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1 Post | Active Since 2011
I love horses, I love to ride them, and pet them and wash them etc. I also love chihuahuas I have one and her name is coco! She has a variety of nicknames like little lion, alien eyes, shnogg, and about a thousand more!! She is also a fawn colored chihuahua! My name is Bean, I live in MA and I am the top student in my science class! I have a horse and his name is Merlin and a mini pony named Marry legs! Merlin is a half shire half clydstale and he is all black with one sock and a star. Marry legs is just a regular dapple gray mini pony, but he has the cutes snip on the end of his nose!! (it's pink!!!) I am 15 years old and I am in 10th grade. My birthday is on July fourth, 1995.
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