
House Training a Pitbull

October 14, 2010

House Training a PitbullI have a 9 week blue nose Pitbull puppy and we are working on house breaking. Its going ok for her age, but the problem I'm running into is I will take her outside and she will go to the bathroom 3-5 times, but then 2 minutes after coming back in the house she is peeing on the floor.


It's always in a different spot and I can spend 5 minutes to 30 minutes and it's always the same. I'm unsure on what to do to stop this, so if anyone has any advise to give, please do.

By j


October 14, 20101 found this helpful

We have a 3 year old pit and we got her when she was 3 months old. We had her house trained in a week. I have read the responses on this subject and most of them I agree with. Some of them I don't. Every dog is different! Every person is different! What worked with our dog was crating her during the day when we were at work and at night. We took her potty before we put her in her crate and after we took her out, every time. When she pottied outside she was given a treat right then and there. If she did have an accident, yes we made sure she knew what we were talking about by making her look at it and then (by the collar) walking her outside to the grass.


we kept saying "go outside, go potty". As soon as she pottied in the grass there was a treat waiting for her right as that moment. She hardly ever had any accidents in the house after the first 3 days. Now, she listens better than our kids do. lol. We went from the crate to a giant dog pillow "her bed" and she knows when we say go to bed that is exactly what she does.

They are smarter than you think. It's like riding a bike when they learn stuff. They wont forget it!

October 15, 20100 found this helpful

I have two pit bulls that I have had since they were puppies. When I was housebreaking them, and until they were probably 6 months old, I had to keep the water bowl put up. They would drink and drink and then not be able to hold it to go outside. I would offer them water right before a trip outside many times a day so they wouldn't get dehydrated. Also, make sure you take her outside as soon as she wakes up from a nap, right after she has been running around or playing, and right after she eats.


Crate training works great when you are not at home. If done correctly, most dogs come to see their crates as a safe place and will even go there if they are feeling stressed by a situation. Above all, lots of patience and parise.

October 16, 20100 found this helpful

I agree with putting up the water bowl. You need to control the amount of liquid intake to control the output. Lots of praise for a "JOB" well done and never rub your dog's nose in her mistakes. Remember, patience and persaverance.

February 12, 20110 found this helpful

I need help. My son got a puppy red nose, Bentley, he is 8 weeks now. He lives with my son and his 2roomates but I sit for him two times a week when he waiters. He brings the pad I put it down but he pees on the rug 3 times and once on pad, my son says the pad should be right in family area near TV, but I think it should be near sliding doors in that same room.


Is 8 weeks to young to be trained? And does a pit bull have to be crate trained. Please also tell me they definitely are not vicious if we have from such a young age.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 28, 2013

I have an 8 month Gotti razor edge blue fawn Pit. She has been an outdoor dog and now I'm having to move into an apartment. I don't want to get rid of her, but don't know where to start potty training her so she can move with me and stay in our family. Any help?

By A.M from CALI


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 140 Feedbacks
June 29, 20130 found this helpful

Your dog is already used to going potty outside. That will still be its preference. When you bring it inside just keep it on a leash with you the first few days and give it many opportunities to go outside to potty.


Then lots of praise so it knows that's what you wish it to do. If you have to leave it alone you should have a crate for it to stay in. Dogs won't mess where they sleep. Good luck

July 19, 20150 found this helpful

It's crazy how your thinking of not keeping your dog because it might difficult to teach it where to relieve itself, I feel for your pup.

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March 17, 2017

My red nose Pit Bull is 13 months old and was not trained properly. I have had him for about a month. I take him outside when he has just pottied inside to let him know this where we go.

He cowers down and piddles on the floor again. I have not abused him by any means. I love my Pit Bull. I just need some advice to housebreak him. Please and thank you.

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January 2, 2021

Why does my 25 week old Razor Gotti Edge mix with Bully keep going in the house and in her crate? I thought dogs don't like to sit in their own stuff? We take her out so many times, even stand out in the cold in the rain for 30 minutes to a hour and she still won't go, but as soon as we get in the house, she goes in her crate.A dog on a leash in leaves.


