
Remedies for a Dog With Itchy Ears?

September 7, 2013

Small tan and white dog.My dog is a Dachshund mix and her ears are horrid. They are red and inflamed, very scaly, and very sore. They have raw spots that are bleeding all over the inside flap of her ear. We bought her ear drops made by Sentry for ear mites, ticks, and itch relief. We give her 5 drops, two times a day, but it is still not working! Please tell me what's wrong.


By Haley. C

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June 9, 2021

My dog has got itchy flaky ears. I can't take him to a vet as he gets aggressive out of fear with strangers. Does anyone know what is causing it and what I can get to treat it?

A dog's ears turned inside out.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
June 9, 20210 found this helpful
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It could be several things such as Scabies, severe ear mite problem, a skin problem, allergies...and more. BUT a vet is the only one who can look at the problem and come up with a solution.


Call the vet beforehand to see if the vet will come out to your vehicle to take a look at the problem, instead of your dog having to go inside. Good luck.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 111 Answers
June 11, 20210 found this helpful
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How to test for Ear mites.

  • One way to test for ear mites is this.
  • Use a qtip to take a swab of the black stuff, which looks like it is fairly close to the opening of the ear.
  • Don't go further into the ear because you may damage it.
  • Smear the black waxy looking stuff onto a black piece of paper, nothing special, even a small black section of a magazine.
  • Place the paper with the smear under a lamp.
  • You may need a magnifying glass, or not if your vision is good.
  • The light will make the mites start crawling around.
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  • If you see mites you might be able to just get some medicine from a vet.
  • Another way to check for mites is to rub your dog's ear while he is resting and not scratching his ears.
  • If he immediately starts to scratch it is because the mites have been activated by the motion of your rubbing his ears.
  • If you have a Petco in your area, you can see a vet without a visit fee, and you can also have your dog vaccinated. Good luck with your dog.
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December 27, 2015

My Westie has had ear problems in the past and still does, but not as bad! We are still treating them with what the vets have given us, but he has quite dry ears and I was wondering if there's anything I can put on the ears to keep them from cracking and getting dry?

Something that doesn't irritate them?


November 17, 20163 found this helpful
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My Cocker was having issues with dry flaky skin and scabs. I started rubbing coconut oil on the affected areas one a day or every other day, and the scabs went away.

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March 5, 2018

My 7 month old Pit Bull keeps digging at her right ear and sniffing and licking it.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
March 5, 20180 found this helpful
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It is very common for dogs to get yeast infections in their ears. You may need a trip to the Vet for medication. These infections are hard to get rid of with home made treatments.


They also never go away on their own. They will get worse if not treated right away.

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April 16, 2015

I have a pitbull that is a year and a couple months old. Lately I've noticed that she has been shaking her head quite often. She also rubs her paws against her face. When I look in her ear I notice that it is red and feels dry. I would like a home remedy to help treat this.

By Luna

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May 3, 2011

My dog has been licking my younger dog's ears. Now they are itchy and my younger dog keeps shaking his head. Is the licking causing a problem?

By Annie from Brunswick, GA


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
May 3, 20111 found this helpful

Sounds like ear mites. Your local vet or possibly even a farm or feed store will have meds for their ears that will kill the mites. If left untreated, they can cause infection and itch, burn and be rather uncomfortable.

May 4, 20110 found this helpful

Ear mites is highly probable, a few drops of olive oil in their ears should take care of that.... It could be as simple as dirty ears though, just like us they get a wax build up from time to time.


Just like us, you can clean their ears out with Q- tips, but be careful, your dogs will let you know if it hurts.

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August 28, 2013

My dog has had ear problems since I got her. I have taken her to the vet and they gave me a wash and a solution (oil based) for after the wash. What can I use instead of going to the vet since she seems to get this every six months and it is very costly? What can I use or buy? I have white vinegar/water mixture 50/50. Isn't mineral oil also good and what do I mix that with? I'd like to prevent this from happening. Any feedback would be most appreciated.

By Jeannette

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February 27, 2009

I am looking for a home remedy for allergies in a dog's ear. His ear tends to itch and get red. Is there something I can do other than the panalog that the vet prescribed?



Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
February 27, 20090 found this helpful

Check out under the pets section. They might have some good ideas.....

