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104 Posts | 748 Comments | Active Since 2007


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Are Walmart Great Value Products As Good as Name Brands?Do you buy WalMart generic (Great Value) products? Have you found that's just as good as name brands? I just tried their peanut butter and found it to be just as good as the major brands.


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Choosing an Apartment Locator?I've moving to a much larger city that's a 6 to 7 hour drive from where I now live. I don't know much about the area I'm moving to and think I need an apartment locator. Can anyone give me advice on how to select one? Thanks


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When to Help Adult Children Financially?When does it become enough when helping adult kids with finances when they don't modify their lifestyle? We've helped with insurance deductibles and other emergencies.


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Internet Security Software Advice?My paid AVG Internet Security is about to expire. I'm looking into free software and am overwhelmed with all the choices. I'm using Firefox as my web browser with Windows 7.


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How To Sprout Moonflower Seeds?I received dried moonflower seeds from a plant in Dallas. I put some in pots with potting soil and planted some directly in the ground without nicking and soaking. It's been about 2 weeks now and none have sprouted. I have done an online search and everyone says to nick the seeds.


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Shopping for a Tub or Shower Caddy?I recently replaced my shower head with one of those with the long hose. Sorry, I don't know what it's called. I haven't found an over the showerhead caddy that doesn't get in the way of using this device.


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Converting a Wired Printer to Wireless?I want to go wireless with my HP printer that's not sold as a wireless printer. My question is: Is there a way to go wireless with this printer? I know that I have to purchase a wireless router; that much I do know.


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Ninja Blender Reviews?Do you have a Ninja? What do you think of it and what do you use it for? I don't like my blender and I'm considering buying the Ninja.


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Reviews of Walmart's Straight Talk Cell Phone Plan?Has anyone used Straight Talk prepaid cell phone sold at WalMart? You have to purchase the phone, but the plans are very reasonable like: 1000 talk and 1000 text for $30 and most minutes must be added every month. Also, unlimited talk and text for $45.


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Getting Rid of Calluses on Elbow?How do I get rid of a callous on my elbow? I probably developed it from propping my elbow on my desk. I went to dermatologist to have it removed. She said if she removed it may hit a nerve. It gets dry and scaly. All lotion or Vaseline does it soften it.


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Advice for Buying Wind Chimes?What type materials should I consider or not consider when shopping for outdoor wind chimes? They will not be in the shade and will be exposed to hot sun, rain, snow, etc.


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Enhancing the Color of Grey Hair?Have you used color enhancing shampoos on your virgin gray/white hair? Do they add color and do you have to use it for a number of shampoos in order to see results?


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Keep Chocolate From Dogs?Today my dog grabbed and ate a chocolate brownie I sat down on an end table. I know dogs aren't supposed to have chocolate so immediately I called the vet. I was told to bring him in.


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Finding a Playmate for My Dog?I want a playmate for my 1yr old dachshund but I can't afford the expense of another pet. People have playdates for their children so why not an occasional playdate for Lester? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I would find such a dog and his owner?


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Treadmill Reviews?I'm considering buying a treadmill. I'd like to hear from folks who own one. What brand do you have and with what features? Have you had problems? I know nearly nothing about them other than the obvious.


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Recommendations for Kitchen Timers?Can anyone recommend a loud kitchen timer that continues to sound until you cut it off? I bought a cheap timer at WalMart but it only sounds once and not loud enough to hear unless you're right in the room with it or fairly close buy. I tried setting the alarm on my cell phone but that's a hassle.


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Repairing the Accessory Power Outlet in a Car?The cell phone charger in my car doesn't work/charge. There is a tray right next to where the charger connects. I had put some coins in that tray and a penny got into the slot where the charger is to be pushed in.


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Recliner Lever Extender?I've having trouble getting out of my new recliner. The lever is too far down for me to reach when my dog's on my lap. I searched online and there is a thing at called a "recliner lever extender".


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Keeping an Inside Dog Occupied?My nearly 2 year old Dachshund is obsessed with balls and barks constantly. It's too hot for him to play outside. How do you keep a dog occupied throughout the day, without playing with him constantly.


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Pedometer Reviews?If you use a pedometer when walking I'd like to hear your opinions on the brand and model you use. Has anyone used an Omron pedometer? I owned a cheap one I bought at WalMart one time but it wasn't very accurate.


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Age Spots on Scalp?I have spots on my head that I thought were from hair color, but my dermatologist told me they are age spots like the ones we get from the sun. I have age spots on my arms, but I've never heard of anyone having them on their head.


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How Sturdy Are Suction Grab Bars?Has anyone used the bathtub grab bars that attach to the tub wall by the way of suction? I've seen them in Bed Bath and Beyond. I'm wondering how sturdy they are.


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Getting the Last Drop Out of Body Wash and Other Containers?Does anyone know an easy way to get every last drop of body wash from the containers? My son uses the kind for hair and body and he can use one container in no time.


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What Can I Do With an Old Family Quilt?What can I do with an old quilted bedspread that belonged to my deceased mother (she made it herself)? She had washed it so many times that the thread is bare on a lot of places. The colors don't fit my decor so framing pieces or making pillows is not an option.


