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I'm a married senior living in south Florida. My hubby and I have a cat named Sir Catty-Kit who lives with us and takes very good care of us.

He is half Maine-Coon and half Seal Point Siamese. His size is definitely Maine Coon, and he is beautiful with great big blue-green eyes. His fur is thick and as soft as rabbit fur, and he is so nice to cuddle.

Kit loves to play in water, and has slept with us every night since he came to live with us when he was 11 weeks old. When we travel, he goes with us, and is perfectly happy to be wherever we are. Sir Catty-Kit was 6 years old on Feb 14, 2011. He is my precious fur-child, but no longer will he tolerate me rocking him to sleep. He thinks
he is a "grown" man cat now.

We have 3 daughters and one son...all grown. We also have 4 grandchildren. Three girls and one boy all grown up too. They are still GrandMa's babies though, and will always be.

ThriftyFun is such a wonderful forum for exchanging pictures, recipes, tips, stories, and information for learning from other people's lifestyles and experiences. I especially enjoy the pictures and stories of their pets.
Julia in Boca Raton, FL

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