By Shelter Worker (Guest Post)
February 28, 20090 found this helpful

The allergies aren't in the dog's ear. Your dog probably has allergies to something they're eating (EXTREMELY common in puppymilled and backyard bred dogs) that cause the dog to have natural reactions to allergies...swelling and itch. When the swelling affects the ear and the canals constrict just a tiny bit; the dog is uncomfortable and itchy.


They scratch for relief but that only increases the itch and swelling. As the canals constrict even more, bacteria and fingal infections develop.

First, keep the dog clean with a very mild hypoallergenic shampoo every few weeks. brush daily. Vacuum once a day where the dog usually hangs out and wash their bedding at least twice a week. Use hot water or put the bedding into a plactic bag and freeze for a few hours before washing to kill any mites. Small bed mites can aggravate a problem like this. This is not your main problem but a cheap and easy aid to help.

Looking for anything to relieve allergies in the dog's ear will be useless at best. You should be focusing on what you're feeding the dog. A good place to start is to eliminate all presesrvatives in the dog's food. It's not even expensive to do considering the price of quality dog food these days.

I'd skip table scraps since most people eat tons of junk that are loaded with preservatives. Keep to a natural preservative free diet and take notes on how the dog seems to do with whatever foods they're getting. Fine tune the diet from there.

The next thing to do is be vigilant about cleaning the dog's ears with an alcohol free ear cleanser. Alcohol free is necessary because dries out the ear and is very crying/irritating to any minor sores or newly starting infections...thus causing your dog to scratch and renewing the cycle.

Clean every 3-4 days or so depending on how well a better diet for the dog works and how you notice the dog behaving or scratching.

After doing all that (which really isn't bad at all), the panalog or similar is simply an antibiotic/antifungal preventative for the ear. You only use 1-2 drops every few days to keep back any possible infection before it gets into the bad cycle of scratch/swell/itch, etc. You can search the net for cheaper souces of the med but when all you're using is a drop or two once or twice a week; even the small tubes last you for many months. The small tubes usually only cost around $20 from the vet and there are cheaper sources on the net. That comes out to be pretty darned cheap!

Search for discount panalog and bypass the pet store websites because they are the most overpriced. Even I buy my dog meds on the net but from predominantly human med suppliers. I rarely even need a prescription.

By michelle (Guest Post)
February 28, 20090 found this helpful

My shizu had the same problem for over five years. I just put him on wellness brand food, whitefish and sweet potatoes and it is completely cleared. This poor dog has been on ear drops his whole life and switching his food is what finally worked. I had called the company and the CS. lady asked me if he had any allergy etc. I told her of his chronic ear infections and she said to try that specific formula. Its not made with any ingredients that dogs are typically allergic to. I would bet you money if you switch over to the white fish, sweet potato formula by wellness brand your dogs ears will be better! Good luck.

March 1, 20090 found this helpful

Dogs can get yeast infections in their ears. We had a Maltese that often would get it. It was diagnosed by a vet and they advised a weak solution of vinegar and lukewarm water and applied into the ear canal with a medicine dropper. I now have a hound who has had it a couple of times and I've treated it with the vinegar and water and it has helped.

By Jessica (Guest Post)
March 1, 20090 found this helpful

My youngest dog has bad allergies. We witched to a food made without corn, this has helped a lot, but she still has problems, just like we do in the seasonal type. We use benadryl. 1 tablet for every 50lbs. Works like wonder and it will only be a few weeks, just like humans. Good luck, I know how bad they can feel with allergies.

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May 12, 2013

Closeup of dog.I have a Shih tzu Pug mix who has one ear that is red and scaly. She scratches it quite often. I am looking for a home remedy. Her ears have been cleaned. There are no mites. Please help as this looks quite painful and uncomfortable.

By Kim

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April 28, 2015

I have a Chihuahua puppy that will be 7 months old in a couple of weeks. Recently she started constantly scratching her left ear and then licking her toes and going right back to scratching.

Is there anything, other than taking her to the vet, that I can do to help her?

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March 28, 2019

I just got my baby Dachshund from a guy who was running a puppy mill in TN. Since I have had him he's been treated for worms and kennel cough. I finally got him over both of those and now he's scratching his ears and shaking his head enough to wake me up every night.

I cleaned his ears out 3 times and I see a lot of brown; I'm assuming is wax. How can you tell the difference between an allergy/infection? Is there anything I can do to help before I take him to the vet in a few days?

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