
Homemade Cold Remedies

October 21, 2011

I can't tell you how many people, either in my life or on Facebook, have already been struck down this year with a cold; not just a sneeze, but really ill. So here we go again; what do we do, is there anything?

I have heard like many of you all of the sayings "feed a cold, starve a fever" or is it the other way around? We all really don't know. What about "chicken soup cures a cold" or worse "there isn't a cure for the common cold". Well I know none of the times I have had a bad cold, did it feel common at all! Since I have an auto immune thing going on, I have to try to find every prevention I can, so I thought I'd share a few tips with you and wish you luck to this being the year you don't get sick.

I take supplements anyway so I just increase my vitamin C this time of the year. If you get enough in your diet, you may only want to increase your vitamin C intake when you feel a cold coming on or have one. The earlier the better, is what my doctor says.

Because of my auto immune weakness, I have researched some unconventional ways to help fight off unwanted germs; one being a neti pot. I got mine at an antique store on a half price table (they thought it was part of a tea set), so I was blessed with a real porcelain one. I looked, you can get them at Walmart or online. Most are made of plastic.

White Nedi pot on mat on table

Neti pots are used for sinus infections, prevention, and multiple other things. I use mine a couple times a week for clearing out my nostrils of all germs. You can as I did before use a bottle, or bulb syringe. With the neti pot you just tilt your head, so you can get a even flow of clean (boiled, sterile) water in each side of your nose.

I use only a small amount of salt in mine with it filled up 2/3 way with water. So if you were using a bulb, make a glass of salt water and put a 1/2 teaspoon of salt in it. Too much salt makes your nasal passages dry. If you do this, not only will you help prevent getting a cold, you'll notice your sense of smell is many times better. My doctor mentioned some people have nose bleeds for different reasons (usually from dryness). It helps prevent those also.

I know some of you may think this is uncomfortable; it isn't. It helps you not get a cold or if you have one, clears it up a lot faster. I read it was started in India many centuries ago.

Washing your hands is the most important thing you can do to prevent the whole house from getting sick and keeping yourself well. I take hand sanitizer everywhere. Put a little lotion in the bottle to prevent drying out your hands, or get the cream kind, not just plain alcohol. You need to wash your hands 20 full seconds, as many times a day as needed. I have seen posts on whether or not you need to use antibacterial soap. No, but you do need to wash a full 20 seconds if you're not. The doctors just had this on about washing hands to prevent spreading germs last week. So I feel good about doing it the way my doctor told me. We don't think about everyone touching everything we do until it's too late.

If you come down with a cold, I believe my grandma was right. Chicken soup helps, but it's because of all of the vitamins in it. If you take the time, make sure you get soup without additives or make your own. It does help. Tastes great too!

For sore throats, I do not think some cough drops are worth a dime. I only use the ones without sugar. Building back your immune system is what you need. Keep that in mind with cough drops, tea and what you eat.

So grab a box of tissue, a cup of tea, vitamin C drops, use a Neti pot (bottle or bulb), and have some chicken soup ready. Hopefully this year you will not be out of commission for long. Don't forget to change you sheets and pillow cases, I change my pillow cases 2 times a week always. If you get sick, make sure you wash them right away.

God bless and have a healthy fall and winter.

Source: I saw a Neti Pot on a TV show a few years ago and asked my doctor about if, it would help with my lupus. I always try to keep up on feeling better, taking supplements and what I put into my body.

By Luana M. from San Diego, CA

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October 3, 2008

Looking for homemade remedy for colds.

Wanda from Hinesville, GA



October 3, 20080 found this helpful

If your cold has chest congestion involved, mix these up (yuck I know) but it sure works for me.

lemon juice
cayenne pepper
mix well and as to desired taste, within minutes I feel the fleghm breaking up. Take this, two tablespoons at a time, and as often as you need to. It is amazing for me!

Head cold or sinus headache (this works for me)
Take one good fitting bandana
rub a good amount of Vicks on forehead
then put the bandana on your forhead so you don't ruin your pillows or get the Vicks in your hair.

This is amazing for me. I hope it works for others.
Good luck, Maryjo


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
October 4, 20080 found this helpful

I've always used the same "Fresh Lemon half, Cayenne & Honey" in boiling water, but for adults (without a drinking problem) you can also add a shot of Vodka, Rum, Whiskey or Southern Comfort to it. And if THAT don't put you to sleep, Nothin' will! And if it doesn't put you to sleep, then maybe at least you'll forget all about your cold!


