Blackie (Black Lab/German Shepard)Blackie is approximately 11 months old. He is a Black Lab and German Shepard. We adopted Blackie a couple of months ago from an agency in Stover, Missouri. He had all of his shots and had been housebroken.
Make Up A Loaf Of French Toast For LaterA quick, easy and appreciated breakfast is to make up a whole loaf of French toast. Let it cool and rebag it in the bread sack.
Garden Hose as a Saw Blade CoverMy garden hose has been left outside neglected too many times but it still has a purpose as saw blade covers! Cut the hose to the length of the blade and slit down the side so that it can be slid over the blade as protection.
Recycle Bleach Water 5 TimesTake the clothes from your soaking pail (or other) and wring them out and toss in the washer. Grab your sponge or cloth and saturate it in the laundry soak water and wipe down any number of bleach safe places or items
Upcycle What You HaveUpcycle what you have to enjoy in new ways! I am using my broken screen door guard as a bracket in my bedroom to hold a birdcage planter and outside on my back patio to hold a small set of windchimes!
Dog Food Bag RugFree material to craft with is almost anywhere you look,if you look intently enough! We have a big dog and we get these empty bags all of the time.
Hanging Bottle DecorationFinding pop in round bottles last week sat my heart to racing to realize that a little colored water in each hung from beaded twine would do wonders for my yard which is mostly "basic green."