
Cat Won't Poop in Litter Box

April 12, 2005

Litter BoxI have a 3 year old Manx male cat. He is an inside house cat. He has never been outside very much. (He will not go out unless I pick him up and put him out.) The problem is he poops on the floor all the time sometimes as much as 3-4 times daily.


I have done everything. He has had different litter boxes, I even bought an electric Littermaid, changed litter, changed litter box locations. Nothing helps. I have tried punishing him, by speaking to him in a deeper tone of voice (he is a very smart cat and understands when you talk to him.)

I have tried rewards when he has not pooped on the floor. Like treats, brushing etc. He is worse when company comes over, especially my grandchildren (he is very jealous.) I am at my wits end with him. I love my cat, but not his pooping.

Can anyone help with an idea or solution.

Alecia from GA


By JEANNIE (Guest Post)
April 13, 20050 found this helpful
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If your cat always eliminates in the same place, consider purchasing an enzyme-type cleaner to completely get rid of an odor only your cat notices. Try the "Callingallpets" website starting with Phone or e-mail the radio show to talk to an animal behaviorist. Good Luck!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
April 13, 20050 found this helpful
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Hi Alecia,
Some Manx cats do have bowel troubles. They just are not well enough developed at the end of their spine. It could be a problem like that. If he has no tail at all, called a "rumpy" (a tiny short tailed Manx is called a "stumpy".)


Here's something from

"Q: Hi! I've looked through your website to try and find an answer to my problem, but haven't seen it addressed. Here goes: I have a 5 year old Manx (true Manx with no tail, just fuzz) who has developed a pooping problem over the past several months. He poops around the house, mostly solid, not in any particular place, just random. He does this for a few days and then won't for a few months. During this time, he also uses his litterbox. He never urinates in the house, though, always in the box. I have two other cats, and they all have their current shots, FIP, etc. They are all indoor cats, never go outside, and eat Science Diet Light Maintenance. I have taken Simon to the vet many times about this and she does a fecal float test and never finds any parasites or anything. I would appreciate any advice you could give me, because he's my "first born" kid :) Thank you very much, T.


A: Manx cats are prone to fecal (stool) incontinence because they are often missing part of the nerve plexus that controls the rectal area as well as missing a tail. I do not know of a treatment for this. Many people use metamucil or Vetasyl type products to keep the stools firm and make them easier to manage but that is about all I know that can be done.

Mike Richards, DVM "

I had 2 manx cats and one of them had this problem. He was also a male. He really couldn't help it. We just kept him outside a lot and kept him contained at night.

Susan from ThriftyFun

By manicmanxmomma (Guest Post)
April 26, 20050 found this helpful
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My manx kitty does the same thing but I think she does it because she is nervous or hates the dog. I tired several different types of litter and boxes. I understand your frustration. She is 13 years old and has only in recent years started this behavior.


I got a litterbox attractant from petco and it seemed to help. My cat only likes to do it when people are int the room, very embarasssing.

By Teena (Guest Post)
September 27, 20070 found this helpful
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It is a breed problem. I recommend isolating cat in bathroom when gone but otherwise monitoring them. Manx are such a delight to own but this can be a problem. I lived with hardwood floors so it wasn't so bad but with carpet it is a drag. Also IAM's products are best for the stools. Never give them people food or milk. Don't have Vet talk you into expensive Xrays either. They are smart cats and are not doing this on purpose.

By LML (Guest Post)
February 21, 20090 found this helpful
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HI, there is a powder used to treat swine for diarrhea and it is and old fashioned remedy, but it works. You can get it from a regular vet or if there is a pet pharmacy like we have here in Florida, they will be able to fix the proper dosage for you. It is used for Manx diarrhea and has been used for many years. We had to buy the smallest clear capsule to put it in, but it cleared up the diarrhea in no time.


Manx have bowel problems and have to be properly taken care of. The cat will not like the taste, I assure you, so wrap it in a piece of cheese or meat. Some kitties have to have this daily for awhile, so be very patient. And find a new vet who has actually dealt with the Manx breed. My last one was 19 years old. They are very special cats and deserve good care. They will return your love and affection.

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November 5, 2009

We adopted a kitten from the Humane Society and she is 4 1/2 months old. She easily trained to the litter box and used it fine for 2 months. Then 2 weeks ago she started defecating outside of the box (usually right next to or near it), but not in the box.

She urinates in the litter box just fine. Nothing has changed with her box or the litter. She's been to the vet and has no medical issues. Any suggestions? I cannot figure out why the sudden change in behavior and why she only uses the litter box to urinate. Please help, how do I get her to use the litter box for all eliminations?


By lilpaw from San Diego, CA


November 5, 20090 found this helpful
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This is my first post. I grew up with cats and kittens are pretty easy to train. I don't know if this will work for yours, but what we would do was to pick up the poop and put it in the litterbox. They pretty much get the hint if you keep on doing it. Good luck!

