
Homemade Cat Food Recipes

November 18, 2011

Cat eating out of a yellow bowl.Pet food in my area has gone up and the sales are not as good, if at all. The other day, the Kroger I was in had whole chickens on clearance, for 59 cents a pound. I will cook one, discard the bones and skin, dice it up and feed it to my cats, twice a day, instead of their can food. It's cheaper, and it's good for them. No fillers. I will store it in the fridge.


If you do not have multiple cats, as I do, simply put the diced chicken, in a big plastic, Ziploc bag, and get a handful out and zap it on defrost, each day.

By julrobs from North Augusta, SC Editor's Note: Be sure to feed your pets a balanced diet to ensure they are getting the proper nutrition. Chicken can supplement their normal diet but should not be the only source.

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August 6, 2012

I am looking for recipes that my elderly and dog can both eat. I need to feed them the same diet.

By Rita C

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October 29, 2010

I want to make some food for my cat, any suggestions?

By Rob from Boston, MA


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November 2, 20100 found this helpful

I make an all raw diet for my cats. If you are making more than an occasional snack it is good to understand the nutrition requirements for cat food. I got started using the website (see "making cat food").


My cats are thriving after 5 years on this website's recipes. The woman who put this recipe together is a vet and really understands nutrition.

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June 9, 2010

I am looking for simple recipes for cat food and cat treats. Kitty is a new mummy at 8 months old with 4 kittens still nursing.

By seamus from San Antonio, TX


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June 9, 20100 found this helpful

Click on "Our Recipe Collection", then click on "Animal Treats".


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June 9, 20100 found this helpful

Ther are some great raw food recipes if you are interested. It is a bit more work, but the cats thrive on it. If you want my recipe just let me know.


There are several available on the web also. I have been feeding that way for 5 years now.

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July 3, 2013

My cat has always eaten canned food, but he is not eating now. What can I feed him? He is almost 18 years old.

By Pam R. from Fishers, IN


July 5, 20130 found this helpful

I have a 16 yo cat who we have recently had the same problem. I bought him some turkey from the deli section and although I do have to hand feed it to him, he loves it and that is ok with me!

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February 13, 2012

How do I make homemade cat food?

By Debbie


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April 10, 20180 found this helpful
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Many vets have concerns about the balanced nutrition that homemade cat food supplies but are also are concerned about dry cat food as well. If you are conscientious about


Here is a link with information about making your own cat food.

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September 2, 2018

My 5 month old kitten keeps bugging me for wet food at meal times, but turns her nose up to most of the food I try to feed her. She does seem to like food with gravy, broth and sauces, though.

She usually licks up the sauce, and leaves the meat. Does anyone know some good gravy, broth and/or sauce recipes out there?

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August 7, 2010

I have a cat with food allergies, which is hard to fight with processed cat food. Does anyone have a healthy homemade cat food recipe they can share without any added chemicals?

By Cris from Central CA


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August 10, 20100 found this helpful

I have a cat that I feed a home made diet because he has epilepsy. He has less seizures on this diet. I use Lisa Piersons raw food recipe from The site walks you through the recipe. I did buy a Tasin meat grinder because you need to grind the bones also, and most grinders cannot handle that.


I use the cat vitamins from Only Natural Pets. The cat loves them. My cat has been on this diet for 5 years now and is very healthy. Good luck!


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October 21, 20114 found this helpful

(Submitted via email)

This is not a good recipe for cats and will lead to serious healthy problems. Cats are obligate carnivores and need to have meat in their diets to be healthy. kindlyroot's recipe does not include meat and is missing other important elements such as calcium and taurine that are important for cats.

Beth S.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
July 27, 2013

Does anyone have a recipe for a cat gravy? I have a 19 year old and he will only lick the gravy from his food. I have worked for a veterinarian for many years, but we have yet to come up with a good recipe. Sometimes we need to "hide" liquid medication in the gravy mixture. Some medications can be compounded with a certain flavor, but some medications cannot. Thank you in advance.

By Sherri from CA

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July 25, 2016

My cat Mamie is having a lot of trouble going to the bathroom; I've looked up her symptoms that are exactly like those of being constipated. I have to feed her wet cat food, because she only has 11 teeth now, and I need "actual recipes" that I can find in stores. I don't mean the "science labeled pills and what not" that I can't find at the store, Walmart, because it doesn't carry those items!

tabby cat

Can someone tell me or even show me a site that will give me an actual recipe to follow so I can make my cat something to help her? Maybe even something for the sassy and picky eater that is currently attacking my computer screen? I would use the food the vet would give us, but she refuses to eat it and literally pushes the bowl away from her and towards the stairs.


September 19, 20161 found this helpful
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Hi Alyssa, my old cat also had problems going to the toilet after an operation to remove his teeth, I ground up 3 small pieces of all bran and added it to his food after 3 days of adding half the ground all bean, he was back to normal. Hope this helps,

September 25, 20161 found this helpful
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You can also add pure pumpkin. Make sure it is not pie filling. You can add 1 tsp to their food. This helps with constipation.

October 2, 20160 found this helpful
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You might try adding slippery elm bark powder to her food.

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August 7, 2012

My fussy cat has taken to liking the new broths available for cats, but they are expensive for very little and packaged badly so that I always spill a bit getting it out of the vacuum pack. She loves texture and liquid as she tends to lick her food rather than taking bites.

If anyone has a good broth recipe suitable for cats I'd love to see it, please.

By Pauline D


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August 9, 20123 found this helpful
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I got tired of paying for broth awhile back and started making my own. I save all chicken or turkey parts in the freezer. I usually have a lot of backs(back bones hide a number of small glands - adrenal, kidneys et. I pop them out as they have an off flavor), wings and leg bones etc. When the freezer gets crowded I take them all out put them in a pot and fill the pot with water. Simmer for 1 to 4 hours, let cool and strain thru a seive or cheesecloth to remove any small bones. if boiled for 4 hours you will have extracted the mineral content of the bones (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) Now you can reduce the stock until it is the way you like it.


I pour my stock into 8 oz plastic cups and freeze it. I use it to make soup, rice or whatever needs a flavor boost. One difference you will notice with the store bought stock is that yours will gel when it is cold. I am not sure how manufacturers keep the store bought stuff from gelling. It liquifies quickly when brought to room temp or a little more. You can add anything you like to broth while it is cooking. Carrots, celery, etc can vary the flavor and nutrition. My cats love it and I use it by the ton. A container of broth is approaching $3 at the store.

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