
Losing Weight

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
July 27, 2011

Losing WeightThere are three basics to losing weight:

1 - Be More Active

Being more active can be as simple as taking a walk every day around the block or up the street and back. If every day is too much, start off slow and walk every other day. Take good strides and swing your arms. This will increase your circulation. If you can jog then jog, if you run then run; it depends on how active you are now.


If you are already very active, then maybe you need to add an activity that gives your body variety. The best form of "walking" exercise is to walk in a pool. It creates resistance to all your muscles as you walk, and the water helps keep you cool. It can be very exhausting.

2 - Eat In Moderation

Eating in moderation can be as simple as eating the same amount of food, but spreading it out over more meals a day. If you normally eat three meals a day, try to eat less in each meal, or eat four or even five times a day. Your body can process smaller amounts of food over the available time.

Another option would be to eat the same amount of food you normally would for your first meal, skip your second meal and then eat the same amount you normally would for your third. For your second meal, drink a glass of water and maybe eat a carrot, apple, orange or some other little morsel to help hold you over.


3 - Eat Foods That The Body Processes Better

Fibers, whole grain, fruit are all easier to break down and flush through the system. If you drink a lot of sodas, try lemonade (like Crystal light). Most diet drinks don't taste like their fully endowed counterparts, with the exception of Diet Dr. Pepper (it actually tastes like Dr. Pepper).

You can try drinking fruit juices. I have come to realize that V8 Splash actually tastes pretty good. I like fruits but not vegetables, and this way I supplement my diet in a good way. Personally I eat two meals a day and drink the Splash as my hold over treat in the middle of the day.

The weight doesn't melt off over night, but it didn't jump on over night either. Just make your adjustments to your current way of life and you'll see the weight disappear over time.


By Suntydt from Tazewell, TN



July 27, 20110 found this helpful
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I agree with Lilac. Also, perhaps best to avoid pure fruit juices too... because according to a recent article in the New York Times (Still Counting Calories? Your Weight-Loss Plan May Be Outdated; by Jane Brody, July 18, 2011), pure fruit juice is on a list of foods that contribute to the greatest weight gain.

"The foods that contributed to the greatest weight gain were not surprising. French fries led the list: Increased consumption of this food alone was linked to an average weight gain of 3.4 pounds in each four-year period.


Other important contributors were potato chips (1.7 pounds), sugar-sweetened drinks (1 pound), red meats and processed meats (0.95 and 0.93 pound, respectively), other forms of potatoes (0.57 pound), sweets and desserts (0.41 pound), refined grains (0.39 pound), other fried foods (0.32 pound), 100-percent fruit juice (0.31 pound) and butter (0.3 pound)."

Link to article:

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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
October 13, 2011

My girlfriends and I were discussing how we'd like to lose some weight for our friend's wedding in February. I've been using a free website to keep track of what I eat and what exercises I accomplish.

Photo of on screen diary, with calories eaten and burned based on type of exercise done and time spent.


October 7, 2011

For my weight control, I have found a way for me to help share with you. I buy two or three boxes of cereal at a time. Sometimes I get up too late to cook breakfast.


March 19, 2015

For quite some time I've wanted to own a tortilla pan because I love taco salads in those deep fried tortilla bowls. It just so happened that our area 'box store' had them featured in their sale ad.


And as luck would have it, another store just happened to have large flour tortillas marked down to half price.

Supplies for making baked taco salad shells.


July 30, 2011

The only sure way to lose weight is counting calories; it's all about calories in vs. calories out. First, come up with your goal weight. Goal weight x 10 = amount of calories daily you should consume.


July 29, 2011

Last year, I was told I had to lose 20 or more pounds. I tried different ways, but it was taking very long to lose the weight.


Since it was winter in Illinois and I didn't want to go to a health club, I looked for other options.


November 24, 2014

I am overweight, even though many people think I look 130, I'm 165. I am 18 years old and I hate the idea of becoming fat. I've watched too many people in my family gain weight through their lives. I'm not very coordinated, so Zumba didn't work for me. I can't run or I'll have an asthma attack. I have no upper body strength, none, I haven't even when I was skinny.

