
Old Dog Peeing in House

March 6, 2015

Lab in the snowMy twelve year old Lab has always been healthy. He is acting fine and eating fine and playing fine. However he is drinking excessively and going outside to pee quite a bit. The house is extremely dry from the heat, but just today he has gone in the house twice. This is something he never did.


By Sully D


March 14, 20151 found this helpful
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Dogs can get diabetes and kidney diseases. Please take him to the vet.

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January 18, 2013

My oldest dog has started peeing on my bedroom floor. He has never done this. He's 13yrs old, but you wouldn't know it in how he plays outside. I want to take him to the vet, but am a little strapped for cash. Any over the counter meds I could get him from Petsmart or Petco?

By loneladywolf5


January 31, 20161 found this helpful
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My 14 year old Bichon has kidney / bladder stones and surgery is not recommended due to her age. The vet recommended doggie diapers ... She just dribbles pee all day in the house and doesn't realize it!


The diapers are weird, but we are all happy now and life is stress free, not worrying about it anymore. We take it off when she goes outside. Only her bladder is an issue... Thank goodnesss

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April 25, 2011

Our dog has started peeing inside, she doesn't know she is doing it. She is a 10 year old cross Jack Russell.

By ALEX KLEIN from Bradford, UK


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April 26, 20110 found this helpful
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There are so many possible causes for this that it would be impossible to give advice. You really need a Vet to exclude fixable problems before deciding on what you need to do.


10 years old is not all that old for a small dog. Your chances of having a treatable medical condition here are high. Anyway, what Deeli said. Good luck.

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January 23, 2017

My 15 year old Jack Russell terrier is peeing without control and he won't leave diapers on. He's deaf and almost blind, but he can just be on my lap and pee on me.

We can't put anything in his cage anymore cause he even pees in it. I'm at my wit's end, any suggestions?


January 23, 20170 found this helpful

See your vet. He can probably give him something to help alleviate the situation. Your dog can't help it; he's no longer young.

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August 12, 2019

My 9yr old Cocker Spaniel started peeing on the rug in front of the door. About 6 months ago she started peeing on the rug randomly. I made sure to start letting her out more often. She's done it when we're home and when we've been gone. She knows how to tell us when she has to go (she will even wake me up in the middle of the night) so it's not like that's an issue.

I've washed the rugs and changed the rugs (on my third one) and nothing is working. The urine is so strong that I can tell right away when she does it and it's very hard to clean. I thought maybe it was a bladder infection, but I tried going without a rug there for a few weeks and she never peed on the tile. I have to have a rug because I live in MN and need it for winter. She is an anxious dog and the older she gets the worse it is. She licks her paws a lot. Also, any tips on cleaning the rugs and getting rid of the awful smell?

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July 6, 2018

Our 25 lb. dog is 13 years old and is peeing on our beds, rugs, furniture, and you name it. He seems to forget to let us know he wants to go out. When he does actually come and want us to take him out he will let us know and then run and hide. After 6 or more tries to put him on the leash, he'll go out to do his business. We love him and can't figure out what's going on. He doesn't seem to be in any pain or distress.

We take him to the vet regularly for his check-ups. He takes one Prilosec every day because prior to taking the Prilosec he ate loads of grass and threw up a lot. He is not dripping urine so diapers aren't needed. Any recommendations would be appreciated. He eats Blue Buffalo canned food and a few Milk Bones here and there. His name is "Buddy".

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July 27, 2017

My Pom will be 10 shortly, in September, and has started drinking water in excess and wetting in the house. She has never done this before.

Older Dog Drinking A Lot and Peeing Inside - small black and gray dog on a chair

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June 23, 2018

I have a male 13 year old Sheltie. He is peeing in the house all the time or just dribbling. What to do?

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June 5, 2015

I have a female dog who is 15 years old and is unable to hold her urine for the 7 or 8 hours we are gone? I was thinking about trying the doggy pads any thougths?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
July 31, 20150 found this helpful
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North Shore under pads on sells reasonably and they are free shipping. I buy from them all the time and have never been disappointed with their product. They do not leak through and they are large enough I can scissor cut in half and make two that lasts longer. I just put the cut end toward the back and the pad is placed in a hard plastic liner just in case my dog goes too close to the edge.


They also send a free Xtra large under pad in each order. You get 100 quality under pads for about $40.00 and if you cut in half, you get double the amount for the same price and it's a quality/quantity stretcher. It's up to your dog whether an under pad is going to be of use. One of our dogs uses them between outdoor potty time or when we are away from home too long.

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May 27, 2015

My dog is getting old, she is part Jack Russell and part Chihuahua, she is about 10 or 11 years old in dog years. I know her sight and hearing is going, she used to be potty trained, but no longer seems to be. I am a great dog lover, she is a rescue dog, we adopted her 7 years ago. Anyway, I know she is old, and stressed, but she is also very spoiled, she is my fur baby child.

Today she has peed on the carpet twice and even crapped on the carpet, she has been doing this a lot lately, why, I don't know, but my carpet is completely covered in spots. When I catch her I tell her no, and put her outside. I watch her go out there, but then she comes back in and she does it again. What else can I do? Any solutions, what might make her stop, or is this just normal behavior, as I think she may be beyond retraining.

Also, I just want to mention we have another dog who always goes outside to do his business. She is still pretty active when she is happy, she sings and dances, and loves to go for car rides, and walks, if any of that matters.

Thank you.


June 3, 20150 found this helpful
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This may be age related incontinence. A veterinarian will help you diagnose the condition.

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October 29, 2011

I have two 9 year old Border Terriers and one of them (not sure which) has started to pee in the house, mainly in the same area in the kitchen. They even do it when we are in the house. They have their own dog door. How can we stop this? They are both neutered males. Do you think crating them would help?

By Sue S


November 2, 20111 found this helpful
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Our four legged children are like people. As we age health issues start, organs don't function properly. Have your vet check out your baby to rule out any health issues.


If there are no health issues, it may be time for your baby to wear diapers.

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January 8, 2020

My Pug, soon to be 9 years old, all of a sudden started peeing in the house. He knows where he needs to go, but it's like he doesn't care and will pee right in front of me.

I just don't know what to do and what would be bothering him.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
January 14, 20200 found this helpful
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Almost all changes to bladder (or bowel) habits are because the dog has a medical issue going on. Urinary tract infections and bladder stones are very common in dogs and can cause them to pee in the house or need to go out more freqently. It is very important to get this checked ASAP as the UTIs expecially if left untreated can cause serious issues.


If the pup gets a clean bill of health, the vet can go over other possible causes and solutions. The vet may even suggest a brief course of crate training (or retraining).

Post back with an update. Prayers for healing!

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