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2 Comments | Active Since 2018
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A child opening a box in front of a Christmas tree.

A Thrift Store Christmas
Whats the purpose of your comment maam!? Are you literally arguing over whether or not the cost of living is astronomical compared to incomes. Because I promi side you that your rent in a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath trailer was not 1095 a month with all do respect. Also...


A child opening a box in front of a Christmas tree.

A Thrift Store Christmas
Thank you Jenn! My God yes!!!! Exactly! If CAROL donest agree or need the website and have the money to buy new 100% of the time, kudos to her. However, Im 30 and working a full time plus job as well as 2 part time jobs equaling 80-100 hours a week and still...


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