
Remedies for Cat Losing Hair?

September 24, 2010

cat biting hair of his legMy cat is 2 and has been losing hair since I got her fixed. She is an inside cat and every time I touch her she moves or bites me. Does anyone know why she could be losing hair on the inside of her legs, belly, and a little on the front paws?


By Jess from East Berlin, PA


September 24, 20100 found this helpful
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It could be a hormone imbalance. Many years ago, we had a cat that was spayed too early, and she then suffered from eczema. She needed a daily dose of Ovarid. You should check with a vet.

September 24, 20100 found this helpful
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Sounds like an hormone imbalance. My vet once told me my cat had a hormone imbalance and I said, "Great, does that mean she has to be on a hormones for the rest of her life". No, one big pill did the trick. Then she was fine.

September 25, 20101 found this helpful
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Cats who lick excessively (barbering) ultimately end up removing hair and it may appear to be falling out. Barbering is usually an indication of an itch which may be the result of allergies or in the case of recent surgery may become habit as the incision heals and causes itching discomfort.


A trip to the vet after some careful observation will relieve kittie's discomfort and eliminate the need to lick to excess.

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January 2, 2016

My 4 month old kitten has 2 missing patches of fur and they bleed. I've been using peroxide to help heal it, but I don't know what is going on with her. Last week she appeared with the first patch and it's long and hard. Today when I came home from work she had another patch, so I put peroxide on them once again.

I want to know what could maybe be the causes of this or how to heal it without expensive vet bills. These patches just keep coming out of nowhere and I just don't know what to do. The only thing I can really think of is maybe it is because I got another kitten that's only a week apart from her and he's a boy. You can tell they really love each other and they are always playing and fighting together, but their fighting never looks that serious so idk what it could be.

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April 13, 2010

My cat, who is about 8 years old, has hair loss on the inner thighs, and going all the way up. I've noticed on my bathroom sink there are spots of blood from her. Sometimes it looks like scabs with hair in them. She's never had allergies before.

By sherry from IN


April 14, 20100 found this helpful
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This happens to my cat when she gets fleas from the dog. Apparently she is very sensitive, or even allergic, to fleas. She loses hair on her legs and belly and starts to act very twitchy and paranoid.


I would check her for "flea dirt" and see what you find.


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April 15, 20100 found this helpful
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Definitely sounds like an allergy. It could be to fleas or her food. My cat went through the exact same thing. I switched his food and give him flea medicine and he's much better. It's taken 6 weeks and his hair in not fully grown back in, but it is much better. He doesn't scratch as much now. Good luck. I'd definitely take your cat to see the vet.

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April 7, 2015

2 of my cats just had kittens, 4 weeks apart. This is the 3rd litter for 1 cat, and the 1st litter for the other. My 1st time mama was a smaller thin cat and started losing fur around the joints of her legs. Since the birth of her 4 babies, she has lost more fur on her legs and under her tail right by her rear end. I had her to the vet about 6 months ago and everything checked out. Could this be because she is a 1st time mama and she seems a little stressed out? Neither of my female cats nor the male have ever been outside.

By Diane from MN


April 8, 20154 found this helpful
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This sounds like a nutritional deficiency to me.

When cats make milk, almost all the nutrition they take in goes to that milk to feed the kittens. If your cat was thin in the first place, then she wasn't in good enough condition to get pregnant and now she is ill.


Try to correct it by feeding her a much higher nutrition food.

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May 17, 2016

My cat has lost fur in one long straight strip on his back. He is 6. Can anyone help?

bald strip in cat's back


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May 17, 20160 found this helpful
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Your cat may have an infection, scabies, mites, etc., that can cause hair loss. Please take him to your vet for help as these problems usually worsen without treatment and your cat suffers.

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February 1, 2014

Photo of hair loss spot.My 7 year old cat had a cyst removed on his right shoulder blade last Wednesday. The next day I noticed he was shedding a lot and there was a patch of fur gone! Now today I've noticed another bald patch. They're both on the left shoulder blade. Any ideas? I've been giving him tramadol for a pain reliever here and there.

By Nicole


January 12, 20151 found this helpful
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Feline endocrine alopecia: Thinning or balding of the coat on insides of the back legs, lower abdomen, and genital area. Distribution is symmetrical. Occurs most often in neutered males and spayed females.

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June 28, 2015

I have a 1 year cat, Kendell. On the back of her neck right between the shoulders she's got a patch of fur gone. Now it's all red from it bothering her. I only noticed it right around the first time she went into heat for first time.

