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1 Post | 5 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Removing Sticker Residue?
Goo-Gone works very well on this. Follow the directions and your problem should be history.


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Problems Making Fudge?
I have a wonderful recipe for making GREAT fudge. Ive made it for years and tell people if you can tell time, you can make this fudge that will top everything youve tried.


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Problems Making Fudge?
(format_html)Ive been making this fudge for years and it has never failed. I have friends who eagerly wait for Christmas because this is when I make it. If you can tell time, you too can make this smooth, wonderful fudge. Mix the ingredients below together...


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Laminate Squares as Shelf Liner
Great idea! Your screen name should be oneSMARTsoutherngal. I will be doing this fairly soon. Thanks a bunch! C Mutch


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Stopping the Itch from Chigger Bites
I dont have chiggers, but I did put on some suntan lotion that raised an itchy rash like nothing else. I tried this, and wow, no more itching. I put the bleach/water mix in a spray bottle, labeled it, and this will be my lifesaver when the mosquitoes start...


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