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Getting Your Affairs in Order for Your Kids?I'm afraid that in the event of my death my kids would have no ideal what to do. They would need to call to have social security benefits and retirement payments stopped. They would also, need to know what bills need to be paid, etc. I pay everything online and don't get paper statements.


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Natural Remedy for Anxiety?What do you do for anxiety? Would you suggest some natural remedies? I need something to get me through a difficult time right now. I may just go to the doctor and get a prescription, but I don't want to take anything for any length of time and especially something that is addictive.


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Using Your Fireplace for Storage When Not in Use?Do you use your fireplace for any type of storage when you're not burning a fire, like in the summer? I did a Google search and got a few ideas, but I think my ThriftyFun friends would have some good ideas.


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Will Cotton Poly Sheets Make Good Cleaning Rags?I have some old sheets I'm wanting to cut into squares and use for cleaning and picking up spills. They are part cotton and part polyester. Will they soak up spills or would they need to be 100% cotton?


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Treating the Pain of Tailor's Bunion?Has anyone been diagnosed with what is called a tailor's bunion; a bunion on the outside of the foot just above the pinkie toe? I will seek medical help, but from doing research that seems to be my problem. What is the best way to treat the pain?


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Darkening Room for Day Sleeper?The size shade I need runs in the hundreds. Block out drapes won't work because the hardware sticks out from the wall letting in streams of light from both sides. I now have a blanket covering the window with a black sheet behind it and it's still not dark enough. Does anyone have any inexpensive solutions? Outside appearance is not an issue.


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Getting Rid of a Double Chin?Can a double chin be caused by weight gain; specifically in the face and neck? If I lose weight is it possible to lose, at least some, of my double chin?


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Cooking for One?I don't enjoy cooking because most of the time I'm eating alone. What are others in my situation eating? It has to be fast and not have a lot of cleaning up. I buy fresh veggies and often times they go bad because I never get around to cooking them.


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Utilizing the Wasted Space in Corner Kitchen Cabinets?What's the best way to utilize the space in the unreachable corners of my cabinets where they form an "L" shape. If I use bins in those corners to hold items then I have to remove all my pots and pans to get to the bins.


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Switching from ATT Contract to Prepaid?My contact with AT&T was up over a year ago and I'm considering going with a prepaid in order to save money. I don't want to purchase multiple prepaid phones just to find the best carrier for my needs (dropped calls, no service, etc.) especially while traveling within Texas.


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Keeping Originals of Birth and Death Certificates?I have scanned old birth and death certificates, marriage license, etc. to a thumb drive. I will keep hard copies of my birth certificate and marriage license for myself and my children.


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Coping with Adult Child's Divorce?My daughter called to tell me she has left her husband of 19 years. She did not mention divorce, but tells me she will not go back. They have a 16 year old son who has mental problems and has been in and out of hospitals for several years.


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Covering Wallpapered Walls with Texture and Paint?I've moved into a place where someone painted over wallpaper in my kitchen. Then the person who did it tried a glazing effect; it's uneven, I don't like the color (too dark). Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do with this room. Removing the wallpaper is not an option. It's stuck down good.


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Cookies are Very Thin and Hard?When I bake cookies they turn out paper thin. The directions says drop by tablespoon onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Mine stuck on the ungreased sheet. Then I greased the cookie sheet and they still turn out paper thin and hard as a rock.


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Using a Water Pic?Does anyone use a water pic type cleaner? What success have you had with one and would you suggest a specific brand?


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Attaching Headboard and Foot Board to Bed Frame?My bed has a headboard as well as a foot board with the wooden side rails that attaches to both. Then there are slats that came with the bed that the box springs sets on. I want the bed to be lower.


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Locked Out of Yahoo Mail?I logged into Yahoo mail to change my password. I've had the same password for the longest so I don't know if it's something I've done, but now I'm unable to read my mail.


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Credit Fraud Due to Divorce?Can anyone place a 7 year credit alert with the 3 credit reporting agencies in Texas after a divorce "without" a police report? My daughter ran her report after leaving her husband and found that during the marriage he had opened up accounts in her name only without her knowledge. According to my daughter he has closed the accounts.


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Uses for a Broken Garden Hose?How can I recycle an old garden water hose that has a hole in it? I am not interesting in trying to repair it but can I use it for something else?


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Can a Dog Bite Cause a Rash?Can a dog bite cause a rash? The wound isn't infected and has healed.


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Attaching a Table Skirt?My desk is one of the long fold-able tables like you buy at Walmart or Sam's. It appears to be made of hard plastic type material.


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Finding Good Coupon Savings?Where are Good Coupons? I've searched the recommended sites but nearly all the coupons are for foods that are too expensive anyway, etc. boxed and prepared foods. And cleaning supplies I never purchase. I use the ole standbys vinegar, baking soda, bleach, etc. I NEVER buy special cleaning products.


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What Do You Think of Facebook?I'd like to hear from those of you who have a Facebook account. Any problems, such as spam and security issues? Do you use it to make new friends?


