
Keeping Your House Dusted

July 21, 2011

Someone dusting the corner of a room with a duster.One day I noticed that you can follow the dust in my bedroom back to the air vent. I took two fresh dryer sheets, stapled them together, and covered the air vent with them using four refrigerator magnets. It catches much of the dust, so now I only dust about once a week or so, depending on how much the central air or heater is running.


By LESLIE from Mesquite, TX

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November 28, 2011

I picked up a small "auto duster". The large versions are called "California Car Dusters" and are used to dust the outside of the car in areas where there are water restrictions and car washing isn't allowed at the dollar store.


January 13, 2012

Go to your local dollar store and buy a hand duster (meant for dusting tables, etc.) Walk to the top of your (non-carpeted) stairs. Holding the railing with your free hand, back down, dusting as you go.


March 20, 2007

yellow dustI have yellow dust throughout my whole house. It even turns my carpets yellow. If you spray the carpet with water it makes it white. But it is not just on the surface of the carpets. It took me 13 hours to scrub 2 rugs until the yellow was all gone. I scrubbed them with a brand new steam cleaner that heats the water and I put hot water in the machine. My hot water gets to over 130 degrees. I don't usually open my windows. I really do not think it is pollen.

I cleaned everything in November and have not opened my windows since then, and everything still is turning yellow again. No one wears shoes in my house, so it is not from outside. The dust is on everything. My heating vents have been cleaned twice in the past 5 years. It didn't help at all. I have also had my rugs professionally cleaned and that didn't help either.

I want to know what it is and what causes it? It drives me crazy that I clean the whole house so well and no one wears shoes in my house, yet the white carpets I have look dirty because of this yellow stuff - whatever it is.

I have enclosed a picture of my white carpet when I moved my couch. You can see it is white where the legs of the couch sit, and where I went over it with a steam cleaner. Where most people walk, it's not so yellow because it comes off onto people's socks. I do not have any plants in my house. I am a very bad gardener and can not keep anything alive.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 139 Feedbacks
March 21, 20070 found this helpful

Wow, SherryLynn! I don't have a clue what the yellow dust could be. Have you spoken with neighbors to see if they have the same problem. My concern is that if it's all over the house, then it becomes a health issue because you are breathing it, too.


Could it be something the house itself is "shedding" or giving off. I honestly can't even imagine what it can be but I think you should try to find someone to analyze the dust. God bless you and help you to find a solution.

March 21, 20070 found this helpful

Oh also no one smokes in my house. And it is not stains from a pet. When I had my vents cleaned I asked them about it, and they looked at me like I was crazy. I went over a spot on that rug over 20 times and it looked clean. Until the next day that is. I am going to replace that carpet because I don't want to spends days or even weeks scrubbing it. I was thinking maybe it could be my carpets? I will soon know when I buy a new rug from a different place. Any advice?


Thanks you all for your input.

By sUE (Guest Post)
March 21, 20070 found this helpful

Do you have gas heat? Do the walls change color, the ceiling, or just the floor? It sounds as if natural gas is leaving a residue when being used, this happens a great deal in older heating systems even though the duct work is cleaned.

By (Guest Post)
March 21, 20070 found this helpful

I'm wondering if you live near some sort of refinery or mechanical plant where they fire things. Maybe it's residue from something nearby. You should call your local health department and ask them about it the air quality in your area.

March 21, 20070 found this helpful

Do your carpets have a rubber back? Sometimes when carpets get old the rubber back turns yellow and crumbles into dust. This could be the problem. Shampooing your carpet may make the problem worse.


Try to pull up a corner of the rug where no one will see it and check. The corners may not show it because they have had little or no traffic. But I would try to get to a well used part of the carpet and check.
Hope this helps and keep us posted on how you make out.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests
March 22, 20070 found this helpful

wow. that is surely more than pollen. yes i agree call your agriculture office or the like. ask them if other people have this problem. if it is dusty it could be in your air and therefore breathing it. that is very strange.