But the truth is, it REALLY does help your cold!

The trick is to make sure it's really hot & to sip it while breathing in the hot steam at the same time. And keep a Kleenex handy. You'll need it once the Cayenne hits you!

By Scherri (Guest Post)
October 5, 20080 found this helpful

There are so many different homemade cold remedies. You did not mention what cold symptoms you are trying to treat. For chest cold try this use fresh slices of ginger and steep in boiling water for about 15-20 minutes making a concoction. Cool it a bit. In the meantime while the ginger is soaking cut a few strips of muslin, cheesecloth or flannel into strips approx 2" wide by 12 to 15" long and dip them into the hot mixture. Wring them out and apply to the chest and cover with a plastic bag and have the patient lie down.


When they have cooled repeat the process, do this several times. If the patient has had tightness in the chest he or she should begin to feel this tightening ease. You can also use dried eucalyptus leaves in place or ginger. If you do not have fresh ginger you can also substitute 1tsp of ground ginger for each quart of water used.

For a sore throat steep a tsp of Marshmallow root in boiling water for five minutes, add some honey to sweeten and sip slowly. For a cough try making a concoction of wild cherry bark and licorice root. Approx one ounce of each in one quart of water, simmer until reduced in half.

After you have strained the herbs from the water, measure out two cups of the concoction. Adding water if you do not have a full two cups, and add one cup of sugar or honey, simmer this until reduced in half. You now have made homemade cough syrup! you can bottle this in sterile brown or cobalt bottles, cap or cork and store in refrigerator.

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Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 53 Requests
October 2, 2008

I have been hit with a very bad cold (knocked me on my rear). I was wondering if anyone has a quick fix, inexpensive, to alleviate the symptoms? I started using Zycam yesterday, my husband swears by it, but it is expensive. Thanks for any suggestions. I know all of us will be getting this again.

Janice from Illinois


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

Plain old Sudafed helps me greatly. Obviously nothing CURES but just being able to live sometimes seems like enough, hu? Lots of juice and chicken soup and just hang on. =(^.^)=

October 2, 20080 found this helpful

Most stores (like Walmart) make a generic version of Airborne. The nighttime one is especially helpful but the added zinc and Vitamin C really help.


Also, if you write the company they will send you a sample - they just sent me two in the mail.

By (Guest Post)
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

I had a cold a couple of weeks ago. Since I have recently been put on Coumadine I didn't know what I could take so I contacted my doctor. The only thing I can take is Benadryl. So I got some lemons and drank a lot of hot lemonade. It takes about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to make it strong and then put enough sugar in it to make it good. Sure makes the throat feel better. I also purchased a nasal rinse kit by Ayr and used it 3 times a day. That really helped.

By Greer (Guest Post)
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

I make this little concoction whenever I have a cold or feel like I'm getting one, and it works for me. Basically, I put a tablet of Airborne (I also use the generic brand, and it's totally the same thing as the expensive stuff) into a big mug of hot decaf tea, and add liberal amounts of honey and lemon juice.


I think it's pretty yummy, actually. Also, nothing beats getting a lot of rest/sleep. Hope you feel better soon!

October 2, 20080 found this helpful

Make a ginger infusion. Get a piece of fresh ginger and cut it into small, thin pieces, then boil it in water and sweeten with honey. It always makes me feel better.

By clb (Guest Post)
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

I did a 2 day cleanse and it kicked my 2.5 week cold! It even kicked my sinus infection.
RECIPE: 6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 6 tablespoons organic maple syrup, 1 liter water. See "Master Cleanse"


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

You can buy a store brand antihistamine for relief of: runny nose, sneezing, itchy, throat, itchy and watery eyes at the dollar stores. Sure beats the high price of the well known brands.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 53 Requests
October 3, 20080 found this helpful

Thanks for the replies. I will try them. Anything is better than nothing at this point.

October 3, 20080 found this helpful

I had the flu a couple of years ago that made me sicker than I can ever remember being. I started taking a one-a-day type vitamin 3 times a day, one with each meal, and I recovered very quickly after that. Since then I have read a lot about preventing illness, and aside from taking vitamin C ever day, most natural healers also recommend taking vitamin D.


They say that most Americans, especially those of us who live in colder climates have a vitamin D deficiency. This is something you might want to research.

