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Why Didn't My Hard Boiled Eggs Peel Easily?We just made a big batch of deviled eggs from my leftover Easter eggs. When we were peeling them, a few of the eggs had the white stuck to the shell so badly that they cracked in big pieces right to the yolk. Other eggs were fine.


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Transporting Seeds to the Philippines?My father in law would like to find out information about purchasing garden seeds in the U.S. and transporting them to the Philippines. He would like to grow American veggies and a greater range of flowers than are available there. Does anyone know what the customs requirements are for this area or have any experience with this?


A woman fanning herself inside a house.

Brainstorm: Frugal Ways To Keep CoolThe Pacific NW is experiencing a heat wave right now, with record breaking temperatures. What are some frugal alternatives to staying cool during a heat wave?


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lotus Sanitizing System Reviews (Sharper Image)? I'm wondering if anyone has used this product yet. It is supposed to turn your regular tap water into a saniziter by "ozonating" it. The water is good for about 15 minutes before you have to recharge it.


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Summertime Kid Craft Ideas?I'm in need of some easy summertime crafts to keep the kids occupied for the last part of the summer. I have two boys (8 and 11) that are always "bored" unless they are playing video games or watching TV. As we limit the television time, I hear about the boredom often.


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Repairing A Scratch On Sunglasses?I bought an expensive pair of sunglasses a couple of years ago. I have been very careful with them, but I managed to drop them and scratch one lens badly. It is right in the center. The glasses have metal frames and plastic lenses. Does anyone have any advice?


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Mexican Souvenirs For Coworkers?Does anyone have any advice for small, thoughtful but cheap travel souvenirs? If anyone has been to Mexico or has any tips to help us, I would appreciate it. We are just trying to figure out how much money to bring.


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Recipes Using Fava Beans?I got some fresh fava beans in my organics box this week and I have no idea what to do with them. I know they have to be shelled and skinned, which sounds like a bit of work. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for recipes or working with fava beans? Thanks!


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How Do You Get Play Doh Out Of Clothes?My sons just got play doh as a Christmas present and my youngest smeared it all over his new Christmas pajamas. Does anyone have any advice before I wash them?


A blister on a dog's skin.

Blister on Dog's Skin?We recently shaved our Chow Chow and we found a clear blister under her coat, on her left shoulder. As you can see, it is rather large. It doesn't appear to be a pimple or have any pus inside, and I think that cysts are usually skin colored. Does anyone have any advice?


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Using Homemade Laundry Detergent In a Front Loader?I'm very intrigued by the idea of making my own laundry detergent, but I'm also a bit concerned. We purchased a front loader a few years ago and had the same problem as many with odors. After trying different ideas, I stopped using liquid laundry detergent and fabric softener.


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Battery Acid Stains on Carpet?Here's a real poser for you all. We left a car battery in the back of our minivan and it tipped over, probably several days ago. When we tried to clean up the mess, the carpet came up in fuzzy pieces.


Best Way to Smooth Cut Glass Edges

Best Way to Smooth Cut Glass Edges?I'm cutting glass bottles to make drinking glasses. Currently, we are sanding the edges using a 80 grit sandpaper in a tub of water. It's quite a bit of work. We are going to go and find a coarser sandpaper for the first step or I may try using a Dremel or drill to sand the edges.


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Wheat Free/Dairy Free Dessert Request?I'm planning a joint birthday party for my son (7), my brother and my mom. Any ideas for a festive dessert without wheat or dairy?


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Helping a Child Become Vegetarian?My 11 year old son has decided to cut meat out of his diet and become a vegetarian. I want to support him in this endeavor. My younger son has declared himself an omnivore so we don't have the option to change all meals for the family.


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Costume Ideas for Photographers?My photographer husband is going to a Halloween costume party and wants to dress up in some way to include his camera, so he can take pictures there. Does anyone have any ideas?


Children coming down the stairs on Christmas morning.

Brainstorm: Santa Tips for ParentsSanta is a tradition for many families around the world but keeping the Christmas magic alive can be tricky for busy parents, especially as your children get older, and more suspicious. Share your tips for Christmas Eve, stocking stuffers and all things Santa.


A pile of money with a face mask.

How Are You Using Your Stimulus Payment?

Many U.S. citizens are receiving money from the government this week, in order to stimulate the economy and help struggling families during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a big help for many people, including my family. I'm using about half of the payment to cover an upcoming surgery and the other half will pay off a hospital stay from last February.


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Vegetarian Slow Cooker Recipes?My son has recently become a vegetarian and we have a couple of busy nights where it would be nice to come home to a cooked meal. Does anyone have any favorite vegetarian recipes for the crockpot? Eggs and cheese are fine.


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Use Stevia Instead of Sugar?I was wondering if anyone has any experience with using Stevia (Truvia) as an artificial sweetener. I hate all the commercial sweeteners out there. I can't get over the aftertaste, but want to watch the calories.


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Choosing the Best Shoes For Zumba?I've been going to a lot of dance aerobic classes lately, like Zumba. My cross trainers or running shoes have decent support, but they don't allow me to move my feet like I want to.


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Favorite Recipes from North Carolina?I was recently working on a question that was posted some time in the past, asking about easy recipes to cook for a transplanted North Carolinian. I know we have quite a few members who live in North Carolina and I was wondering what you would recommend. I'm in the Pacific NW, so the food is about as different as possible. :)


Onions and carrots dried in a food dehydrator.

Blanching Vegetables in an Instant Pot?I got a food dehydrator for Christmas and have been experimenting with it recently. I recently got an Instant Pot pressure cooker with a steamer basket. It seems like the perfect solution for blanching vegetables prior to dehydrating. Any recommendations on what to set my Instant Pot to in order to blanch vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes and carrots?


unknown Pupa

What Is This? Unknown Pupa (Crane Fly)We found this in our backyard this weekend when we were taking out a chain link fence. It was on the ground but might have fallen off of some plants (mint, clematis, morning glory or other weeds). Anyone know what it is?


package potato crisps

Recipe Ideas for Potato Crisps?I recently bought some Potato Crisps at Costco. They are individually wrapped freeze dried potatoes, a low cal alternative to potato chips. I don't like them and can't get the kids to eat them so they are just sitting there.


Chow lying on the beach.

Is Broccoli Good Or Bad For Dogs?I'm wondering about other people's experience with feeding their dog broccoli. I was just preparing dinner and decided to give our dog Honey a couple of pieces. As soon as I gave it to her, I was immediately concerned that I was feeding her something off the toxic list.


A woman working at home giving a high-five to her cat.

Brainstorm: Non-MLM Work From Home Ideas?There are many people looking for ways to earn money at home, either part time or as a full time career. It is even more true now that the COVID shutdowns showed us all how many jobs can be handled remotely. If you are able to earn a living working from home, please tell us how you do it.


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Advice for a Broken Arm?My 13 year old son, Ethan broke his arm yesterday afternoon, walking home from school. He was climbing over a fence and slipped, falling onto the cement sidewalk. We took him straight to the emergency room, where they put on a temporary splint.



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