
Activities for the Elderly and Disabled

April 2, 2012

Elderly Woman Walking with DaughterI am a CNA at a nursing home in Des Moines, Iowa. I take care of a 96 year old lady who is 90% blind and deaf. She is very restless, always calling out for help, and continually wants to return to the bathroom, but usually doesn't void. I think it's because she has nothing to do.


I've looked for activities to keep her busy, but it has proven difficult to find something for the deaf and blind. Not to mention she is 96 years old and frail. She's definitely bored, as before she came to us she was still living at home alone and busied herself with whatever she did there. She does still walk, but not far and she is a fall risk as she has proven herself to be very unstable. Any suggestions of how to keep her busy and not have toileting and meals be the only stimulation of her last days?

By Tabitha


April 2, 20121 found this helpful
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Giving her something safe to hold on to might keep her entertained. Did she have something at her home that was a comfort item? A stuffed animal or blanket? What about something in Braille? Also, smells might be a calming thing for her. You could purchase a scented lotion and help her rub it into her hands. The stimulation of holding her hand and the smells may be good for her.

April 3, 20121 found this helpful
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Contact the blind association about books on tape and see about headphones so that she can have the volume up loud enough for her to hear the narrative without disturbing others. A stuffed animal would be nice.


She if she likes dogs or cats and then if she does, mention this to the activities department and see if someone can routinely stop by with a dog or cat for her to hold with supervision.

April 3, 20121 found this helpful
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Good thoughts. Plant(s) to care for too? One that has texture such as lambs ear (soft), herbs (provide texture and scent) and golden pothos (smooth) would stimulate her senses.

The golden pothos is vining with heart shaped leaves, can be started from a cutting in water (she may enjoy that process and keeping plant trimmed) and is easy to care for. All mine requires is watering and does not like direct sun. It is easy to find in the store too.


Look for a way to find out the things she enjoyed throughout her life: food, scents, activities, music. Get some scented candles that she can open (the ones in glass jars) to smell whenever she wants.

The National Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped provides materials and adaptive equipment for those with impairments.

She could listen to music by feeling the vibrations through headphones with the volume turned up. There may be a way to find out her favorite music, either songs or styles for this activity.

Match her with another resident that walks to push her outside to feel the sun and breeze.

Also, check with Eden Alternative.

April 3, 20120 found this helpful
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You might try letting her string beads. You can use large holed beads that don't require a needle. It doesn't matter what color goes where.. it will keep her hands busy and it's therapeutic. I own a bead store and have had several blind customers that bead.


They have someone mark the beads with braille and go from there! Very kind and thoughtful of you to care about her like that. Hope this helps Cindy beadlady


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 121 Feedbacks
April 3, 20121 found this helpful
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Try play dough or other types of clay. It is good therapy to just mush with hands or if she makes something it can be air dried then baked in a low oven (250-300 degree F) for about 15 minutes to make it more permanent. Plastacine or modeling clay is also good.

April 4, 20120 found this helpful
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What did this old lady do for a job in the past? She may be able to get back skills from those days.

I have seen a 92 year old blind lady learn to touch type with screen reading software on the computer. Typing is very soothing.


She might like to clean her own room - or she may be offended at the idea because she is paying for that now. Each old person is different.

Do you have singing classes at the care home? Does she know how to play the piano, because you could plug headphones into an electronic keyboard and only she would be able to hear the noise.

Could she join in any activities that are going on - like art or cooking - at her own level?

Could you have animals to visit the old people?

She may be always calling for the toilet because she is afraid of wetting herself. My mother used to come back from the bathroom, turn round and walk back again straight away. It does test your patience.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
April 4, 20124 found this helpful
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Would it be possible to get some massage for her? Even if it is just gentle rubbing of her arms and legs.


It is tough to lose your senses one by one. Many good posts here...bless you for caring.

July 22, 20162 found this helpful
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A small pet can provide a lot of comfort and entertainment for an elderly person. How about adopting an adult cat who is known to be cuddly wih people? A cat over 8 years would be a good choice, and with proper care, a healthy 8-yr-old cat should live another 4 to 8 years.

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