
Solutions for a Cloudy Turtle Tank

June 10, 2013

A turtle swimming in a tank.I persistently have a problem with the water in my turtle tank being cloudy. It's about 150 gallons and I have four 2inch wide red ear sliders. I put zoo med Reptisafe in the water daily as well as exo biotine. I have two filters as well. I clean up any uneaten food and my water is still foggy! What should I do?


By Bell


June 10, 20133 found this helpful

I found this video, although I am not an expert on turtles at all, he says not to feed the turtles in the tank they stay in but to feed them in a seperate tank and he mentions two products: Aquatic Turtle Banquet Block and also Flukers and it said something I could not make out. It is a cleaner I suppose?

Here is the video.

He also said that rocks on the bottom cause cloudy water also.

February 12, 20150 found this helpful

Try a UV sterilizer.

February 12, 20150 found this helpful

Try a UV sterilizer

October 8, 20161 found this helpful

Hi i have a female red eared slider who is about 5 inches and in a 55 gallon tank. I have a filter and clean out any excess food and waste.


I also do half water changes weekly. Why is my water still look so cloudy

October 26, 20160 found this helpful

Problem with constently cloudy water .1 turtle in 40 gallon tank

October 27, 20160 found this helpful

November 21, 20160 found this helpful

I have a very small turtle tank,I've clean it two days ago and now it's really cloudy.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 19, 2010

My turtle's water is very cloudy (to the point of not being able to see him though the water) and stinks very badly! I am changing the water every single say and have a very good (and expensive) filter. What is causing the cloudiness and what do I do to stop it?

By Bryan from Vancouver, BC


August 20, 20100 found this helpful

Are there rocks, pebbles, etc on the floor of the tank? Turtle tanks do tend to get much smellier than regular fish tanks. We used to keep alligator snapping turtles that the kids would find, until they got too big for me to clean the tanks out safely, then we would return them to the creek behind our house.


Check out the site below:
This is what I consulted while we had the turtles, and it was a lot of help.

September 27, 20101 found this helpful

I have two Red Eared slider turtles, and I had to learn the hard way too, but now my tank stays clear. Here's what works for me: I bought a very large tank (55 gallon) and I use two filters; I use "Prime" (purchased from Pet Smart for about $6) to remove the chlorine and keep water clear. It is safe for fresh and salt water, and it only takes about 1/2 a cap full every time I change the water (about once every other week); Don't overfeed, this creates unnecessary waste; to keep the white buildup off the inside glass, I use a 50/50 mixture of water/white vinegar in a spray bottle every few days.


The vinegar smell goes away as soon as it dries; You will have to remove the rocks about once every couple of weeks as well and clean them with bleach and water. Make sure you rinse the bleach off really well before returning to tank. If you can commit to spending about an hour every two weeks to thoroughly clean the tank, you will be amazed at the difference. Good luck!

November 19, 20101 found this helpful

I have had my Red Ear Slider for about 9 years. I have 125 gallon tank for him. I also worked at a pet store for a few years. Cloudiness is usually caused by a build up of ammonia in the water. You might have spent a lot of money on a filter but it could be a crap filter if it doesn't have the right media in it. For turtles you need a carbon zeolite mix (it is black and white).


Keeping rocks in your tank can help but makes sure you don't buy aquarium gravel that your turtle can swallow. Also there is a product called Zoo Med ReptiSafe Conditioner it is blue; I would use this as a water conditioner.
Let me know if you have any other questions about your turtle or filter

December 16, 20150 found this helpful

I have two small red ear sliders ,,I had same problem with cloudy tank ,until I started feeding them in seperate container leaving them in that water for awhile than they go to the bathroom in that container and the ammonia from them going to bathroom doesn't cloud their tank

December 16, 20150 found this helpful

I have two small red ear sliders ,,I had same problem with cloudy tank ,until I started feeding them in seperate container leaving them in that water for awhile than they go to the bathroom in that container and the ammonia from them going to bathroom doesn't cloud their tank

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August 24, 2019

What happens when my medium sized turtle tank gets foggy? I don't know what to do.

Please help.

Cloudy Turtle Tank - cloudy water in tank

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January 7, 2019

We have a red ear slider turtle in a 40 gal tank. We keep the tank cleaned out and change 1/2 of the water every week. We have a good carbon filter along with a fan blower to keep the water moving. A few days ago our fan and heater stopped working so we bought a new one. We replaced the carbon and sponges in our filter, changed out the water, put in a new fan and heater, and also installed a larger bridge for him to bask on. We also use the Repti-safe in our water. After changing things our water turned cloudy, which it usually does at first. But 3 days later it is still cloudy and starting to smell! The tank is clean and we've changed more of the water, but it is still cloudy! We are not sure what else to do. Can anyone help us out? Btw, we do not have any rocks in the tank. The only thing in the tank is the heater, fan circulator, and bridge hanging on the side of the tank.


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July 12, 2018

I've had my 2 baby red ear sliders for about 7 months. I've never had issues with my water, but recently I added in some guppies, and suddenly now my water is all murky and cloudy. I already have a filter, and I just bought turtle water cleaner today.

My thoughts are the fish cleaner may be causing problems with the water chemicals, but I'm not sure. Anyone have similar issues? And know how to fix it?

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May 31, 2018

I have a 2 inch long male red eared turtle. His tank is 5.5 gallons. I use about 2 ml of a water conditioner that removes chlorine and chloramines. I changed his water last night and when I got home from work this afternoon it's cloudy again.

This is my first turtle and I'm still learning. I was told not to get a filter until he got bigger. Should I go ahead and get one? What is making his water so cloudy?

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December 1, 2018

I have two red-eared slider turtles. I sent them to a friend's house while I moved. I have a 150 gal tank with a filtration system. When I had time I brought the turtle tank to my new place I bought new insides for the filter, black and white pouches, new foam thingies, and gave them all fresh water.Cloudy Water in Turtle Tank - two turtles in tank


It's been cloudy water for 4 days now. I've never had this problem before and I don't understand what is going on.

Please anybody have any suggestions?

Cloudy Water in Turtle Tank
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December 9, 2018

I ran out of water conditioner for my turtle. I was at the store looking for more and they only had 2 different conditioners. 1 was Marina Betta Pure and the other was Jungle Start Right.

Are either of these products safe for my turtle? I have not applied any to the tank yet.

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June 28, 2018

I have a 40 gallon tank with 2 red ear sliders and some fish and algae eaters. I change the filter every week and a half to two weeks and do water changes every week, but my water is still cloudy.

I haven't had this kind of water for a while, but now I cannot get rid of the cloudiness. Anyone know why?

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November 22, 2013

Two turtles on the lawn.I have had so many problems with my turtles and really need help! My water is consistently either yellow or cloudy. When it's yellow, I use turtle conditioner, but it didn't really work so I cleaned the whole tank again. Now my water is really cloudy to the point it's hard to see right through, I have only had these two turtles for 3 months.

Their shells are also starting to go a little white, perhaps shedding? I've been trying to get them in the sun more in case that was the problem. Please help I just want a clean tank with healthy turtles. Should I feed them in separate water to stop the tank from going cloudy and dirty? Help would be greatly appreciated!



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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

August 19, 2010

We were given a fresh water turtle a few weeks ago. The day after I set up his tank it began getting cloudy. Then it turned nasty and green.

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