
Debra An

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5 Posts | 8 Comments | Active Since 2013
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Butterfly in the Afternoon

Butterfly in the Afternoon
Thank you for the information. Yes, these Butterfly Bushes commonly known, also known as milk weed and Asclepias, come in a variety of colors. It is possible that it could have been the same butterfly, as that plant grows fast and it would have been in that...


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Treatment for Dog With Ear Problems?
Has your vet taken a sample of the stuff that is causing the dogs ear infection? If not I would have him/her do this, so they know what they are really dealing with. They should be able to figure out the cause under the microscope. If they have done this, then...


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Treatment for Dog With Ear Problems?
I noticed that there is a related post for ear infections you might want to check out as well, just for your information. Also, to see if others have had these issues you have had and there suggestions. Definitely get a second opinion from another Veterinarian...


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Cutting Your Own Hair At Home
I feel that it is a good idea, if you know what you are doing. I find people who are better in art, do a great job in cutting their own hair. I have been saving so much money over the years cutting my own hair myself and I get a lot of compliments on my hair...


A book called The Pill Book Guide to Medication For Your Dog And Cat.

Book Review: The Pill Book Guide To Medication For...
Was this Book made for Veterinarians, or is it for the general public? I will see if I can find a copy online. Thank you for posting it, as most of the time I have my father have someone get medication from Mexico for my pets, as it is cheaper then getting...


A book called The Pill Book Guide to Medication For Your Dog And Cat.

Book Review: The Pill Book Guide To Medication For...
I forgot to ask, who is the author of the book?


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Dog Attacked Other Dogs in Home?
I would suggest looking to a professional for the answer to this one. You can talk to your veterinarian first to make sure that this dog does not have any medical issues that may cause it to do this. If they can not find anything, then I suggest a animal behaviorist...


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Dog Became Aggressive After Having Puppies?
Most animal instinct is to protect there young from others, humans are no different. If they feel there may be a threat, they do step in to take care of that perceived threat. For instance another animal getting to close to there babies. They do not want their...


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