
Getting a Cat to Stop Spraying Inside

January 19, 2017

Cat Spraying Inside - montage of cat photosI have 5 cats in a very large house. Each have their own bedroom with beds, toys, etc. They have a large play room with an abundance of toys and high shelves. This room starts from the front door to the back door. The cats have fresh food 6 times a day and 24/7 dry food. We ensure that all the cats get a minimum of 3-4 hours play time each day. So one of my Ragdolls is constantly spraying on my furniture. He has being fixed and as far as I know he has no threat in the house from the other cats, infact he gets more attention than the others do. Any ideas were I'm going wrong?




Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 19, 20171 found this helpful

Your cat may have stress or wants to dominate his territory. Maybe because you have 5 cats he wants a space of his own. You have to neutralize the odor so they don't go back to the same spot. Make sure there is no physical reason the cat is spraying. If your cat is anxious, there are anti-anxiety medications. Finally, there is a product called Felliway. I got this from the website: Feliway is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone used by cats to mark their territory as safe and secure. By mimicking the cat's natural facial pheromone, Feliway creates a state of familiarity and security in the cat's local environment. ... Feliway helps reduce or prevent unwanted behaviors caused by stress.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
January 19, 20170 found this helpful

Jackson Galaxy, from the great show My Cat From Hell, has a lot of experience dealing with spraying cats.

What he says is along the lines of the answer above, cats mainly spray because


1) illness of some sort
2) territorialness
3) stress of some sort (which canhave something to do with being bullied by other cats)
4) odour

You have to make a huge effort to eliminate the odour from the area, first of all. Clean and even replace furniture if you can.

Secondly, to take care of any possible bullying or territorialness, you can 'catify' your house, which basically means giving your cat lots of opportunity to get away from the other cats by giving him places to perch above everybody else. All this really entails is installing shelves and cat trees everywhere. Jackson Galaxy provides more info on that here

Here he is also offering some herbal products that can help with that:


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
January 19, 20170 found this helpful

How may other males do you have? It may be a way to tell the others he is the top cat. I would also have him checked by the vet, to make sure there is not a health issue.


When you clean up after him, avoid products that contain ammonia, as that attracts them back to those spots.

January 20, 20170 found this helpful

i always have been told that a cat might have a urinary infetion when do ing that. might want to call your vet : good luck

January 22, 20171 found this helpful

If the cat gets plenty of attention and has no stress, it could be health related. A vet may be your only answer if you want to keep the cat.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 23, 20171 found this helpful

Gee I wish I could get that much attention!

If you are sure there is no underlying health problem then you may have to try different solutions to see which one will work best for you.


Maybe you could set up a plan and try to stick with it for several days/weeks because I do not believe you will be able to remedy this problem overnight.

When I have a pet problem I like to start with the animal. Have you tried Rescue Remedy? It is really great and has an almost immediate effect. Here is info about Rescue Remedy from a veterinarian:

Rescue Remedy.
This homeopathic remedy will take the edge off your cat's anxiety and restore his sense of balance and well-being. It causes no side effects and will not make your cat act or feel drugged. Put a couple of drops of the remedy on a fingertip and rub it into the fur on the top of your cat's head between his ears. You can do this several times a day for up to 6 weeks. Most health food stores sell Rescue Remedy.


After I have my pet settled down, I start to work on removing any stains/odors from anywhere the cat has a tendency to urinate/spray.

I have used a mix of 4 cups hydrogen peroxide with 1/3 cup baking soda and a small splash of lemon dish washing detergent to make a spray-bottle solution or to wet down the whole area.

If wetting the area be sure to use enough solution to wet all the way through the carpet. Wait for 15 minutes and then blot up the liquid with some old towels. Place the towels on the floor and use something heavy to weight it down (I use a couple of house bricks). You may have to do this more than once. You can try the same method with other cleaning solutions like 1 quart of white vinegar in 1 quart of warm water and add a few teaspoons of baking soda (slowly).


Next if it is my cat I put mounds of catnip in those areas. Hopefully this will take their mind off wanting to spray.

July 6, 20170 found this helpful

I have 8 inside spayed and or neutered cats. Three two male neutered and 1 8 year old spayed female have all started spraying. I had to move them to a basement where I am letting them outside and bringing tem back in at night. They have a cat door on the basement door to go in and oug with. I have been wotking on behaviour with each one. This is not one simple answer for any cat as they each have their own reason for spraying. My guess is they like it; its an inate behavior. To stop it is difficult. I have had these cats fixed as kittens. The female is 8 and she started spraying when we moved into a very large Victorian house. I can leave her in for short periods of time and then she jas to go back down to the nice basement. The behavior has to ne worked on and Im not sure if its all cases. First make sure of no infection or stone. Then figure out why they feel as thpugh they musy mark. I believe its jealousy and territorial. Good luck as I am in thos process too.I will keep you all postwd in new ideas as I work on this.

January 14, 20181 found this helpful

I have feliaway in my home i have calming treats..i have composure treats...i have sprayed the lower parts of my entire house w feliaway soray

My cats does not care...he sniffs backs his but up and sorays the feliaway.. he is also spiteful..he will meow at u to get your attention..u reach down to pet him he will look u directly in the face and spray whatever ye isns tanding next to and then run like hell..THAT is spiteful! how do I stop him.. nothing and i mean NOTHING works!

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