I have really really bad circulation, super bad. I stand for a minute and my feet are all swollen and red. It's been that way since 8th grade, I don't know why. Anyways I don't have a lot of money; I barely eat as it is. I have two jobs and still barely make enough for my rent. I wanna lose weight and get fit. Can someone please help?

By Savannah K.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 190 Feedbacks
November 25, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

I've struggled with this all my life and I'm currently in Weight Watcher's. There are a couple of web sites that are free if you don't want to or can't afford a paid program. Spark People is a great FREE site, Hungry Girl has an excellent diet out, but you have to purchase the book. Perhaps you can get the book used on Amazon or from the library. Skinny Taste is another great book. My philosophy is to do something that you can live with for the rest of your life. If you restrict yourself, the "diet" is guaranteed to fail. I've used the word "diet" here, but I don't like the word. "A way of life" is a much better way for me to look at it. And, you're still young, so get used to that dreaded "e" word... exercise. Keeping active is so important, not only in weight loss, but for your overall health. You don't have to join a gym; walk, walk, walk.

Measure and weigh your portions and get used to what a "portion" looks like. There's a ton of information out there. There is no one size fits all way to do it. Do what works for you and you'll be successful. For me, I have to stay busy and not sit and just watch TV. If you like to dance, that's a great way to burn calories. I went out dancing last Saturday night and burned a ton of calories and had a great time. Hope this helps. Try to not let the scale rule you. You are more than a number on the scale.
Best of luck to you.

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September 22, 2005

I'm not sure it this is the appropriate place to ask, but I see so many good suggestions and ideas on this website.. I thought I'd give this a try. I'm 50 years old, overweight and need help. I know there are many of you out there who have the same issue as myself. About 50 pounds overweight and as I get older, the weight continues to creep. I've been on every diet imaginable in the last 15 years. I've always succeeded in losing, but then gain it all back and then some!

Here is part of my problem, I have a long commute each day (3 hours total), and have a desk job. So I'm tired by the time I get home. I do walk when I can, and have changed my eating habits. I don't eat after 8:00 pm and have cut way back on my sugar intake. Problem is, I'm always hungry, and it's a struggle! I think about food all the time. I just joined up with my local community center and will take yoga classes for one hour on the weekend. Also, aqua aerobics in the evening. Honestly, I'm not sure I have the energy to go to evening classes, but I'm going to try.

Does anyone out there have any useful suggestions? Or, tell me how you lost weight.



By Jo (Guest Post)
September 22, 20050 found this helpful
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It sounds like you're off to a good start - yoga and the evening aerobics. The evening class may be hard at first, but stick with it--it will get easier and be worth the effort. If you have a crockpot you might want to try using that to help with the evening meal. That way it will be ready when you come home and you won't be tempted to snack. I hope you're drinking plenty of water; that will help with hunger. Also cut-up veggies would be great for the commute. Good luck! Keep us posted on your progress.

By Mary (Guest Post)
September 22, 20050 found this helpful
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Keep sneakers at your desk and go walking at lunch when you can. In bad weather you can climb stairs if your building has several flights. I try to do 15-20 minutes and am trying to increase. Clean up in the bathroom with hand sanitizer towelettes and keep deodorant in your desk drawer. Short, effective workouts and you still have time to eat a healthy brown bag lunch! Good luck!

By sewingmamma (Guest Post)
September 23, 20050 found this helpful
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The best way that I have found to lose weight is with an exercycle. I bought one used for $25.00 and it's the best investment I've ever made. You can start off slow, only going 5 miles or so till your legs get used to the activity. Gradually increase time spent riding the bike till you're up to 20 miles or more. The weight will come off. Just give it time. I've lost 35 lbs. and kept it off. Good luck!!

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June 22, 2009

I was planning on taking a two week fast. On my fast I'm basically only going to have water, tea, chicken or beef broth, sugar free ice pops, and every couple of days have a fat/sugar free yogurt. I also will be jogging two miles everyday. I was wondering how much weight I can lose on this two week fast?

By Aliesha

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