
Recipes Using Root Vegetables

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 231 Posts
October 29, 2009

Root VegetablesHot soup for the cold winter days.



Heat the oil in a large saucepan and saute the onions, celery and leeks.

Add the carrots, turnips, potatoes, savory and parsley; season with salt and pepper and pour in the chicken broth. Simmer for 25 minutes over low heat.

Using either a food processor or an electric mixer, puree the mixture, then return it to the saucepan. Warm over low heat and add the cream or yogurt; mix well and serve.

Servings: 4 to 6
Time:20 Minutes Preparation Time
30 Minutes Cooking Time

Source: The Classic cooking Book

By Raymonde C. G. from North Bay, Ontario



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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 174 Feedbacks
November 13, 2008

I have a family Christmas coming up at the beginning of December and have been asked to bring turnips. The thing is I hate turnips and have no idea on how to cook them or whatever you do with turnips.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
November 14, 20080 found this helpful

It just dawned on me that I've never even tasted a turnip :-o What do they taste similar to?

November 14, 20080 found this helpful

Go to and put, turnips, in the search bar.
There are several recipes. Look for where it says "sort by" and click on rating, it will sort the recipes to show you the most tried recipes

November 14, 20080 found this helpful

Turnips are a wonderful addition to your Thanksgiving feast.

We love them mashed, along with an equal number of potatoes. This will be our contribution to the Thanksgiving dinner we have been invited to. Peel the turnips and the potatoes, cut them into cubes, and boil them in salted water until they are soft enough to mash.


Drain, mash (or whip) them until they are smooth. Season with butter, salt, and pepper. If you have trouble finding turnips, buy rutabagas, (which we actually prefer because they have a more delicate flavor.)

November 14, 20080 found this helpful

You can candy them like they do parsnips.,1850,155188-225194,00.html

has a basic one.
What you do seems to depend if your replacing mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes. Actually, I ask the person that requested what you bring what kind of recipe she wants you to use.

By Renee Strange (Guest Post)
November 14, 20080 found this helpful

Why don't you see if you can trade dishes with another family member so you can make a dish you're more comfortable with? I don't think anyone in your family would expect you to make a dish you had never tried and don't even like.

November 14, 20080 found this helpful

This is a recipe from my childhood, from my dad's good friend, a former military chef. Wash, peel and cube your turnips, you can keep them in a bowl of cool water until ready for use. Cut up several slices of bacon (the amount can vary to suit the amount of turnips and of people who like bacon); put them in a hot pan until browned and crisp. Remove the bacon and set aside. Coarsely chop an onion (again, the amount can vary); drop it in the bacon grease, cook until translucent and soft.


Drain the turnips and add them to the cooking onion then add some water. It can be a small amount of water, you just need enough to cook the turnips until soft. Cover the pot and turn the heat to medium/low. Stir occasionally cook until soft. Add the bacon, stir and simmer for a few minutes to blend the flavors. MMMMM!!! I believe this was a family recipe he had from his childhood growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana. Enjoy!

November 14, 20081 found this helpful

I also hated turnip until tasting them pureed with butter. I do them the same now, adding lots of butter and a touch of fresh nutmeg and lemon to the mix. They should be light and fluffy for full effect.


I have also pureed sweet potato and swirled it into the top for a two colour ribbon effect for special occasions.

By jawga (Guest Post)
November 14, 20080 found this helpful

Being a true Southerner I have to ask, which end of the turnip have you been asked to bring? From all advice I've read so far, yall are talking about the "root" end of the turnip and not the true green tops. Both are good to eat but I"m just wonderring which end is wanted?

By margaret Tx (Guest Post)
November 15, 20081 found this helpful

I grew up on turnips and my mother always made a meat and potato pie
1 lb ground meat
1 med onion
carrots (you can use a can of them)
1 turnip
Dice the turnip and if u have raw carrots dice them
put them all together with salt and pepper and beef bullion let it all cook together till done. In another pan peel and boil 1lb potatoes when done mash them with butter and milk. Line a loaf pan with pastry then take the potatoes, and put a layer on the bottom, then a layer of drained meat mixture.


Layer the meat mixture and potatoes then top with pastry lid bake at 350 till crust is brown.

You can make this any size just by adding more. Use the leftover juice and pastry and make dumplings. Also you can cook just carrots and turnips together then mash them makes a good side dish change from peas and corn. Hope you like it we all do its an English dish.

November 16, 20080 found this helpful

Preparing and then cooking turnips takes alittle practice.
But if I were you, I would just go to the store and get 2-3 large cans of turnup greens, already prepared. After you put them in your pot, add about 5-6 tbls. of bacon grease, for seasoning, with alittle salt and pepper.


