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10th Birthday Party Ideas in a Small Apartment?
original plan was the spa party, but I am kinda worry about my space thats why I thought to ask if anyone has other ideas for doing at a small space. thanks!


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10th Birthday Party Ideas in a Small Apartment?
great idea, I will think about it, because then I have to find a movie that everyone likes. Hum, I wish we have a pool or bbq area in our condo/apartment complex, but we dont, so cant do any of those parties.


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10th Birthday Party Ideas in a Small Apartment?
Hi, you are right, but unfortunately our apartment doesnt have a place for party, oh, there is a place down stairs we can rent, but then we need to give $200 deposit, and then $100 dollars rent, I think its too much, and the deposit I heard from some of my...


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10th Birthday Party Ideas in a Small Apartment?
thanks to everyone who answered my question. I will start to prepare, maybe try to make more spaces in my place first. haha


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