Even when she does go, at times, she ended up going it in the house 10 minutes after. I put her nose in it to let her know she a bad girl and put her on the tie outside and still don't use it. I am tired of her poop waking me and the family up out of sleep early in the mornings.

I usually take her out after I get off at 2am and she sometimes goes, but still goes in the house. My mom's dog had the puppies and everybody who got a puppy from the litter is having the exact same problem. It's the breed and I don't understand it. I love my Payton, but I don't wanna give up on her because of this behavior, but there is only so much we can take.

Our 3 year old Bully never gave us this problem. After a few accidents, she had learned that potty is outside and she gets a treat every time she goes. She knows the dos and don'ts. Can someone please tell me what to do? I even tried the No Go spray and that never worked. I can't spray her with water cause she loves to play in water. Please help ASAP! Never breed a Bully with a Gotti Razor Edge.

A litter of dogs.
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April 30, 2012

House Training a PuppyMy 5 week old bluenosed Pitbull keeps using the potty in the house. How do I get her to stop?

By Justin from Akron


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
April 30, 20120 found this helpful

Five weeks is very young. The dog cannot hold urine or anything else for very long.

You can take watch her very carefully, and when she smells the floor, or gets through drinking or gets finished exercising or wakes up from a nap, say in a happy voice "lets go outside and go potty!"


Make it exciting and happy. When he goes to the potty outside, praise the darling and say "Yaaa! What a good girl, you went to the potty!" Make it all a big game.

If you know the signs of them needing to go out, training will go faster. After each time you play or she runs around, it will be time to go outside to go potty. This will teach her to have a good attitude about going potty outside!

Also, here is an excellent resource for all pit bull owners, I have found this site to be awesome!

Here is an article on training your pit bull to be house trained:

You are so blessed to have one of these beautiful puppies!
They look right into your heart!

Blessings, Robyn

September 30, 20150 found this helpful

It's only 5 weeks. It's going to pee. Take it out every 30-60 min and that's about all you can do right now. Five it a little treat every time it does pee outside. I have a 5 month old blue nose and that's all I did with mine and he is potty trained for the most part. I still take him out about every hour

March 3, 20160 found this helpful

I have the same problem with my pit bull rigback

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November 29, 2010

I have a 5 month old gator Pit Bull mix. When I got him I was told he was house broken. However, ever since I have had him, he is persistent in pooping and peeing in both his crate and the rest of the house. How do I break his habits?

By j.w.roberts from San Antonio, TX


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
November 29, 20100 found this helpful

Observe how much fluid intake the dog is getting and going by that, determines when to take the dog outdoors and walk it around a little in one area until the dog goes. A lot of times they want to mark their territory. Use that same area for bathroom duties. Use the same word "out" or "potty" and the dog will eventually understand what you are wanting it to do. Some dogs are more stubborn than others and it requires more time and patience, but don't give up. Reward the dog with a treat when it goes outdoors and tell him "good boy" each time.

If you catch the dog going in the house, say AHHH- AHHH and lead the dog away from the location and take it outdoors right away even if it's done it's business in the house.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
December 2, 20100 found this helpful

Hello, how long is he in his crate? All day? He will need to go potty about 20 minutes after he eats or drinks.

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March 3, 2019

So I have had my Pit Bull for about a year. He's around 2 now, but he keeps peeing and pooping in his crate when we leave. We've been working on potty training for a while now, but nothing seems to work.

He's also started doing it on our rugs too, but we take him out at least every hour or two. Is there anything else that I should try?

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July 15, 2014

I have a Pit Bull name Kash, he is 13 weeks old. For a while he was good with going to the door and waiting for someone to open it to go outside and pee, but here lately he has been just peeing in the house and his crate. What should I do?

By Adam B.

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April 29, 2013

I have a 5 month old Pitbull Caucasian mix. My dog is peeing everywhere and I have no idea how to train her to pee in a certain place. Plus when I take her out to pee and poop she never does it, even if I stay outside with her for 3 hours. Once we are home she goes pee and poop in the house. I have no idea what to do, any help?

By kami g. from cairo, egypt

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February 19, 2013

How do I get my Pit Bull to quit peeing in the house? I take her out and she just sits there and looks at me.

By Perry

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