October 3, 20080 found this helpful

Whenever I come down with the flu or a cold, I take:
800 IU Vitamin E, 10,000 IU of Vitamin A, and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C once a day for 3 days. By the end of the 3 days I am usually better and if I'm not 100%, my symptoms are much reduced and I just take 1 multivitamin a day to finish the cold off.

Vitamin E acts like a natural antibiotic and kills bacteria; Vitamin A acts like a natural antiviral and kills off any viruses; and the Vitamin C helps boost your immune system so your body is better able to defend itself.

They also have no side-effects to worry about.

All three are inexpensive and easy to locate - I keep them in my medicine drawer all the time; because, they also have other uses.

October 3, 20080 found this helpful

We had a friend who showed up at the door one day when I had a bad caugh. He gave us this receipe. I didn't take it then but a few weeks in my husband made it for me and before I knew it my caugh and sore throat was gone. It is in hot water put in some lemon juice, honey, vinegar and a pinch of ginger. Drink it while it is still hot. Tastes terrible but it works. Cheaper than the store boughten stuff.

By Lynda (Guest Post)
October 4, 20080 found this helpful

After I pray for god's healing, I then take two strong acidolphilus, 50 mg. Of otc zinc, and drink lots of water, gargling with salt water every hour (1 teaspoon per 8 oz. Cold water) if it's gone to my throat.

I stop eating fast foods, which somehow seem to spread germs more in the winter, and stop eating mucous-causing foods such as milk products, especially cheese and ice cream, carefully watching not to eat fresh produce because so many are sick and must shop while coughing over unwrapped veggies, not considering others. Since my daughter once picked cherries in Oregon or California. She said not to buy fresh fruits during the fall to spring season because the poor pickers are frequently migrant workers who are sickly but must work to survive and cannot help but spread their colds as they pick the fruits/veggies.

I try to limit my diet to frozen and canned foods during that time and have prevented a lot of illness using god's wisdom, along with frequent hand washing as described in Leviticus for our good health.

I am more careful when sanitizing. Use paper, plastic disposable plates, cups, flatware i have bought on 70% off sales just for the cold/flu season, or if anyone is sick that visits, taking out garbage more frequently,and am careful about keeping germs inside paper when coughing or spitting.

I also save and recycle all clear plastic / glass containers, jars, small cans for such times as this, which supplement for when the sale items run out first.I found a place that sells 12 toothbrushes for $1.00, Which allows faster healing by changing brushes every two days until well, and rinsing with mouthwash after eating, all helping to prevent reinfection as they do in hospitals with daily new cups and straws. I wash linens more often during any illness, in cold water, bleaching if whites.

Whenever ill, and my son offers to buy otc meds, i usually prefer muscinex for head congestion, and benedryl for the drips, carefully spitting out immediately all mucous that drains or that is released for expectorating into toilet paper roll that I carry around with me until well. : )


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 228 Posts
October 4, 20080 found this helpful

Taco sauce --
It only takes mild for it to work on me. Like it is right now after a lunch of taco's from the drive thru. It tends to make me break a small sweat & the next thing you know I feel a little more cleared up.

By Barbara J S (Guest Post)
October 4, 20080 found this helpful

Honey, check your dollar general they have medicines that are cheap and good. Ok

By Guest (Guest Post)
October 5, 20080 found this helpful

I stop my colds in one day using this method. Seriously. It works best if you can do this at the first signs of a cold, but it will help if you are in the middle of one, too.

Tea tree oil. (Do not swallow it or use it internally.)

Put some on a Q-tip or your finger and put it in your nostrils. Seriously. The cold virus lives in your nasal passages. At first it will make you sneeze and your nose will run, but you have a cold that does this anyway. With the Q-tip you can get right into all the tough to reach areas in your nose. Be careful not to go too far. Be smart about this and avoid the brain area. lol. I like to deep breathe the fumes when I do this, too, to get the fumes into my sinuses. Use one end of the Q-tip for each nostril.

Rub tea tree oil on your neck glands by your ears, if they are swollen, and on your throat, if you have a cough or sore throat. Wrap neck in towel to keep it warm. If your ears are plugged or itchy, put a little drop on a piece of cotton ball and stick into ears.

Go to bed early. Try for at least 9 hours. Drink lots of water. Eliminate all sugar and refined carbs. Very important. And blow your nose often (but don't rub when you wipe, or you'll get chapped, raw skin.)

Like I said, I've managed to keep colds at bay by doing this. I haven't had a real cold for over three years.

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