to make sudsy ammonia? I've been everywhere in Houston and can't find it anywhere. I don't know what it's made out of, but so many recipes are offered here that you must have sudsy ammonia among them.


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What is Wheat Powder?What is wheat powder? I saw it as an ingredient on this site for a blemish remedy and I'd like to try it out. It was under 'home remedies for acne'. Thanks!


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Repairing Cracks in Drywall?We live in an old house. The bathroom off our bedroom was once a small porch and the former owners made a small bathroom out of it. However, it has no air conditioning or heat. It's just built on a cement slab.


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Recommendations for an Oil Free Sunblock?Can someone recommend a truly oil free sunblock? I've tried many kinds, but they all leave my t-zone oily and make me break out.


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Frizzy Hair That Won't Hold Curls?I live in Houston, TX and it is literally humid here nearly all year long, even in the winter. My hair is straight and frizzy. How this can be, I don't know because I've tried just about everything I can think of.


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What Is Graham Flour?Can anyone tell me what graham flour is?


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Getting Rid of Flying Insects Outside?I would like to get rid of the mosquitoes, gnats, and other flying things away from where I sit on the porch in my backyard. But I don't want anything that will hurt the lizards, snakes, insects or other helpful animals that eat the "bad" bugs.


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Cleaning Soap Scum Off Slate Tiles?On the shower walls of one of our bathrooms we have slate on the walls. The slate is all uneven and all different colors, I love it. Technically it's my husband's bathroom and he hates everything about the slate (he picked it out).


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What is This Soup?My husband says his mother used to make a soup called, Lundabust, that's how it sounds. He can't remember how it's spelled. It had celery and veal in it. Then, at some point when the broth was clear, a beaten egg(s) was put in the broth.


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Spiders on My Front Porch?I have a problem with red spiders making a ton of 'homes' in the ceiling of my outdoor porch. Their webs/cocoons are also red. They are so hard to get rid of that I can't even brush them away with a stiff broom.


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Removing Fish Smell From Fridge?I am getting to be a desperate woman. I can't get the fish smell out of my refrigerator.


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Jello Lipstain Recipe?Does anybody remember a recipe for lip stain made from Jello?


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Homemade Produce Wash?Does anyone have a recipe for washing the pesticides off of produce? My mother has auto immune disease and is on a limited budget and would like to make her own.


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What is a Pore Vacuum?I recently asked for product reviews on Dermawand - and thank you so much everyone! In one of the responses I received, some one named 'Kimberly' on a guest post mentioned a 'pore vacuum', but I don't have any idea of what this is.


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Where Can I Find Wine 'Dregs'?Ok, get ready for a weird request. I would like to know where I can buy 'dregs' of wine. This is something that falls to the bottom of the wine bottles. Any help from anywhere?


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Duac Cream for Whitehead Treatment?Can someone please tell me what "Duac" is? It's listed on Thriftyfun as a cure for whiteheads. Here's what the person on Thriftyfun wrote - Whitehead Remedy? "Just get Duac once daily cream. It's working wonders for me.


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Hair Dye on Jeans?I got brown permanent hair dye on my jeans. Can anyone help me? Thanks!


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Donating Old Cell Phones?Does anyone know of who or what kind of organization may have a use for our old cellphones? I hate to throw them out!


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Toilet Keeps Getting Rust Spots?In one of my bathrooms I have a commode that gets two rust spots in the same place, all the time, even on the very rare times that I have gotten rid of them. It is a brand new toilet. The really weird thing is that the new toilet gets the rust stains in exactly the same place as the old toilet did.



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