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5 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Zucchini Pancakes
My family loves zucchini pancakes. I also add parmesan cheese.


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Stuffed Bell Peppers
Just one tip, to remove the bitterness that green peppers can have, slip them into boiling salted water for 2 minutes after removing the seeds. I got this tip from my aunt. Makes the peppers nice and sweet. :)


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Slow Cooker Pot Roast
I made this last weekend - only I didnt use any water. Just the onion soup mix and the mushroom soup. Also, I laid a piece of foil over the roast before putting the lid on the crockpot. There was a lot of au jus to use for gravy. It was delicious!


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Easy Teen Curfew Clock
What a great idea. Ill have to pass that one on for grandkid use. If my daughter was late, every minute was times 6 minutes. 10 minutes late she was in an hour earlier the rest of the week. Worked great for her!


What Breed is My Dog?
Your dog looks a lot like our Lab/mix -only our Ollie is yellow. We think he may have some Pitbull mix too... but he has definite lab features/qualities.


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