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Flavoring Old Dog Bones?My dog has some perfectly good dog bones (the chewy type you buy at the pet store) but he prefers the new $6.00 ones straight out of the package. Am thinking there may be something I can dip them in that will have a non-staining healthy flavored coating.


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Ideas For Marking Where To Clean Up After Dog?When my daughter takes the dog for a walk in our yard, she forgets where the messes are when she goes back out to clean up.


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Daycare Activities?A friend works at a daycare center and has kids ages 10 to 13 for two hours after their regular school. This place offers only babysitting, not crafts.


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Need Help Growing Basil?My basil is very short lived. By the time the plants are big enough to harvest a goodly quantity of leaves, the flavor is bitter and the tips are going to flower. When planting, I always cut off the growing tips to encourage bushing out.


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Avoiding Static Shocks on Metal Chairs with Microfiber Seats?We purchased some kitchen chairs that are metal with microfiber seats. I was wondering after we bought them, of course, if these are going to give us static electricity shocks during the winter when the heat is on. Any suggestions to avoid this situation? Thanks


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Recipes Using Plantains?Does anyone have any favorite plantain (aka pl'tano macho) recipe they'd like to share? Plantain looks like a large banana. It's stages of ripeness can range from green to yellow to black and, like a potato, it needs to be cooked.


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Using Herbs to Repel Slugs and Snails?Someone suggested I put strong smelling herbs at the base of my plants to ward off the slug/snail attack. How should I hold them in place? We get wind and driving rain.


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Anti-Spyware Reviews?My anti-spyware (TrendMicro) is no longer made as a stand alone. So now I have to go shopping. Any suggestions?


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Minimizing the Bitter Flavor of Collard Greens in Recipes?Collards are the only plant crop that thrives in my garden. Any suggestions as to how to minimize the bitter flavor? I chopped up some for a lentil and sausage soup and wasn't too happy with the result due to their strong flavor.


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Inside Entertainment For a Large Dog?What is the best way to entertain a 52 pound dog when the weather is too bad to go out? We're having high winds and driving rain right now - and the great outdoors is slippery and puddled. Our dog has bundles of puppy energy.


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Brewing Coffee For 11 People With Small Pot?I need to brew coffee for 11 people and don't have a coffee maker that large (ours is a 2 cup).


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Reynolds Handi-Vac Vacuum Sealing System?Has any one tried the new Reynolds Handi-Vac Vacuum Sealing System?


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Hamilton Beach Toaster Oven Leaks Air Around The Door?My new countertop toaster oven leaks a lot of hot air around the door. It's a Hamilton Beach 31197. There is no gasket on door, just 2 little rubber donuts.


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Doggie Biscuits That My Dog Won't Choke On?We taught our dog to jump for treats, I think one got caught in his throat. It was a piece of bone shaped doggie biscuit. We're not going to use that type again. But would like to continue with the jumping part. What do you suggest that we use for a treat that he won't choke on? He's a 45 pound dog.


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Maytag Washing Machine Doesn't Spin Out All The Water On Delicate?My 10 year old Maytag washing machine doesn't spin all the water out when I use the delicate setting (we use this most often). I've been re-setting the dial to a different selection to remove the water. Considering its age, is this repair worth doing? Any idea about the cost?


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Gerbera Growing As A Perennial?I have a Gerbera plant that is doing well and would like to propagate it. I went to the plant nursery to buy another perennial Gerbera and was told they're annuals. Mine doesn't know it is only supposed to last one year (that's why I'd like to have more of the same). Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Static from Petting a Dog?Since the weather has changed, I find that when I pet the dog, we have a little static electricity problem. Any suggestions? He's an American pit bull terrier mix, 60 lbs.


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Engaging Core Muscles When Exercising?How do you know you are engaging core muscles when exercising?


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Help With Hair in Windy City?Solutions for hair in a windy city. No matter what I do, 5 mins. in the wind makes my hair a mess.


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Preventing Moisture Buildup When Storing Cheese?I stored some cut up cheese chunks in a vacuum sealed bag for a week. There were droplets of water inside the bag in a few places (minimal). Do you suggest I place a paper towel in with the cheese chunks to prevent mold from building up due to excessive humidity?


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Growing Kale Seedlings?I grew some kale seedlings in my kitchen on the countertop. They are very spindly. They do not appear to be sturdy enough to survive the night outdoors nor rain. I have been putting them in a sunny spot during the day, and back in the garage at night.


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Sweet Ginger Tofu Pudding?There is a Vietnamese snack made of sweet ginger syrup and very soft tofu mixed together. My question: Is the water supposed to be drained off of the soft tofu before adding the syrup? It comes in a large cottage cheese like plastic container with the sweet ginger syrup packaged separately.


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Ice Cube Trays?Any gizmos to make ice cubes? Years ago we had a plastic box and special cube trays that, when turned face down and flexed, would drop the ice right into the holding box. Anyone seen one of these lately?


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Allergic Reaction from Hot Chocolate?My son had a mug of hot chocolate in a place that specializes in all things chocolate. It advertises this beverage as the "best in this state, the nation" or some such thing.


