
Preventing a Cat from Peeing Everywhere

September 15, 2002

A white cat sitting on a couch.My cats have been urinating in different parts of the house, no way to predict where. They have a litter box but are getting up there in age and may be confused.


Any suggestions on how to stop this?


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
September 16, 20020 found this helpful
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If you have more than one cat they will not use the same litter box. I have had the same problem and had to get several litter boxes per vets instructions.
- Gloria

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June 9, 2017

So we've been having a problem with my son's cat peeing all over my house. I have changed out his litter boxes and found a litter he will poo in, and added a box on every floor. I have bought pet enzyme sprays. I used vinegar and even bought Skunk Eeze. All of these items did get rid of the smell in my house, but they do not deter him at all. The minute a pair of shoes, bag, or any item really is left on the floor he will pee on it.

If he can't find anything to pee on he does it right in the middle of the floor. I have had to remove all of my rugs and mats and lock up our shoes. He's even gone as far as peeing on my bed. I need a permanent solution that will deter his peeing. I am having him neutered next week, but I want to be clear he is not spraying items he is urinating on them.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
June 9, 20171 found this helpful

Your cat is marking its territory continually.

From felway: Clean the affected area with Urine-AWAY. This removes the odor which can continue to draw the cat back to area to mark. Urine-AWAY is an odor and stain remover.


Use FELIWAY®. FELIWAY® mimics the natural feline facial pheromone. It helps a cat feel safe and secure in its environment. It is clinically proven to decrease urine spraying in 9 out of 10 cats in 30 days.*
Litter boxes play an important part in managing this behavior. Behaviorists recommend to have one box per cat plus one and they should be spread out all over the house. Most cats are very fastidious about their toilet, aim to scoop at least once daily.
Dont punish your cat. This includes shouting, spraying with water, or swatting your cat. Punishment increases stress and anxiety. It will make the problem worse. It may even make your cat afraid of you.
Minimize interactions with outdoor cats. Cover windows and do not place food outside for stray cats.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests
June 12, 20170 found this helpful

It sounds like maybe he got mad. Make sure you use the enzyme cleaner in all the spaces. Clean well all the litter boxes. Place them in the spots he has been using.


But of course a trip to the vet should be first. He could have a urinary tract infection. They will pee where and when they can with a uti.

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July 21, 2016

I have a cat that is in heat like the article said. Is there anything I can do to keep her from peeing on my bed and other places where she does this?

Also is there anything that I can give her to keep her from crying all the time during her cycle.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 27, 20170 found this helpful
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The answer is, not really. Spaying and neutering your animals will prevent all these unwanted behaviours, for the most part. If for whatever reason you choose to keep an animal that goes into heat, your only option is to keep her crated during her 'special time'.

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December 30, 2015

My kitten, Faye, who's about 6 months old keeps peeing everywhere. We got her about a month, almost two months, ago. She was litter trained when we got her. She uses the litter box, but she still pees on everything. We have two litter boxes, and we recently got a new humongus one, so that makes three. It's also weird because she acts like a dog. She tries to steal my food when I eat, and she'll eat anything that I drop on the floor as long as its food.

This morning I woke up and found the trash bag ripped open, and food everywhere. I have two other cats, one a girl, the other a boy. They are all fixed. The other two cats are almost 2 years old, but they love to play with Faye, and they love each other. I just need to know how to get Faye to stop this behavior. Thanks for any help you have!

kitten on back of couch
Kitten Peeing Everywhere


December 30, 20152 found this helpful
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I had a cat that actually looked just like her and did the same thing. Turns out the cat had a urinary tract infection. The craziest part was Oreo loved fruit and insisted on peeing on my grandmothers expensive sheets.


I would definitely take to the vet.

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April 2, 2015

I have an 8 month old female cat. She is spayed, but after her surgery she started peeing everywhere. I tried everything. It has gotten to the point where I have to get rid of her. She uses her litter box to poop and sometime uses it to go pee. She is peeing all over my clothes, blankets, and furniture. It stinks in my place because of her. She was a stray and now I keep wishing I had never gotten her. I love her, but before she got fixed she never peed in my house she always used her litter box.

I moved her litter box and showed her where it is and she just wants to pee on my clothes. What can I do before I get rid of her? For two months she has been peeing everywhere. I have to throw away so many things because of her. I am at the point of saying I don't want her anymore. I am at the end of her peeing everywhere.

By Kendra G


April 10, 20150 found this helpful
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It's possible that her bladder was cut or harmed during the spay surgery. Or she got an infection following the surgery. Take her to a different vet than the one where she had the surgery.

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April 14, 2011

I have found out that my cat is urinating everywhere. She is in heat and I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I need to know why she is doing this quickly and how to stop it. I am on a trip right now, can't go to a vet, and I definitively don't want to get kicked out of the hotel. Thank God they allow pets. Please help me!

By Will from New York City, NY


May 11, 20110 found this helpful
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Thank you all so much! I got here checked out, and they said that she did have a small urinary tract infection, but nothing life threatening. We gave her some medicine and decided not to get her spayed.


The antibiotics worked well and now she's fine! I didn't get asked to leave but I left quickly anyway. She doesn't do her business anywhere but the litter box! Thanks so much guys!

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June 24, 2010

I have 3 cats, 1 male and 2 females. I have had the male and the oldest female fixed already. I have recently had the youngest female fixed. Since then the oldest female has been urinating on everything from blankets and beds to clean and dirty clothes.


January 25, 2008

My kitten started urinating on my bed. She did this about 3 times so we close our door so she can't get in. She then urinated on our son's dirty laundry so we started closing all of the bedroom doors in our house. She then urinated on my other sons backpack.

She still also uses the litter box. We have now confined her to the basement where her litter box is and we only let her up when we can watch her. She has done really well this week, but will we ever be able to trust her so she can have free roam of the house?

Carin from Detroit, MI


By Mandalyn (Guest Post)
January 25, 20080 found this helpful
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I would take her to the vet as soon as I could and make sure that she doesn't have a urinary tract infection. My cat, Wasabi, gets them every 6 months or so and it's the only time he ever pees anywhere other than his box. It might just be that she has one too and going on your stuff is the only way that she knows how to tell you she's in pain. Also, if you've ever suffered from a UTI, you'll remember the urgency of having to go RIGHT THEN. She might have just not been able to hold it. Hope this helps you out some!

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March 10, 2005

Please help, my 15 year old cat keeps peeing by the front door. I've used tin foil to cover it, what else will work?




By (Guest Post)
March 10, 20050 found this helpful
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Your cat may have a bladder or urinary tract problem and should be seen by a Veterinarian. Not using the kitty litter is a sign of this.

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