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LG In-Door Ice and Water Dispensers Don't Work?
Have you tried changing the water filter?


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Using Vinegar on Rosacea?
My Dr had me try taking fish oil supliments, I think its lightened. She told me I could also try Flax seed oil suplliments but I havent tried that.


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Hosting a Candy Exchange Party?
We have a cookie/candy party every year. We start about 11am on a Sat or Sun. Each person brings a dozen cookies for equivalent of that in candy for each person. We also do a dish to pass and a small gift exchange. Everyone always looks forward to it.


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Can You Use Frozen Grapes to Make Jam?
We froze our grapes and they were in there for a year before I made juice to make jelly. It tastes great.


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Child is Forgetting Their Homework?
Most teachers will send you the homwork assignments via e-mail if you ask. We had this problem with our daughter and so we checked in with the teacher a lot to make sure the assignments were being done. Taking phone privlages and MP3 player worked too. Our...


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Remedies For Shin Splints?
While at your computer tap your toes, it works the muscle in your shins.


Getting Rid of Old Tires?
Check with local farmers, they can use then for wagons.


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"Dream Pet" Likes Husband Better?
Your husband needs to pick the puppy out and bring it home then take care of it until they bond. My husband picked his out and he took care of her for the most part in the beginning so she knew she was his. When I brought my little girl home a year ago we did...


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Help With 7 Year Old Picky Eater?
When I met my husband his son was 5, hes now 9, he ate hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, toasted cheese, apples, bananas and dry cereal, but liked most deserts. He didnt fight with him but made what he wanted, we have them 50% of the week. I refused to make several...


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Getting a Civil Service Job?
The library should have books and you might find sample test of the web site of the county/state you are taking the test for. The entry level jobs you might not need to study for as they are usually easy but if going for somthing higher up I suggest studying...


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Alka Seltzer for Urinary Tract Infections?
Here is a web site on natural cures. I am not saying dont go to the Dr. but when you have one comeing on and its too late at night, you want some relief until you can get in the next day. I used...


What Do You Think of This Wedding Dress?
Have you tried this dress on? You have to try the dress on to decide. I am recently married and tried many on that I thought I liked in pictures. They werent right for me once I had them on. Youll know you have the right dress when you put the dress on and...



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Textured Painting?
We have textured walls, not my choosing. It was like that when we bought the house. We had to fix one wall when the roof leaked and used sand in with the paint to get the texture look. It matches perfectly.


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Planning a Big Wedding?
I just got married in Aug, the wedding was a lot bigger than I had thought is was going to be. First you need to make a list of the things you definitly want to have. I had mine outside at a friends house, who has lots of room and rented a tent. My uncle flew...


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New Roof Recommendations?
We recently redid our roof and have the tin roof. We will be using it when we do the rest of the house as well. We have yet to have heard any noise when it rains. Im in NY and it rains all the time.


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Recipes for Diabetic Children?
I think it was the Betty Crocker site I was on that had recipies for diabetics. Try checking it out, I would think they would have some recipies, also try the splenda site.


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Litter Box Problems With a Grown Cat?
My cat started to throw up alot and it was due to not drinking enough. I now have to give him and his sister 1 can of food in the monring and 1 at night. Before I go to bed they get some dry, if they dont eat the canned they cant have the dry as I will wake...


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Paint Wash Recipe?
First you have to wash the paneling and scuff it. I used a sponge that had a scubber on one side. This will help the paint to stick. Then you should prime it, by using the primer you might not need to do anything else. My walls looked almost white washed before...


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Painting Dining Room a Dramatic Color?
You dont necessarily need to use white for the trim. I did the reverse. My living room was a dark brown paneling and I wanted to litten up the room. I found a very light peach that looks great. It took forever to find a trim and I ended up with a Rasberry/ dark...


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My kitten won't stop sucking my hair!
My cat did that when she was a kitten but she has grown out of it, she now only needs a blanket that is in my lap and the sucking has stopped all together. She was weened correctly but I think she missed her mother. Good luck


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Decorating Ideas For An Outdoor June Wedding Reception?
You can use Christmas lights with the tool and even add flowers to it. We did a grape theme with way and it looked great as it grew dark the lights looked great.


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Cleaning Grease Off Wallpaper?
You might also try Murphys Oil Soap. It works for cleaning the whole house. My parents had the same problem in their trailor behind the stove. Its tough to get out.


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