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Top Loading Washer Reviews?Anyone buy a washing machine recently that they'd like to recommend that is not a front loader?


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Epson All-In-One Reviews?It was suggested that I purchase an Epson printer/scanner/copier with small individual cartridges. Well, I just finished reading the reviews of the CX6000 and that sure scared me away. Any suggestions?


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Housebreaking a Dog Again?My dog pooped in a bedroom, then did it again the next day. We made a point of keeping the door to that room closed. He figured out that too because then he did it right outside the door to that same bedroom.


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Are Contracts Signed Before Declaration of Mental Incompetence Valid?If a person is declared mentally incompetent, can a contract they signed before that date of declaration of incompetence still be valid?


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Advice For Organizing The Refrigerator?When you have too many things to fit into the fridge and then need to place a large casserole dish on a shelf, how do you arrange stacking? Any special gizmos?


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Vinegar In Soup?How does vinegar improve the flavor of soup? Any specific type of vinegar?


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Rival Versaware Slow Cooker Reviews?Reviews of the Rival Versaware Slow Cooker. This slow cooker has a liner that can be used directly on the stove top. Any opinions?


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Indicating Recipe Preparation Method?Indicating Recipe Preparation Method. When I enter a recipe title in my computer, I like to indicate its method of preparation. For instance, I might do "Asparagus in Lemon Sauce, stove top".


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Has Anyone Used The 'Paw Plunger'?Have you tried the Paw Plunger? Does it work? For what size of dog?


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Storing Bulk Non-Perishable Groceries?When I purchase an item in bulk, it all ends up in the spare bedroom - like an 8 pack of paper towels, for instance. Needless to say, that room is becoming a catch-all. Where and how would you store non-perishable groceries and paper goods?


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Tool Bar for MS Word Disappeared?I have Microsoft Word. The bar across the top of the document page used to have buttons for adding bold, italics, changing font, changing font size. This has disappeared.


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Looking for Insoles for Crocs?I've been searching for an insole to use in Crocs sandals that would enable me to refrain from using hosiery.


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Making Good Brown Rice?I don't make very interesting brown rice. It always comes out overcooked with water at the bottom of the pan. Organic brown basmati.


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Sanitizing a Wood Knife Handle?I bought a curved blade ulu knife on ebay, figuring it would help me to slice through a brick of cheese, having a large enough handle for two hands upon which to fit.


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Mother-of-the-Groom Dress Ideas?I need mother-of-the-groom dress ideas, pronto. It is a summer wedding. I probably won't lose weight in time for the wedding, so I need to hide what will be the shoes (the hips, ...). The jacket, top or the outfit needs to be watermelon pink. Any suggestions?


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Exercise For People Who Walk Little Or Use Walkers?I am looking for exercises for people who can't walk much. Do you have any suggestions?


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Help Using the Inspire TI Calculator?Does anyone have the Inspire TI calculator (it might have a slightly different spelling).


Broken cane back chair.

Repairing Dining Room Chairs Vs. Buying New?I have some dining room chairs that are probably over 40 years old. The backing on the chairs is mostly caning with a wooden frame. It needs replacing in almost every chair. I am thinking it would be smarter to just buy new dining room chairs.


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Doing Sit Ups Without Straining Your Neck?When doing sit ups, how to keep from straining one's neck?


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Mail Order Pharmacy That Ships to Columbia?Any one know of mail order pharmacies or stores that will ship to Colombia, South America? I know of someone who needs Prilosec there.


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Keeping Garage Cool In The Summer?Our garage becomes very hot in the summer (it's 100 degrees F both indoors and outside) in spite of the fact that there is a gap between the garage door and the wall and door top (like most). I told my DH he had to invent something to keep the air circulating. Keeping the bottom of the door open a few inches doesn't help much because heat rises. In the mean time - any suggestions?


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Homemade Electric Broom Filter?Homemade Electric Broom Filter. My electric broom has a filter that is small and shaped like a hair bun cover, made of filter cloth and secured with sewn in elastic. I could make one, but I don't know where to find the cloth.


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Panini Recipes?My panini's are singularly unimpressive. Any suggestions? I have a 1200 watt panini maker and have decided to use the bacon press in a frying pan as the former takes a long time to cook. No improvement in taste. Is the whole secret drenching the bread in butter?


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Is Extended Use Of Fragrance Oils Harmful?I've wondered if the oil fragrance diffusers of any type are actually dispensing an oil film that will eventually become sticky, adhere to furniture, cause environmental and health problems down the road...any opinions?


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Free Pictures to Download?Where on the internet can I find free pictures of objects to use when I make up my class worksheets? I need pictures of animals, furniture, people, etc. Can be black line or simple pix with colors (black line preferred). I have a Broderbund with these pictures from years ago, but it doesn't seem to like my Win XP computer.


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Waterless Stacked Cooking?Is it worth investing in this expensive cookware? Does the weight of all of these pots break the electric stove burners? Does stack cooking work?