The crowd will think you cooked them yourself and know one will never know.

By (Guest Post)
November 16, 20080 found this helpful

As a fellow Canadian, I am sure that what you are supposed to bring is the root end of the turnip (and for you Americans, we mean rutabagas, or older people call them Swedish turnips). The usual method of cooking a turnip is to peel it, cut in chunks, boil it like you would do potatoes, and mash. Nothing complicated about the dish. However, a lot of people don't like them as they have a pretty strong flavor. Obviously, your family does, as do many in my family. We can hardly have a Christmas or Thanksgiving meal without turnips, but I'll bet only half of the people eat them. A good way to do them is half and half with potatoes, as one of the other posters suggested, as they will not be as strong that way.

If you can trade with another family member, as someone else suggested, that is the way to go.

If not, and you are an adventuresome cook, try some ot these recipes that others have posted. If you are an inexperienced cook, go with the basic mashed recipe. I would bet money that is what everyone is expecting.

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May 28, 2005

I hope someone can help me get some recipes for beets. My sister-in-law does not like pickled beets but does like cooked beets, if anyone has recipes for cooked beet dishes it would be appreciated.



By Liz acraftycat (Guest Post)
May 29, 20050 found this helpful

Heres Some I have not tried yet
Subject: Beets in Sour Cream
Beets in Sour Cream Ingredients 1 can (16 oz.) beets 1 cube beef bouillon 4 tbsp. butter or margarine 1 tsp. flour 1 cup sour cream 3/4 tsp. allspice 1-1/2 tbsp. red wine pinch each salt and pepper Directions Drain beets, reserving juice. Crush bouillon cube in beet juice; boil for a few seconds. Add beets; heat. Drain. Melt butter; blend in flour. Add sour cream, allspice, wine, salt and pepper gradually. Add beets. Cook over low heat until hot and well-mixed. Serve. Makes 4 servings.
Baby Beets with Shallots, Balsamic Vinegar and Horseradish I love baby beets - they look great, and don't take very long to cook. Look for candy cane or golden beets, if they are available - the colour contrast is amazing, and they taste fabulous. The sweetness of the beets find their foil in the bite of the balsamic vinegar and horseradish. If you can't find fresh horseradish, prepared is fine. Keep peeled horseradish in a container of water, or wrapped up in wet paper towel and refrigerated. Serves 4 Ingredients: 3 bunches, or approximately 20 baby beets 1 1/2 Tbsp. unsalted butter 2 shallots, peeled and sliced thin into rings 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced 1/2 tsp. minced ginger 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1 small knob (about 1 inch x 1 inch x 1 inch piece) horseradish, peeled Salt and pepper, to taste 2 Tbsp. chopped tarragon (optional) Preparation: Trim the stalks off the beets. Place in a medium saucepot and cover with cold water to cover by 2 inches. Add 1 tsp. of salt to the pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium, and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and run cold water over the beets until they are cool enough to handle. Peel them by rubbing the skins - they should come off easily. Slice the beets in half (any way - lengthwise or widthwise - no matter!) Heat the butter over medium-high heat in a large sauté pan. When the butter is foaming, add the shallots and sauté for 2-3 minutes, until the shallots have softened and browned a bit. Add the beets, garlic and ginger and sauté for an additional 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the vinegar (keep your nose out of the way of the pan!) and cook on high until the vinegar has reduced to by 75 percent. Remove to a serving bowl, grate some fresh horseradish over, to taste, and garnish with tarragon (if using).

PICKLED BEETS Marinating Time: 2 - 3 days (*Note: Young tender beets that are found in markets during spring and summer months are best for pickling. They cook more quickly and are sweeter and more flavorful than older more mature beets) For 1 quart, 14 to 16 pickled beets, you will need: 2 1/4 lbs. ( about 3 bunches) beets Salt 1/4 cup brown sugar, packed 1 1/2 cups each water and distilled white vinegar 1 small stick cinnamon 4 each whole cloves and allspice 6 peppercorns 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 2 TBsp. prepared horseradish Tips: Any leftover pickling syrup may be used to pickle eggs. Peel hardcooked eggs and place in jar. Pour hot syrup over eggs. Cover and refrigerate 2 to 3 days, serve with the beets. Scrub beets and cut off stems, leaving about 1 inch. Leave roots on.Put in large saucepan. Cover with boiling water. Season with salt to taste.Bring to boiling. Cover and simmer 20 to 30 mins or until beets are tender. Drain, hen plunge into cold water.Slip off skins and trim slightly if necessary. Pack into 1 quart jar or into 2 pint jars.Combine sugar, water, vinegar and spices in saucepan. Bring to boiling. Simmer uncovered for 10 min. Add horseradish.Pour over beets. Let cool awhile, then cover and refrigerate 2 to 3 days before serving.
Horseradish Beet Relish 19 oz. can cooked beets or 3 medium fresh beets, boiled, skinned and sliced 1 tbsp cider vinegar 1 tbsp sugar 1 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper 1/4 cup horseradish PLace all ingredients in electric blender or food processor; and blend until beets are finely chopped. Chill 2 to 3 days before serving. Yields 1 1/2 cups. Serve with turkey, ham or sliced meats.
Cwikla 3 cs. beets, cooked or canned, sliced 1 tbsp. fresh horseradish, grated (or use about 4 tsps. prepared horseradish) 8 cloves, whole (or use about 1/2 tsp. caraway seed) 2 cs. vinegar 1 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tsps. salt Layer beets in a glass or earthenware bowl, sprinkling layers with horseradish and cloves. Boil vinegar with sugar and salt 2 minutes. Pour over the beets. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Niki ohg

