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3 Comments | Active Since 2011
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Tomatoes Turning Black on the Bottom?
I watch the Garden Guy on Saturday morning here in AZ and he claims it is from not giving you tomatoes enough water, they should have a gallon a day. Hope this helps. Good luck.


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Tomato Plant Leaves Are Curling and Have Brown Spots?
Yes, that is what it sounds like. The plants are too young to use fertilizer. My husband uses Epson salt every 14 days to fertilize, and our Tomatos are doing great. Also about those brown spots, sounds like water is getting on the leaves and the sun is burning...


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Getting Rid of Black Racer Snakes?
Black snakes are good snakes, they wont hurt you, just let them be or gather them up in a box and put them else where, but dont kill them. They eat mice and and even other snakes like rattle snakes. If youre afraid of them, call the animal control. Sure they...


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