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2 Posts | 3 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Looking for a Potato Soup Recipe?
Baked Potato Soup 4 large potatoes, scrubbed Bake potatoes until fork tender Cut potatoes in half and scoop out (flake potatoes)--Chop 1/2 of the peels in small pieces (discard other half of peels) In heavy kettle Melt 2/3 cup butter Add 2/3 cup flour (whisk...


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Poll: How many televisions do you have in your house?
One tv is more than enough. Most programing isnt worth my time to watch. I cannot believe the hours some people waste watching the tube. If we have it on for a couple hours a day thats enough.


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Poll: Do you cook most of your meals from scratch?
We go out to eat maybe twice a month. Of course some of that is the nearest place for a decent meal out is 20 miles away--grin. Seriously, I bake bread, rolls etc from scratch. I spend one day every week or two cooking big batches of stuff then freeze in meal...


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