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Transporting Board Games?I do private tutoring and often take board games in Spanish to work. The boxes are starting to become worn. When I bring them to work, I hand carry the boxes, holding them so that the tops don't fall off the bottoms and pull a backpack on wheels with text books at the same time.


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Making Coated Eyeglass Lenses Last Longer?I just bought a pair of $250.00 reading and computer bifocals with coated lenses. The clerk said that if I cleaned them with the proper cloth and solution, they'd last 1 year. ONE YEAR! Suggestions for making the coating on the lenses last longer? Thanks!


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Reviews of Samsung 3-Door Refrigerator?I am thinking about purchasing one of those Samsung refrigerators that is a 3 door; two on the top for the fridge and a bottom freezer with 29 cu ft. I am waiting until after the Xmas season for better sales. Does anyone have one that they'd like to comment on?


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Recommendations For Small Food Processor?I need a recommendation for a small food processor. My Bravetti Quad Blade stick blender just bit the dust (and didn't do such a hot job making bread crumbs, so it's no great loss). I owned a previous model of this item and it was excellent. Too bad they 'improved it'.


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Improving the Flavor of Hummus?I've had all sorts of store bought hummus from homemade organic to commercially prepared and would like to know if there's anything you might suggest that would improve the flavor.


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Soundproofing the Laundry Closet?We have a small open closet in the kitchen where the clothes washing machine is located. I just replaced the old one with a Kenmore. This made a lot of noise. After speaking with the store clerk, she suggested we swap it out for another one of the same model to see if the original was a dud. At the price we paid, the clerk said it should not be making this much noise.


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Testing The Reliability Of Remote Cooking Thermometers?This is about cooking thermometers, the type in which you leave the probe in the meat while it's in the oven and have a control unit outside of the oven preset to beep at a certain meat temperature.


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Strawberry Pretzel Squares by Kraft?It's yummy, but I can't get the crust to stay together. Any suggestions? We had this at a local restaurant as one of their signature side dishes. Theirs was better than mine.


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Large Font Cell Phone for AT&T?Any suggestions for an AT&T cell phone with large size font, and a nice contrasting background? Or what cell phone do people with poor vision use with AT&T service? Thanks.


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Taping HDTV Programs?If I hook this HD Ready living room TV up to a converter box and an HD antenna, would VCR tapes recorded from it still play in a regular TV's vcr in the kitchen? Or do I have to convert both TV's to HD?


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Reviews Of TV Converter Boxes?Any TV converter box brand or features you'd like to recommend or vice versa?


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When Does Daylight Saving Fall Back In 2007?Does any one know when we have the daylight saving switch again in 2007? I know it started at a different time earlier this year, but when does it end?


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Improving Scanner Quality?The situation is that when I write on a sheet of paper and then scan it, the one from work comes out dark and legible and the one I have at home is substantially lighter. (The scanner at work probably cost between $400 and $1,000. Mine was maybe $125 and is so old I don't recall when I bought it.)


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Getting a Dog to Like Someone?How do you help a dog to like (instead of dislike) a person? My husband evidently reminds the dog of the former abusive owner. Based on body shape we guess, because when he sees this shape on any person, he becomes angry.


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Carrabba's Italian Lentil and Sausage Soup?Yesterday I had sausage and lentil soup at Carrabba's Italian restaurant. It was filling, not too greasy and absolutely wonderful. Anyone have the recipe or a similar recipe?


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Balls Dropping from an Oak Tree?My oak tree has dropped a few balls made of a papery type material. Inside there is something that looks like the flower on a bottle brush tree, only it's white. Is this normal?


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Event Reminder System?I was using Red Envelope for an event reminder, but they stopped sending notices. Does anyone have a system that works? One that reminds 2 weeks and 3 days before the event?


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Bulb in LED Flashlight Stopped Working?I left one of those LED wind up flashlights in my car on purpose. Well, the nights have been very cold and although the garage doesn't get down to freezing, you can imagine just how cold it can become. I took a walk around the block with the flashlight fully charged and one of the 4 LED bulbs dimmed out within 10 mins.


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Snacks for a Dog on a Low Sodium Diet?Our family dog has developed kidney disease. It's in the very early stages and was discovered when the vet did some blood tests prior to cleaning his teeth.This may be due to a prolonged bout of heartworm or the side effect of distemper.


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What Kind of Eggs Are These?When I was in boarding school, they had the nicest breakfast. A large cookie sheet with a small rim would hold many almost fried eggs floating in water. We'd scoop out an egg and eat it with buttered toast. I'm calling them almost fried, because they looked like they were fried, but there was no evidence of pan frying. No crispy edges nor caramelization. Any ideas how there were made?


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Ways To Avoid Flipping Food While Cooking?Frozen onion rings and french fries need to be turned midway after some baking time. Is there a suggested method of baking that can omit the food flipping step?


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Washing a T-shirt Bra?How do I wash and dry a T-shirt bra (a bra made specially to wear with T shirts). Suggestions? Thanks.


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