By Sandy (Guest Post)
March 22, 20070 found this helpful

Wish I knew what to tell you. I have a small country store which had the same problem when we bought it. Since then, we have insulated the attic and walls, new wall paneling, new carpet, less windows, probably better sealed doors, new heating and air conditioning and vents. No more problem!


Maybe things need to be sealed up better in your home--good luck. I hated that junk and it bothered my breathing.

March 22, 20070 found this helpful

Could it be spores from some kind of fungus?

March 22, 20070 found this helpful

I didn't see anything about when you bought the carpet or if you did buy the carpet. I tend towards the breakdown of the carpet pad as an answer. Pollen usually causes other problems and not just carpet color changes.
I also think you should talk to the health department because this does sound like a biohazard of some sort especially if your breathing is affected.
The suggestion to talk to an Ag college is good, too-- especially if they have a biohazard degree. They might be interested enough to do an analysis.
Bless you and good luck

March 23, 20070 found this helpful

The carpets are 3 and 5 years old, and none have rubber backing. At first I thought it was the white carpet, and they even replaced it. Then when I scrubbed my green rugs and the water was yellow I saw that was not the problem. I do have natural gas but in the basement were the furnace is nothing is yellow and the carpet down there is not yellow. The walls and the ceilings do not turn yellow. The house is very well insulated. I have very high ceilings and in the winter my heating bills are like nothing. No one in the house has any trouble breathing of has had any trouble breathing. I live by a ford stamping plant, but I'm not sure if they burn anything. I was thinking could it maybe be the stuff you sprinkle on your rugs before you vacuum-like carpet fresh? Also I have used electric potpourri pots with liquid potpourri for years. I threw all on them out, and I am not going to use them ever again. On my fireplace where I had a potpourri pot its yellow. So maybe this is the problem. Any one use these pots with liquid potpourri? Thank you all for all the input and feedback. It is really helping me. Thanks so much.

By Diana (Guest Post)
March 23, 20070 found this helpful


March 23, 20070 found this helpful


July 11, 20160 found this helpful

Check your dryer vent connection making sure theres no leaks.Make sure your dryer drum is not out of round if it makes a thumping sound when on and it isnt quiet it means its out of round meaning not petfectly round anymore and is allowing dryer lint into the home. If you have a fireplace have someone go up into attic and make sure its connected properly if its dislodge its allowing attic dust into the home. Have your hvac checked mAke sure there isnt dust from attic or from outside coming in from somewhere. Maybe your hvac needs to be cleaned. Check all weatherstripping on doors

July 11, 20160 found this helpful

Pollen from outside? Make sure to check all door and window seals maybe u need new weather seals .Check your dryer vent connection for leaks. Is your dryer always making a thumping sound when on? If so that means its out of round not perfectly round anymore and alowing dryer lint into the home meaning u need a new dryer. Maybe your hvac ducts need to be cleaned maybe theres a tear in the ducts maybe u need new ducts maybe duct dislodged allowing dirty attic dust into the home. Do u have a fireplace? Maybe the connection is dislodged in attic allowing attic air into the home. Buy better hvac filters they must be changed max every 3 months

December 28, 20210 found this helpful

I've got this yellow stinging dust. It's everywhere on me my dog. And it stings what is it. No one believes me I'm getting stung by this dust it has black and red stops in it got to have a macginphglass to see them

March 8, 20230 found this helpful

is your house made of old heart timber (?) if i had to guess i wld say that it 'perhaps' cld be surfactants leeching from timber caused by moisture ie dampness. important to have fresh air daily. if drying washing inside stop. can be blocked out with layers of stain blocker undercoats but talk to a paint expert, get a dehumidifier

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March 19, 2012

Does anyone know how to repel dust and keep it off for longer than a day?

By CH. V


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
March 20, 20120 found this helpful

I use a wet rag to dust and only do it every second day. Hope this helps.

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