
House Training a Pitbull

October 14, 2010

House Training a PitbullI have a 9 week blue nose Pitbull puppy and we are working on house breaking. Its going ok for her age, but the problem I'm running into is I will take her outside and she will go to the bathroom 3-5 times, but then 2 minutes after coming back in the house she is peeing on the floor.


It's always in a different spot and I can spend 5 minutes to 30 minutes and it's always the same. I'm unsure on what to do to stop this, so if anyone has any advise to give, please do.

By j


October 14, 20101 found this helpful

We have a 3 year old pit and we got her when she was 3 months old. We had her house trained in a week. I have read the responses on this subject and most of them I agree with. Some of them I don't. Every dog is different! Every person is different! What worked with our dog was crating her during the day when we were at work and at night. We took her potty before we put her in her crate and after we took her out, every time. When she pottied outside she was given a treat right then and there. If she did have an accident, yes we made sure she knew what we were talking about by making her look at it and then (by the collar) walking her outside to the grass.


we kept saying "go outside, go potty". As soon as she pottied in the grass there was a treat waiting for her right as that moment. She hardly ever had any accidents in the house after the first 3 days. Now, she listens better than our kids do. lol. We went from the crate to a giant dog pillow "her bed" and she knows when we say go to bed that is exactly what she does.

They are smarter than you think. It's like riding a bike when they learn stuff. They wont forget it!

October 15, 20100 found this helpful

I have two pit bulls that I have had since they were puppies. When I was housebreaking them, and until they were probably 6 months old, I had to keep the water bowl put up. They would drink and drink and then not be able to hold it to go outside. I would offer them water right before a trip outside many times a day so they wouldn't get dehydrated. Also, make sure you take her outside as soon as she wakes up from a nap, right after she has been running around or playing, and right after she eats.


Crate training works great when you are not at home. If done correctly, most dogs come to see their crates as a safe place and will even go there if they are feeling stressed by a situation. Above all, lots of patience and parise.

October 16, 20100 found this helpful

I agree with putting up the water bowl. You need to control the amount of liquid intake to control the output. Lots of praise for a "JOB" well done and never rub your dog's nose in her mistakes. Remember, patience and persaverance.

February 12, 20110 found this helpful

I need help. My son got a puppy red nose, Bentley, he is 8 weeks now. He lives with my son and his 2roomates but I sit for him two times a week when he waiters. He brings the pad I put it down but he pees on the rug 3 times and once on pad, my son says the pad should be right in family area near TV, but I think it should be near sliding doors in that same room.


Is 8 weeks to young to be trained? And does a pit bull have to be crate trained. Please also tell me they definitely are not vicious if we have from such a young age.

March 14, 20160 found this helpful

Put a dog training pad away from where he or she sleeps and every time they relieve the dog does on the training pad you give them a treat even when they are outside.

July 3, 20160 found this helpful

welcome to my world! My blue nose pit is 9 weeks also and I am going thru the same thing! I am however finding that everytime he does this I put him in his cubical. I got a fence that is shaped like a square and he knows when I put him in there is because he does the pooping a peeing in the home.


So he is slowly getting bit better, but lord this feels like forever!

April 29, 20170 found this helpful

Sounds like she has a UTI

May 18, 20170 found this helpful

We have the same breed, THORN is 17 weeks. And she can be outside playing and as soon as she comes in she squirts. Or the back door is wide open but she will pee at the door. I'm just wondering if it's a lil harder for females to hold they're pee?

January 28, 20180 found this helpful

I have a male pit, he is very smart. I keep him in the crate at night, and during the day. When I wake up in the morning I take all four of my dogs outside. He will come inside, and sneak off somewhere to potty. It's not in one spot, but all over my house.


On my carpet in my room, my blankets, upstairs/downstairs foot rest, and my pole down stairs. He is a very smart dog, and I have showed him what he is doing wrong. However, he continue to pee in the house. Please help me!!!

February 28, 20180 found this helpful

This is pretty much how I trained our Pit
Bull. I spent many a morning in the cold waiting for him to potty and poop. Their system isn't formed yet, so it does take a little time and lots of patience. In the day when we went to work, we crated him. It took a little longer than a week, maybe closer to 3-4, but well worth it. I live in Wisconsin and winter is NOT our friend at 5 am. :) Lori

July 28, 20180 found this helpful

Hi I just rescued a four yr old pit and he looks like your baby anyways how long after eating should he go out. He pees great but in night we had poop accident. I know they'll happen. He was,an owner surrender so I know he understands home dynamic. But he was at shelter 90 days. Any advice is appreciated.

Answer this Question

October 14, 2010

I really can't get my puppy to quit peeing and pooping in the house. Any advice?


February 12, 2010

House Training a Pitbull. How do you house train 4 month old pitbulls?


March 8, 2005
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