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Will Facial Contour Change After Tooth Extraction?If I have a jaw tooth pulled and don't get a partial, bridge, or implant to replace the tooth. Will my teeth shift or my face contour change at my age? I'm 68 yrs old. I have no other missing teeth. You can't see this tooth in question, when I smile.


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Preserving an Old Cookbook?I have my mother's cookbook in which the thick cardboard binder is destroyed; the contents are in pretty good shape. It has 5 rings and I can't find anyplace that sells 5 ring binders. I'm relying on my ThriftyFun friends again on how I can preserve this or where I can find a 5 ring binder. It's Betters Homes and Gardens. I contacted them and they said I couldn't buy the binder; I've have to buy a new cookbook. Copying the pages and inserting in a 3 ring binder is not something I want to do.


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Dishwasher Detergent for Hard Water?I live in west TX where the water is hard. I'm using a liquid dishwasher detergent. The dishwasher is not getting my dishes clean and the glasses come out hazy.


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Products to Help Lift a Dog?My male, standard size Dachshund weights about 20 lbs. As any Dachshund owner knows this breed of dog can often have back problems. I am a senior lady and my dog is getting more than a little heavy for me to lift in and out of the car or picking him up for any reason.


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Setting Up a Price Book?I'd like suggestions on how to set up and start a price book. I don't want to pay for one.


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Unruly Eyebrows?How do you, as a woman, tame your grey and wiry eyebrows?


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Dachshund Pooping in the House After Back Surgery?Do you have a dachshund that's had back surgery and was previously housebroken but now poops in the house? I never had any problems with my four year old pooping in the house until he had back surgery October 1st.


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Organizing Molly Bolts and Screws?I'm always hanging something that requires a molly bolt. I have a tray with all types and sizes of screws, nails, molly bolts, etc. that I've collected over the years.


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Recommendations for Genealogy Software?I have just started searching my family background and need a way to get it all organized. Have you used any of the software programs that are sold? I need something user friendly and that doesn't cost a lot of money.


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Preventing Email Spam?I keep getting spam from one place that's trying to sell something. I use the filter in Yahoo mail, but that doesn't stop them from continuing to send me mail. In the "sender" field or the "subject" field they just add certain numbers or characters and the spam continues to get through.


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Bandaging Your Ear?How do you bandage an ear? Regular Band Aids don't work due to the shape of the ear.


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Deleting Old E-mail Addresses in Yahoo Groups?When I go to "edit groups" there is a drop down menu in which to select where you want your mail directed to. Still there are all these e-mail addresses that I have long ago deleted and no longer use. This happens only when I select "edit groups". How do I delete these old e-mail addresses?


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Hubcap Yard Art?Is there any way I can use hubcaps as yard art?


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Value of Star Wars Figures?I have over a dozen old Star Wars figures that belonged to my, now adult, children. I've searched different sites and haven't seen any like the ones I have.


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Dog Possessive With Chew Toy?I like to give my 4 year old male Dachshund a bone to chew because I think it helps to clean the tartar from his teeth. The only time he chews on it is right before bedtime. When he has his bone, he will growl and bite anyone that comes near him.


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Looking for a Tool for Cleaning Tub Without Straining Back?What can I use to reach inside to clean my bathtub without straining and hurting my back? Anything with a long handle, etc.


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Selecting Coffee?The price of coffee has gone over the roof. I was drinking Folger's Black Silk before it went to nearly $11.00 at WalMart for a can weighing a little over 22 ounces.


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Reducing Toilet Water Usage?Does it really take less water to flush the toilet when a half gallon jug of water is placed in the toilet tank?


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Can Stress Cause a Skin Rash?I colored my hair and shortly after developed spots on my head that itch really badly. Fast forward about a month later and I developed a rash on both my arms from the elbow to my wrists. I'm currently under a lot of stress and wondering if this could be the cause.


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Severe Back Pain?My son has been diagnosed with two ruptured disks. The orthopedic doctor told him he had 3 options:


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Who is Responsible for Maintenance in a Rented Duplex?I sold my home about 10 years ago and downsized. I lived in apartments up until 3 years ago when I rented a duplex. My question is: are expectations and/or laws different when it comes to maintenance in a duplex or house as compared to an apartment?


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Suggestions for White Hair Other Than Dyeing?My hair is nearly 100% white in front with streaks of dirty blonde throughout the crown and back. I don't mind grey, but the white around the front makes me look tired and washed out.


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When Should You Replace a Washer and Dryer?Do I need to replace my washer and dryer? They are still working, but around 20 years old. If one goes out abruptly then I'm at the mercy of the salesperson and can't wait for sales. I need your opinion.


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Lactose Free Milk Substitute That Tastes Like Milk?Does lactose free milk, rice milk, etc. taste anything like regular milk? I've started having some problems drinking milk. I don't want to buy one of these products finding out it doesn't taste anything like milk and having to put it down the drain.


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Growing a Vine on an Old Swing Frame?The seat to my lawn swing rusted and broke off the main frame. The frame itself is still in good condition and I'd like to have some pretty vines trailing up the frame.


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