
Moisturizing Tips and Techniques

July 20, 2010

Woman putting on LotionHere is a cool summer tip. Put your face cream/moisturizer in the refrigerator! It is so cool when you apply to your face and neck.

By Vivian from Longs, SC


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November 11, 2006

Does anyone have a homemade recipe for a dry skin moisturizer for face and body?

Jamish from Ransom, Kansas


By (Guest Post)
November 11, 20060 found this helpful

I wash with ivory soap, moisturise with Johnson's 24 hour moisture lotion and use extra virgin olive oil when I get really dry. I will dab it on my face, elbows and knees as needed. If I feel really dry and itchy I add some to my bath. I stand up before the bath drains and I am covered in a light layer of moisture that I only pat dry. Hope this helps....

By vbart (Guest Post)
November 12, 20060 found this helpful

I buy pure (and not chemically processed) shea butter from, mix it with a bit of "carrier" oil (such as sunflower or almond), and use it year-round. It is amazing; it is the only moisturizer I will use, and my son, daughter, and son-in-law are hooked, too.

November 12, 20060 found this helpful

Go to the dollar store and buy a large bottle of baby lotion (dollar store brand) a small jar of vaseline, and a jar of vitamin e cream. mix all and put in containers ( i use funnel and put back in original containers.) If too greasy, you can use 2 bottles of baby lotion.


This is great for moisturizer, cheap, and lasts a loooong time.

November 13, 20060 found this helpful

I use the shea butter mixed with a small amount of natural coconut oil. For aroma I will add a few drops of almond oil or some other essential oil. This truely will moisture and not leave an oily film.

November 13, 20060 found this helpful

This is a recipe from recipezaar, go to recipezaar if you wnat to read the ratings
You will see the change in your skin after a week.
Recipe #61610


Internal Detox For Glowing Skin
This is a great, simple drink to detox impurities from your body. It cleanses your body from the inside out. Extremely easy to drink too. Have one first thing in the morning, and one before bed. You will see the difference within a week.

2 1/2 teaspoons good quality honey
1 slice lemons, 1 inch
1 cup hot hot water
Add Honey to the boiling mug of water, stir till completely dissolved.
Add the slice of lemon and allow it to brew for 5 minutes, stirring occassionally.
Sit back and enjoy the drink.
Lotion for Dry Skin

2 (9 ounce) bottles of baby lotion
2 (8 ounce) jars of vitamin e lotion
4 ounces vaseline petroleum jelly
Pour everything into a large bowl and mix with electric mixer until smooth.


Pour into lotion pump bottles.

By carla bledsoe (Guest Post)
November 14, 20060 found this helpful

i use virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. a little goes a long way!
for lips, dab with raw honey and let set. it will mostly soak in if your lips are really dry. great for cold sores too.
you can add a couple of cups of whole milk or milk and cream to your bath. to that you can add a half to one cup of honey. pat your skin dry.
don't use anything with a petroleum base if you can help it. anything you put on your skin eventually ends up in your body in minute amounts. that is the theory behind all these patches of medicines we see these days. that said...the closer to natural, non man-made the better.

By vbart (Guest Post)
November 14, 20060 found this helpful

Oh, another thought; being a "shower" (as opposed to "bath") person, I keep a plastic squeeze bottle (like a ketchup/mustard dispenser) filled with some kind of vegetable oil, scented with a bit of essential oil, in the bathroom, and use just a bit, overall, while I'm still wet...great for winter!

September 2, 20070 found this helpful

I just use plain Extra Virgin Olive Oil! I use it every night and wake up with soft, smooth, silky and literally glowing skin! It works wonderfully on my dry skin and absorbs very quickly.


If you're not so crazy about the scent, you can just add a few drops of essential oils to make it smell nicer, but I'm alright with the scent. Besides, the smell does go away within a couple of minutes.
It's cheap, natural and probably sitting in your kitchen cupboard right now! (You should use Extra Virgin because it's least processed, meaning all the good 'stuff' is still in it, meaning more nourishment and it'll work more effectively)

By Maria (Guest Post)
December 19, 20070 found this helpful

EVOO is the best...
Hey Post by PICO (194) | (11/13/2006).. says add Honey to a cup of boiling water .
But as far as i know.... Honey shud be added to hot water n not boiling. Coz honey added to boiling water turns TOXIC.....
SO please PICO.... Chk the receipies before u advise .... coz many people here are not aware.. they might blindly follow anything...
Please take care

December 19, 20070 found this helpful

I could find NO evidence in any reputable source of honey becoming toxic when boiled and have NEVER heard of that. And honey is heated to very high temperatures in baked products all the time with no toxic effects - so I am curious how valid this is. Please, what is your source for that information?



By Phoebe (Guest Post)
March 12, 20080 found this helpful

Honey turns into sugar, not literal poison, when boiled. This guy has details:

By (Guest Post)
May 26, 20080 found this helpful

For chemists out there: How can we double the Gold Bond formula in our kitchens? Thank you.

By Fiona (Guest Post)
June 13, 20080 found this helpful

Ingredients: Rose Water (see recipe below), Sweet Almond Oil, Beeswax
Pick rose petals (3/4 of a mug) infuse in water and leave for 5 days in a warm sunny spot (a window is most suitable) Strain and keep the water.

