
Leaving a Cat Alone While on Vacation?

September 30, 2013

An orange cat sitting on a window sill.I am on holiday for 10 days and this is only day 2. I am so worried about Kylie my 4 year old cat. I have a really good neighbour who is going in twice a day to feed and do the necessary. I have only had her 1 year and before I had her she was a indoor cat. Now she loves outside, as I live in a tenement which has a large back garden and over the wall there is a huge cemetery where all the cats seem hang around.


My worry is that after I got her she was scared to go outside. My neighbour has 2 cats and said after a couple of days she would let her out and check on her to let her back in the flat. My worry is that she will be lonely with being left in a lot and when she gets out she won't come back. I love her so much and am thinking I will have to go home. My neghbour said cats always come home as they know where there food is. She sometimes goes away for hours when I am there, but she sees me every day and sleeps on the bed with me.

By Ray

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 9, 2009

What are the dangers of leaving an indoor cat in the home for 30 days if they are checked only twice per week. They are accustomed to being alone for 8 hours per day.

By sharonstonekontos from Huntington, WV


June 9, 20090 found this helpful

As long as the litter box is changed, dry food and water is available the cat should be fine. Cats are independent pets and do not need the amount of attention and care that dogs require.


Just be sure to leave a toilet seat up as an emergency in case their water bowl runs dry.

June 9, 20090 found this helpful

My DIL left their Kitty with several bowls of water and the litter box and their neighbor came over periodically to just make sure she was ok and to scoop the litter box. Kitty was fine. She got to sleep wherever she wanted while Mama was away! Ha! They had an automatic feeder that the neighbor made sure worked. My suggestion is that if you leave the toliet open for emergencies, please make sure you haven't got any cleaner in it like Tidy Bowl or those wire hanging deoderizers. That could be harmful. Also, consider if you are leaving the air conditioner on in hot climates, or at least an attic fan for good ventilation. You don't want your kitty to overheat! Good Luck! Hamnurse


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
June 9, 20090 found this helpful

I have a friend who's cat got stuck upside down behind the hot water heater in her bedroom closet. The cat almost died from heat & dehydration. This happened while she was at work. You'd have to be VERY careful about the cat's surroundings & make sure he or she couldn't strangle themselves by being caught in a drapery cord or something such as this & make sure all the toilets lid's are shut! Also, you'd have to make sure that there's always adequate water available.


I would never leave my cat alone for even one night. I worry when I have to leave him home alone for 10 hours every Saturday during the spring/summer months when I'm at work. I am so thrilled to see that everything's okay with him when I return that I breath a HUGE sigh of relief! My cat would be very depressed if I was gone often, in fact he looks around everywhere for my partner on the 2 days a week he goes to the gym & happily greets him at the door when he arrives home.

You should have someone check on your cat daily! (even if you have to pay a reliable neighborhood teenager) I checked in on a cat for 2 weeks for a neighbor when I was a teen. $50 should be enough... All they need to do is feed & water you cat daily & maybe play with him a bit too. Make sure the teens parents keep an eye on their child's job & it's done right & they never miss a day!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
June 9, 20090 found this helpful

My sister does this fairly often without any problems. She puts the litter box in the bathtub in case there is a turn over accident. She has a self waterer and feeder and shuts all doors to most rooms and cainets and has never had a problem.


Her only concern is that the person checking them will allow them to get out and then be unable to catch them.

June 9, 20090 found this helpful

How would you like it if you were used to having companionship 16 hours a day and then only had it for an hour or two a week? When my husband and I go on vacation (and we haven't in 3 years due to finances) we have one of his brothers stay at our house. If we didn't have them, we would board her. Maybe some cats are independent and don't need attention, but mine sure does.

June 10, 20090 found this helpful

My husband and I have gone away for 10 days and left our 3 cats at home with no problems. Our daughter came in daily to check on them and make sure they had food and water.


Just make sure you eliminate as many hazards as you can before you leave.

June 10, 20090 found this helpful

Gee that is a good question. I have eight cats now and it would be way too expensive to board. I think that I would have to have someone stay with them. I have only gone away once leaving six behind. I did call home twice a day though.
Good Luck.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 520 Feedbacks
June 10, 20090 found this helpful

I agree totally with Cyinda and Thriftyboo. Please get some-one to check on her at least daily. Cats may choose to be independent but no cat would choose to be locked in for a month all on it's own. You can't explain to an animal that you are coming back eventually. If something went wrong how would you feel?



