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2 Posts | 11 Comments | Active Since 2010
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Awesome Cleaner from the Dollar Store - spray bottle of cleaner on porch

Awesome Cleaner from the Dollar Store
Morbid as this might sound, Awesome gets rid of whatever it is that accumulates on headstones. We cleaned off the 40 year old marker on my mother-in-laws final resting place with Awesome and a good stiff brush and now it looks like new!


using bottle to wate

Plastic Drink Bottle for Watering Seeds
I love this idea! I cant wait to make one! Thanks!


spout on mason jar

Salt Spout Mason Jar
What a fantastic idea! Thanks for the tip!


finished chickpea masala 2

Chickpea Masala
I have all the ingredients but the coconut milk. Any substitutes? Recipe sounds wonderful!!!


Sneakers with pole bean plants.

Upcycle Sneakers as Garden Planters
Ive seen plenty of work boot planters sitting in gardens and on porches, but never even gave a thought to securing other footwear onto a fence post! I love your idea!


Plants with cord wrapped around stem and bamboo stake.

Using Telephone Receiver Cord to Tie Up Plants
What a great idea! Ive been using strips of fabric from discarded clothing to tie up veggie plants, but your strategy seems to make a lot of sense! I like the idea of not having all that fabric hanging all over the place! I cant wait to try your idea!


Woodchuck in the garden.

Woodchuck (Litchfield County, CT)
Cute? Yes. Adorable? Maybe. Destructive? Absolutely! My entire summer thus far has been dedicated to discouraging 4 of these varmints from visiting my no avail. No matter what tactic I choose to ban them from the area (short of doing them physical...


Bread ties marking cords on a power strip.

Bread Tie Cord Label
I agree! That is genius! Cant wait to make my own! Thanks for a great idea!


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Live Like No One Else
Amen, Lynn! Dave Ramsey is my hero! Im using his strategies for attacking our debt and its working! Theres nothing better than having control over your dollars rather than your dollars controlling you! Keep up the good advice! Cheryl


Getting Out of Debt, Picture of a woman cutting a credit card.

Getting Out of Debt
Ever hear of Dave Ramsey? Hes a wise financial adviser & wrote a book called The Total Money Make-Over. He teaches that you should always pay your rent, utilities, & food bills first & then list your debts, smallest to largest, & go after the smallest debt...


Scenery: Old House Taken Over By Vines
I just LOVE this shot! Mother Nature has such a knack for soothing the landscape when needed. The colors are magnificent! Thank you for sharing Her handywork! (Even at the cost of a tumble, it was so worth it!)


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