1. Warm 3/4 of mug of sweet almond oil with 3/4mug of beeswax gently in a basin over a pot of simmering water (like melting chocolate) don't let get too hot, the slower the better stirring gently.
2. Warm the rosewater in a separate pot gently.
3. Add rosewater to first mix and whisk vigorously for 5 minutes.
4. If you want extra boost for dry skin take a vitamin E tablet and burst into mixture.
5. You should be left with a cream coloured moisturiser.
6. Add 3 drops of lavender, and 1 drop of rose or sandalwood essential oils.

Store in fridge....

(Fiona Dunne, Aromatherapist, Prescription Cosmetics Expert)

By Maggie (Guest Post)
June 24, 20080 found this helpful

Half an avocado with an egg yolk, mash together and place onto clean fresh skin, leave for 20 minutes, wash off with cool to tepid water. This will not only freshen skin and leave you feeling fresh it will replace vitamins you have lost through over use of animal fats in soaps.

Use the other half of the avocado with the egg white whisk egg white to a froth in single bowl, mash avocado in separate bowl when egg white is whisked enough place together and mix well, place onto face and leave 20 to 30 minutes, wash off with cool to tepid water, this will leave your skin rehydrated and fresh.

By zeena w (Guest Post)
October 11, 20080 found this helpful

Try aqueous cream with 10 % olive oil. I have been using it for years and it is very cheap. Aqueous cream is available for about AU$13.from chemist and olive oil from your kitchen. You can use it as moisturizer, soap, and make up removal.

July 4, 20090 found this helpful

For those of you with dry skin or not. This is a treatment for your skin that the Italians have used for years. Never to young to start taking care of your skin. I am a 67 year old woman and have no wrinkles, and my skin smooth. Have made this for all my friends and now they are addicted to can use this as well as women....
olive oil grapeseed, walnut, almond, or any other lighter oil that is natural vitamin E oil. Can be purchased at a health food store
regular cooking sugar
for fragrance use oil such as peppermint, or any fragrance of your liking
I make this in large batches, but can be made in small one. Put sugar in a large bowl, add enough olive oil to the sugar so that the sugar is well coated and there is a small layer of oil, add the remaining ingredient and mix will..
When you shower, first lather yourself and rinse.....then use the body scrub all over your body scrubbing your feet as well, your neck and face. Rinse off scrub. You will have removed all the dry skin, and conditioned your body naturally.

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July 28, 2009

Does anyone have an idea on what body moisturizing lotion would be good to use after going to my tanning salon?

By Lorraine from Bristol, CT


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
July 28, 20090 found this helpful

This is not what you asked for so if you don't want to read it just move on. Have you heard the latest on tanning beds? They're VERY dangerous! Go to and read the report that was on tonight's news. Just an old lady being bothersome, I guess. I just would like YOU to get to be an old woman!

July 29, 20090 found this helpful

I'm 63 so that isn't bad. I don't smoke or do anything that's bad.

July 30, 20090 found this helpful

We use Banana Boat After Sun moisturizer after being out in the pool. It is a moisturizer and doesn't dry out your skin the way a gel does. It helps prolong your tan and keep you from peeling. And it has a nice fragrance!

July 30, 20090 found this helpful

After sunning I use Neutrogena sesame oil. It smells great and makes your skin silky smooth.

July 31, 20090 found this helpful

Thank you so much...all of you. This was a great help to me. And, no, I'm not abusing a tanning bed.
There's so much junk on the news these last few days which the media stuffs down our throats. My hands that are permanently damaged by occupational injury are healing so well. I would never intentionally abuse my body.

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August 13, 2009

Is there any solution to make my hands soft?


August 13, 20090 found this helpful

I am a nurse, and when I was working, I washed my hands constantly. I kept a tin of "Bag Balm" near by at all times. It is for cows actually, but is great for hands, feet, elbows, knees, any dry area that really needs moisture. You only need a very small amount. It is the texture of Vasoline, but will absorb better, and once you get used to applying it after every hand washing, you will never go without again.

Bag Balm is available in most Super Wal Marts, in the pet and animal section, in a small 2½" or 3" square green and red tin. I hope this helps...Good Luck!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
August 13, 20090 found this helpful

#1) SUGAR: I'm a potter & there's nothing that dries your hands more than handling clay all day. My daughter came up with a solution to my nasty looking dry hands. Once or twice a week I'll scrub them with plain sugar & a bit of Vaseline, baby oil or cooking oil (any kind), or plain water & sugar. Better yet: put a chunk of avocado in your hands & add a bit of sugar then rub this all over your hands (for about 1 minute). The sugar removes the dead, rough skin, and makes my hands silky-soft again. All you have to do is, finish with some thick hand cream (or bag balm) afterward. You'll be amazed, it's like your hands are super-soft & supple again, instantly.

#2) SHAVING CREAM TO WASH WITH: Several other things will also help you. When you wash your hands (especially if you wash them all the time like I do) don't use soap, use shaving cream instead. You can buy a large can at the dollar store. I found a raspberry scented shaving cream I love (you can also buy Barbasol Lime). The shaving cream cleans your hands without drying them out!

#3) AVOCADO: Whenever I eat an avocado, I take the peel & rub the insides of the peel all over my hands. The Avocado super-moisturizes. Last, I use a mild cleaner & wash the avocado off. (see #2)

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September 15, 2011

I really need a good "works every time" home remedy for dry, flaky, "elderly" skin. Help!


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