Shredded Beets and Greens with Sliced Oranges 1 pound beet greens (2 to 3 bunches) 1 tbs extra virgin olive oil 1 medium onion, sliced into thin half-moons 1 cup coarsely grated beets 1 orange, peel and pith removed Dressing: 1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (1 orange) 1 tsp prepared mustard 1 tbs olive oil pinch of salt 1. Cut off the beets, then separate the leaves from the stems at the base of the leaf. Discard the stems. Wash the leaves well and cut into strips about 1/2 inch side. Set aside. 2. Heat oil in a large skillet. Add onions and saute for 5 to 8 minutes, until soft and translucent. 3. Meanwhile, peel and coarsely grate the beets with a hand grater or in a food processor. Add the beets to the onions and saute for about 2 minutes. 4. Add the greens and stir well. Cover and cook on medium-low heat for 8 to 10 minutes, until greens are tender. 5. Cut between membranes of the orange to section. Set aside. Mix together the orange juice, mustard, olive oil, and salt. Drizzle over cooked beets and beet greens just before serving. Top with orange sections. Serve hot.
Pickled Beet Salad

2 pound pickled beets, sliced
1 - onion, thinly sliced
2 tablespoon prepared horseradish
2 tablespoon reduced-fat sour cream
2 tablespoon fresh dill, or parsley, chopped
- - salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 Drain pickled beets, reserving 1/4 cup of the juice. In a medium-
sized bowl, toss onions with the reserved pickled beet juice and let
stand for 10 minutes.

2 Meanwhile, cut the beet slices in half. Add to the onions along
with horseradish, sour cream and dill or parsley. Toss to combine.
Season with salt and pepper.

By (Guest Post)
May 30, 20050 found this helpful

How about Beet borcht, or simmered beets with vinegar?

Want the recipes? Drop me a line and I will provide them!

June 10, 20050 found this helpful

Beet Salad aka "My Mommy Loves Me Salad"
Canned or cooked fresh beets, drained and chopped
Hard cooked egg, chopped
Lemon Juice
Salt and pepper

There are no real amounts for this salad. I usually use 1 egg/can of beets. Combine beets and egg, stir in mayo with a little lemon juice, salt and pepper to your taste.
Variations: to lower cholesterol use light mayo and just the hard cooked egg whites.
Add cooked or canned carrots to the mixture.

By Sabrina (Guest Post)
June 12, 20050 found this helpful

Each year I have had a garden, it decides to produce one crop ferociously; this year it has been beets. Since my co-workers and friends are not "beet" friendly, I needed to incorporate them into something they would never imagine had beets. Hence, the following recipe:

Chocolate Beet Brownies
(These brownies are rich, chewy and secretly nutritious!)

1/2 cup butter (or 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup applesauce)
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
4 eggs
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 cup applesauce
1 tsp. vanilla
1-1/2 cup unbleached white flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking powder
1 15 oz. can beets packed in water, drained and mashed; or 1 cup cooked beets
1/2 cup finely chopped almonds
1/2 cup wheat germ

Melt butter and chocolate over low heat. Set aside to cool. In a separate bowl, beat eggs until light in color and foamy. Add sugar and vanilla and continue beating until well creamed. Stir in chocolate mixture, followed by applesauce and beets. Sift together flour, salt, spices and baking powder and stir into creamed mixture. Fold in wheat germ and almonds. Turn into greased 9x13-inch pan and bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. Cool before cutting into squares.

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January 6, 2014

All the recipes I have seen for beets requires them to be roasted or pickled. What can I do with my many cans of beets?

By Ruth J

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June 3, 2012

Has anyone tried to grill celeriac ? Should I peel and slice it or cut off top and bottom and cook whole and for how long? Any suggestions?

By Colleen

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