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1 Post | 3 Comments | Active Since 2017
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Altoids tin with lip balm.

Mint Tin Homemade Lip Balm
I live (read: endure) in Phoenix , AZ and do a lot of walking outside. Today it was 92 degrees. I am concerned about this melting or sweating out of the tin. I am trying to think of a smallish liquid proof sealed container - any ideas? I think I will tweak...


Sprouts in a Jar

Growing Sprouts Next to Your Kitchen Sink
Best posting on the internet I have seen all week. This totally deserved the win. I just priced sprouts at the grocery a few hours before reading this....imagine my delight. Thank you for sharing.


Rag Rug From Recycled Fleece Clothing

Rag Rug from Recycled Fleece Clothing
LOVE IT!! You have inspired me. I am going to make bedside throw rugs in brigt cheerful colors for donation to domestic violence and homeless shelters. How lovely to start your day by stepping on a gift of comfort to help a suffering person feel that someone...


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