
What is This Insect?

July 7, 2020

Identifying a Small Brown Bug? - bug on a paper towelI am just wondering what kind of bug is this? I found it on me, but am not sure if it came from outside or not.



Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
July 7, 20200 found this helpful
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Picture not too clear but it resembles a tick to me.
There are several kinds and some are more prevalent in different parts of the country.
If it is a tick, you should check your body and clothing carefully as there may be others and if you have pets (especially dogs0 be sure to check them carefully every time they go out until you take care of any bugs in your yard.

If you discover this is a tick here are some suggestions for getting rid of them if they're in your yard (if you have a yard).

If this is not a tick you really need to find out what it is for sure.


You can contact you county extension agency and send them the video as they will be more familiar with what type of bugs are prevalent in your area.

Correct removal is very important:
I used the liquid soap method on a camping trip and it worked but most sites recommend removal with tweezers.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
July 7, 20200 found this helpful
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This is a lice and it normally is found in your hair. They can jump from one head to another and lay eggs in your hair. If one is on your skin it could have come out of your hair.


I would try and check to see if you have any more of these around or in your hair.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
July 8, 20200 found this helpful
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It looks like some type of weevil that hitched a ride on you from outdoors. Nothing to worry about unless you have some plant growing outdoors that they like. Weevils drill into plant stems and veins to suck the plant juices. If it happens enough, it can severely damage or kill the plant. Then you would need to use some kind of bug control on the favored plants.

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June 26, 2023

What insect are these from?


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July 5, 2022

Hi there. We have this growing on two plants in our natural area. Are they a bug egg sack or something else.

I tried looking and have not found an answer yet. Located in Wilmington NC

Growing objects on a plant.
A close up of the growth.
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May 9, 2022

Translation from Google: Hello, I work in a hospital and a parasite has fallen on my head. They don't know about it here and I use all kinds of dog lice shampoo, repellents, oils, but it stopped a lot and I couldn't remove it, the doctor didn't want to prescribe anything and sent me to the doctor. psychologist, and the psychologist has told me that this is not a case of a psychologist. I took photos of the parasite, I don't know what to do anymore, a friend told me that it is the African louse and in Brazil there are similar parasites.Parasite On My Head?


Original: Hola trabajo en un hospital y me ha caído un paracito en la cabeza aquí lo desconocen y huso de todo champú de piojos de perro, repelentes, aceites pero pare mucho y no logro quitarlo, el medico no me quiere recetar nada y me ha mandado al psicólogo, y el psicólogo me ha dicho que ese caso no es de psicólogo les lleve fotos del paracito, ya no se que hacer, una amiga me ha dicho que es el piojo Africano y en Brasil hay paracitos iguales.

Parasite On My Head?
Parasite On My Head?
Parasite On My Head?
Parasite On My Head?
Parasite On My Head?
Parasite On My Head?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
May 9, 20220 found this helpful
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I do not believe you are in the USA but maybe Spain?
It seems that a doctor at your hospital should be able to diagnose and provide medication for this problem.


However, you may just wish to seek outside help.

the following is my opinion of what this is but please find a professional to help you as this will only get more severe the longer you wait to begin some sort of treatment.

I'm not sure exactly what you have but it certainly looks like African head lice. Here is a link that has some pictures (click on the picture to enlarge). You can read some information on this site:

You should go to your local pharmacist and ask them for help as they will know what to tell you.
One treatment that works:
Benzyl alcohol lotion, 5%;
Brand name product: Ulesfia lotion
*Benzyl alcohol is an aromatic alcohol. Benzyl alcohol lotion, 5% has been approved for the treatment of head lice and is considered safe and effective when used as directed. It kills lice but it is not ovicidal. A second treatment is needed 7 days after the first."


There are DIY medications but I do not know if these are available in your country.

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April 15, 2022

Does anyone know what kind of insect this is?

An insect on a wooden surface.
An insect on a wooden surface.

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October 24, 2021

I found this bug while I was eating and it kind of freaked me out. So now I'm here asking what bug it is because I'm curious and I think someone can help me.

A bug on a white and red surface.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 24, 20210 found this helpful

It isnt a roach or bedbug, so I wouldnt be concerned too much. If it is in your home and you see more, spray with an all-purpose insecticide

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June 28, 2021

I have been bitten/stung outside at night or late evening several times by these little black monsters. It feels like a wasp sting and continues to burn and feel like something is poking into my skin even tho there isn't.

Tiny little monster outside, maybe 3x the size of a flea. Does anyone know what this is and how do I get rid of it (and its entire bloodline )? I live in Alabama.

A large black bug on a wooden surface.
An insect bite near an eye.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 320 Answers
June 28, 20210 found this helpful
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Masked Hunter (Reduvius personatus), probably a nymph since it's small. They'll give a nasty bite. Thanks for the great picture - very helpful - and I hope the bites heal quickly!


Widely available insect sprays and repellants can be used to control them.

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June 3, 2021

I found several of these arrow shaped sticker-like things in my hair. I also found them on my dog, which is a wire-haired mini daschund. They were very difficult to get off. A few days before, I had a sudden, multiple variety, bug hatching at my house and I'm worried about (eggs, disease) if they are bugs.

If not a bug, what are they and how did we pick these hitchhikers up?

A small sticker or a bug.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 320 Answers
June 4, 20210 found this helpful
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This appears to be a sticker (or bur). My understanding is these are NOT harmful unless they become lodged in an animal's skin, ears, or nose. So you definitely did exactly the right thing by plucking them off your doggo as soon as possible!


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
June 19, 20210 found this helpful
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It doesn't look like beetle eggs or larvae. I think this is a part of a corkscrew seed (Filaree or Pelargonium or something else). These seeds have one end like an arrow, and the other end like a spiral (to screw into the soil). Perhaps the spiral part broke off when you pulled it out of your hair. And this explains why it was so difficult for you to pull it out. But the photo is really not very good quality, and I can't figure out what size it is and say exactly which plant this belongs to. In any case, it wasn't the bugs that caused this. Plant seeds are easily carried by the wind.

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