November 8, 20090 found this helpful
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I have several cats. I have 4 litter boxes. I scoop them out every day. It sounds strange, but one litter box always only has urine in it, never any poop. The poop is always in the other 3 boxes! Try adding another box. Good luck.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
November 9, 20090 found this helpful
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My first thought was add a second litter box, and I see most everyone has already mentioned that. Someone also mentioned not having too much litter in them. Very true! Cats do not like to sink up to their little ankles in the litter! Definitely scoop every day.

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November 24, 2017

I have a 6 year old male cat that will pee in his litter box and for the last month won't poop in it. We have tried everything, changed the litter, changed the box, and added a second box with different litter. We thought he could be constipated, so we changed his diet and have been to the vet twice. When he pees and almost poops he runs out like he's scared and licks himself like it hurts. The last couple of times he digs on his bed and just poops like it's normal so I'm thinking there is something about the box he's scared of. Any ideas? We are at our wits end and it's not sanitary!

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September 8, 2010

Closeup of grey and black tabby.I have a 6 year old tabby cat that will pee in the litter pan, but poop on the floor near her litter pan (which is in the bathroom). It seems to me she does it when I clean out the litter pan and put fresh litter in it. How can I get her to use the litter pan to poop in it?

By Christy


January 19, 20110 found this helpful
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My cat, also, hates using the litter box. I tried the shredded newspaper idea. He used it alright and every other newspaper in my house! Just make sure you put your 'good' newspaper where the kitty can't find it! :)

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October 14, 2014

My 5 month old male kitten won't poop in the litter box. He always used to use the litter box, we never had a problem. Then the past couple days he started using the litter box for pee, but not poop. His box is very clean, so that is not the issue. He normally does it when someone is home. What could I do to get him back in the habit?

By Scarlet B.


October 26, 20140 found this helpful
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Ok, when was the last time you cleaned that litter box? You must either scoop out the clumps and poo every day. If you are using old fashion clay litter you must clean daily and do a complete dump, wash and refill with fresh clay litter once a week. If you do not clean the box once a day and everyday (clay litter or 'scooping' litter), your pet will refuse to use the box and will opt for other locations.

Cats always smell about while deciding where they will do their business. You probably hate using a chemical toilet, right? Well try having a cats more sensitive nose and having to smell a dirty litter box. Yuck.

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May 26, 2016

I have a 7 week old kitten. The lady I got him from said he was already litter box trained. When I got him home I helped him for several days as to where the box was and for several days now he poops in the box during the day, but at night he poops on my carpet. I clean his box several times during the day and just before I go to bed. Please help me with this.

tiny grey kitten on red fleece blanket


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
May 27, 20160 found this helpful
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You might try putting him in a small to medium sized room at night, with a litterbox and a small nightlight. I have found cats are more careful about what they do in a small space.

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December 28, 2014

I have a special needs kitten who we named TommyLynn. She will not use the litter box, even if it's fresh litter. Can someone help me? She will pee and poop on our clothes, paper, and plastic bags. Basically anything sitting in our floor.

By Felicia


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
December 28, 20140 found this helpful
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Your vet can help you with the kitty's problem. Have her evaluated for any possible medical problems and then the vet can assist with very good suggestions for you to teach kitty good kitty behavior.

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August 18, 2015

It seems to be a common question but here we go, I have two cats about 8 months old and both of them defecate outside the litter, nowhere near the trays. They use the litter to urinate only.

They go outside, but come indoors to pee in the litter and poop on the floor. I have about 6 litter trays and have changed the litter type and am at a loss as to what to do. Please help!


December 17, 20160 found this helpful

We adopted a senior cat who was having litter issues, for a while he would use the litter to pee, but poo on the floor, anywhere but the litter box. Your kitties are a bit young for this, but our cat got better when we added pumpkin to his diet, got a water fountain, and have cat grass for him to eat. We also limit his wet food.

The person who gave him up was only feeding him dry food, it caused constipation, which was incredibly painful (meowed in pain) so he associated the litter box with pain. We bought pure canned pumpkin (Not pumpkin pie filling) and started mixing it into his wet food. It goes bad quite quickly in the fridge, so we make pumpkin cubes in a spare icecube tray. We mix 2 cubes with water, it lasts about 2 days. However you will need to start out with a small amount of just pumpkin first. We also took him off the high fiber dry food (and let his vet know), and now limit his dry food intake. His litter use isn`t perfect, but we can quickly correct when he`s had too much dry food or too many treats.

There`s a theory that carbs are not for cats, they only need meat and fat and the little bit of grain that would be in the tummies of the mice or birds that they`d hunt in the wild. Hope this helps. Caveat: litter avoidance can have a medical cause, so they do need to see a vet FIRST! (You can also ask your vet about adding a small amount of Restoralax to his wet food)

Answer this Question

November 5, 2009

Should I take my kitten to the vet? She is pooping on the floor but pees in the litter box just fine.


September 8, 2010

I have two beautiful American tiger cats. Daisy uses her litter box all the time, but my male cat Sketch, only pees in the box and uses the side to finish his business.

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