June 11, 20090 found this helpful

I have left my cat home for a 10 day vacation. I had someone come into the house each day to check on her. They made sure she had food and water and also cleaned the litter box. Although they never saw her when they came to the house to check on her food/water situation, I felt better having someone check on her. I think I would be nervous to go away for 30 days without someone staying at the house. As it is, I get nervous every time I go on vacation. My cat definitely requires more attention when we get home and does meow a lot more the day we get home. She definitely misses us!

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June 19, 2018

I'm getting a kitten soon and after about 3 weeks I'm going to have to leave it at my friend's place. She has her own cat, so she has experience.

But I'm scared this might be bad for my kitten at such a young age. She will only be about 3 months old. Is it OK to leave her at my friends place?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 20, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

This is a tricky one...I say that because (with a dog) I have had good and bad experiences with friends taking care of my babies.

The bad case that my "friend" let my puppy run loose in a fenced cemetery when I specifically said she can never be off leash as she was so small she could crawl under fences. Luckily someone grabbed her before she got to the street (yep, she got under the fence) and she was OK. Needless to say, that ended that friendship FAST. I still cry when I think about it.

I strongly recommend that you and your friend need to agree on EXACTLY how your baby will be cared for and even consider putting it in writing.

My concern for your situation is that if she has a resident cat, you may not want your baby and her baby to interact. I say that because cats can be very territorial and you don't want the resident cat to hurt your kitty.

If in the planning phases, your friend does not respect your wishes for how your baby should be cared for, then you may want to consider another option.

Talk to your vet or local cat rescue and see if they can recommend a reputable cat sitter.

Answer this Question

December 10, 2013

Is it OK to leave my 8 month old kitten home alone for 3-4 days? I will make sure it safe for her, and leave plenty of food and water.

By Shannon A. from Ft. Myers, FL

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February 10, 2019

I have 2 cats that are sisters. I'm going on vacation for 7 days and have hired someone to come in daily to scoop litter, check their food and water, and try to play with them. My question is, will they be OK? I'm worrying so much I'm ready to cancel my vacation and it is my and my husband's 15th wedding anniversary trip.

Please help.

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January 4, 2014

Black cat on bed.I live in Thailand and have an outdoor cat. She's 18 months old and very independent. She's gone most of the day (she has her own access through a window) and only comes in late at night to sleep until very early in the morning when she takes off again (after something to eat). I plan to go away for 3 weeks and don't want to leave her in a kennel.

Here the only option is to leave her at the vet's in a small cage where she won't be let out to play. I figured that would be more cruel! I'll have a friend visit every day to replenish her food and water, but the only friend willing to do this won't have the time to spend to play with her. Do I risk her running away to find me? Would she be okay, providing she always has food and water and access to her bed inside?

By Solieri

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September 10, 2018

We are leaving for a month long holiday in December. We have 2 cats, the small one is generally a very nervous cat. We have people to check on them daily. Now we thought maybe we would let the domestic worker (which they are very use to) maybe come twice a week so that the cats can play outside a bit.

I am scared that if the cats realize that we are not there then they won't come back. Should they play outside or can they be in the house for 4 weeks?

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May 16, 2017

My neighbors left for a funeral and a graduation out of town. They will be gone a week. They left their cat locked up in the garage with tons of food and water. It will be around 85 outside everyday. I said won't she get over heated and the lady said no the garage stays around 60 unless it is like 100 outside for days.

Will the cat be ok? I'm worried about oxygen and the heat. She is a very social cat too. She loves people and I have checked on her for 2 days now by looking in the windows. Today she was meowing wanting out. She is mostly an outside cat. They never left a cell number or key to help if needed. I'm worried.

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June 17, 2017

I'm looking for a advice. I'm going on holiday for 9 nights tommorow. I have two cats that my neighbour will be going in on everyday and will be sleeping at my house in the evening.

But I'm worried they're not going to be OK. I had my 16 month kitten put to sleep two weeks ago due to a serious illness. I'm wondering if my cats will be OK while I'm away.

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November 1, 2013

Please advise me. I'm going away for approx. 10-11 days, but I'm so scared and concerned that my little kitten's too small/young to be left alone for that long, even if I would arrange for a friend to come and look after her (food, water etc.). She's only 3 months old. Please help me. Is it dangerous to leave such a young one alone? Will she get traumatised? Many thanks in advance for your kind advice.

I really appreciate your reply, I would rather cancel the holiday, because she comes first!

Thanks again.

By Linn

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