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dark brindle dog

Catfish (Hound Mix)Catfish was rescued at 6 weeks from the road. All of my dogs are adopted; I live in the country and many cruel and/or ignorant people dump unwanted dogs here. We fatten them up because they're usually starved, take them to our vet for wellness exams and shots, and then foster them until we can find them good homes.


Re-Potting Ferns and Trailing House Plants

Re-Potting Ferns and Trailing House PlantsRe-potting ferns and trailing plants or vines can really get tricky without a lot of damage to the plants. Here's a quick (and Thrifty!) idea to protect your plants during re-potting, and it makes planting much easier for you!


Lightweight Hanging Pots for House Plants

Lightweight Hanging Pots for House PlantsThis is a great tip for lightweight hanging pots for indoor plants! Pots can get really heavy when using pebbles or stones for drainage, which can be very taxing on the hooks hanging from your ceiling. Next time, try this instead, bath scrubbies.


grasshopper on pinecone

Fall is Leaping ForwardHere in Oklahoma, it seemed to switch from summer to fall practically over night. One day the heat seemed oppressive, while the next evening we needed long-sleeved shirts and warmer socks! Today this grasshopper landed right in front of me, with all of his orange and yellow finery.


tree hanging on at edge of creek with roots exposed

Sentinel of the Passage of TimeThis old tree sits on a creek near my house. It seems almost frozen in time, but everytime I see it, I always wonder what tales it would tell me if it could. How much has it seen in its life? How many sunrises, how many storms?


Minimizing Damage from Hot Glue Burns While Crafting

Minimizing Damage from Hot Glue Burns While CraftingIf you craft a lot, then you most likely own a hot-glue gun. If so, you are surely familiar with the nasty burns that inevitably come with using one! Hot glue is very painful and continues to burn your skin for several minutes after contact. I always keep a bowl of ice-water within easy reach on my work surface.


A canning jar with cut up carrots and celery.

Keep Celery and Carrots Fresh for WeeksCarrots and celery wilt away in the veggie drawer if not eaten in a few days, how sad! I tend to go through 'phases' where I want veggies for awhile, and then they get shoved behind a delicious PIE, where they die a quiet death. With this tip they get a second chance, and so do I!



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