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1 Post | 4 Comments | Active Since 2011
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Smoke Alarms Won't Shut Off?
Happened with me. It had battery, replaced it, still beeping. disconnected it from wiring, took it down.On the back,that peticuilar model only lasted 2 years. It had to be replaced. No more beeping.


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My Dog Won't Eat Dog Food?
This happened to me. I have a 2 yr old Chihuahua.I use to share my meals with her.Dont do it. You have to be mean.Stop feeding your dog human food. Stop! Offer your dog dry dog food and water. You have to be strong! Keep talking to the dog. Say Eat your food...


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Scars From Acne?
When I was in my 20s I had this problem. I used a regular old lemon, cut it and rub it on your face several times a day, dont rinse it off. It will take a couple weeks before you notice and change. Keep it up. Youll have a clean feeling face and the lemon will...


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Best Cleaner for Dog Urine Odor?
I found out Kid n Pet sold at walmart for right under $5 works great for dog urine ofor and stain. Just squirt it on the spot and rub with damp cloth. I then use my little green carpet cleaner with the solution in the cleaner. Nice, clean and refreshing. Little...


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