I have no income so I can't go to a vet:( Is there something at home I can do? Please anyone help! Thank you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
June 30, 20150 found this helpful
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This is a common problem with spot on flea treatments. If you have had her awhile and have not used flea treatments, it is most likely something else. Only a Vet can really tell you when he examines your cat. But you have a bigger problem than a cat with a suspicious spot. You really can't own a pet without the ability to pay for their medical care. It is heartbreaking to love a pet and not be able to help them when they are sick. And it is certainly not fair to the pet.


Perhaps you can find a part time job (gardening, house cleaning, babybsitting) to build a fund that will protect your pet. If not, you can surrender your pet to a no kill shelter to be treated and rehomed. You sound like a caring person, and you do not want to be in a situation where you cat is very sick, and suffering and you can't do anything about it. Good luck to you. And get your cat spayed asap or you troubles will soon multiply.

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June 17, 2015

I have a 1 year old female cat who very recently started losing hair on her ears, back of head and neck, and down almost to her shoulder blades in some spots. It's pretty uniform across her ears and back of head and then when it gets lower it's just in spots. I thought it could be because I'd gotten a new collar, but I took it off and she's still losing hair. We did just get a new pet, but since we got her we've added 8 other pets and she's never had a reaction like this.

No changes in behavior. The only significant change has been the addition of wet food to her and our other cat's dry food once a day. They split one of the small cans between the two of them. Since I started doing that she has gained some weight and it's been since then that she started losing the hair. Is it possible that she's having allergies to wet food that she didn't have to dry only?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
June 17, 20150 found this helpful
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Anything is possible but if you have not taken your kitty to your vet for help for her hair loss, you do not know the actual problem and she will continue to suffer!!! The hair loss could be from mange, fleas, mites, an allergy, a skin disease etc. Her condition might also be contagious to your other pets.


As she continues to have problems, please take her to your vet now for a correct diagnosis and treatment. She has already suffered for some time from the unknown problem and will continue to suffer until you take responsible action and take her to your vet for help.

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June 5, 2015

My cat is losing a lot of his hair in patches all over his body and losing weight and has scabs. It mostly happens in the summer. What could this be and how can I stop it from happening?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
June 5, 20150 found this helpful
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Your kitty may have mange, mites, and many other possibilities. Please take kitty to a vet immediately as the scabs indicate irritation, scratching, possible infections, etc. Your cat needs help to stop the irritation and discomfort, as well as restoring the body hair.

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April 13, 2015

My cat is licking and biting on his back near his tail. His lovely mane is disappearing too.

By Mrs Earl


April 13, 20150 found this helpful
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Your cat either has a flea or food allergy, or its suffering from worms, or it could be anxiety. Whatever the reason, you need to have it check by a vet, sooner than later. Blessings~

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March 3, 2011

I have a rescue cat who has terrible dandruff. He sheds so much more than the other rescue cat I have. He leaves tremendous amounts of dandruff and hair wherever he goes. Brushing makes it worse (so the vet tells me). I need to know how to help this guy.

He makes just sitting with him uncomfortable, stroking is out of the question as he leaves so much hair and dandruff. I know cats shed, but this is beyond the pale. He really needs the love and attention of sitting in someone's lap and being stroked. It's just too unpleasant due to his dandruff. Does anyone have any ideas?

By Lynn Briggs from Cincinnati, OH


March 3, 20110 found this helpful

I have three cats, and one is an extreme shedder. I think some are just that way. You know Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoons? I compare her to him. Anywhere she goes, she leaves hair. It seems like you look at her, and her hair gets on you.

I wonder why your vet said that brushing makes it worse. I was talking to our vet about it, and she showed me a Furminator brush/comb. It's *really* effective. And Lizzie (the cat) loves it! When I'm going to brush her, I get a towel and spread it out on me first, then Liz hops up and I brush away. Afterwards there is enough hair for a kitten! I don't use it too often, though, because I've read that it can be overdone (I read about someone who was not paying attention, brushing her cat's hair while on the phone, and made a bald spot). Using the Furmitator on her every now and then seems to help with her shedding a little bit, although she still sheds more than the other two cats.

But if the vet says that brushing is a no-no, I guess you shouldn't do that. Did you discuss the cat's diet? I know diet can affect the skin/coat. You can do like me and spread a towel out when petting him, to help keep most of the fur/dandruff off of you. I have to go wash my hands after loving on Lizzie, and sometimes I have to change my shirt before cooking. I pay my daughter a dollar to clean our furniture with the Scotch Fur Fighter once a week. We've just learned to deal with it.

I'm glad that you're helping these cats. I hope you find a solution that works for you. Good luck!

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