
Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?

February 4, 2020

Reason for the Sudden Death of My Dog - dead dogI found my extremely active high strung 6 year old dog Rocky, that I've had for 5 years, dead yesterday morning when I got up. He was lying on the floor next to his bed. He had just begun rigor mortis. He was a Cocker Spaniel Chihuahua mix.


The afternoon before he died we had company stop by and my dog literally freaked out barking and literally screaming when the man walked into the room. I put my dog in the bathroom until they left. Later he went outside to potty and came in until his 10 pm potty break. Then we went to bed. He was quiet at 4:30 am when my husband normally potties him so he didn't check on him. I found him at 7;30 am dead.

He was a rescue who didn't like anyone, but my husband and I. He would bark furiously at anyone else and even in the car at people next to us. Could he have had a heart attack from the unexpected excitement of a stranger coming over earlier in the day?

I miss his happy morning greeting bark this morning.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 4, 20200 found this helpful
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There's nothing like the sadness that occurs when a pet dies. I am so sorry for the grief you're experiencing now.


There's really no definite way to know precisely why your dog died simply based on the circumstances you described.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 4, 20200 found this helpful
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It sounds like the dog had anxiety issues which could have caused this problem and led to a stroke in the middle of the night. I am so sorry this has happened and it is so sad when a dog dies so young.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
February 5, 20202 found this helpful
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I am so sorry. Losing a pet is a loss like no other. I cant even guess as to what went wrong for Rocky. It may have been a stroke or a heart attack. Like people pets often have hidden illnesses. I was struck by your description of your life with Rocky.


Rocky was a lucky dog to have such loving and understanding owners. The world becomes a better place when an animal in need is loved the way you loved Rocky. When you can enjoy your memories, they will be rich. Bless you.

February 7, 20200 found this helpful
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I am terribly sorry to hear of your loss.

The only way to know what happened to your precious doggie is to have an autopsy performed. The reason why could be all sorts of things unrelated to the stress of the visitors such as his mixed breed.

Do not blame yourself in any way. You gave him a loving home despite he was not friendly to strangers. Many would not take on such a dog.

Thank you for opening your heart and home to Rocky.


Take Care.

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May 20, 2018

My dog seemed fine in the morning when we let her out and back in. We ran some errands and when we got home she was stumbling, her tongue was hanging out and was really blue, and her gums were blue as well and she couldn't breathe. My husband carried her to the car and I rushed her to the vet, but she died when I got there.

We are devastated. We are beating our self in the head trying to figure out what happen and the only thing we can come up with is she snapped at a bee and got stung in the mouth and had a allergic reaction. What else has these symptoms do you know?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
May 31, 20180 found this helpful
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unfortunately it sounds like poison. Possibly rat poison - strichnine causing seizures and muscle spasm, or warfarin that causes internal hemorrhaging, due to the black tongue and trouble breathing.


I am very sorry this happened to you

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June 15, 2018

He was 8 months old, very healthy and a happy dog. I was away for 3 days and when I returned I learned that he had not been eating well for 3 days. I searched for him all over the house and tried to feed him, but he wouldn't eat. It was late at night and no veterinarians were available. The next morning he seemed to be fine.

I have a very hectic schedule for which I hardly stay home. I was away for another two days and this morning I called him out, but he did not come. I went nearer to him and tried feeding him, he did not eat at all. After an hour he started making weird loud sounds similar to barking and then his jaw changed its position. He started taking very deep breaths and finally stopped breathing with his eyes open and tongue sticking out. I'm so guilty I wonder what could the reason be.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 15, 20180 found this helpful

You have my deepest sympathy on your loss. The loss of a pet is never, ever easy, and even more challenging when it is a young pup. You could talk to your vet to see if he/she has any feedback for you. Every dog is different so it could be anything from an infection like a parvo to a congenital condition with dozens of things in between.


Some times, like in humans, you may not know an exact cause and that just s**ks. Beating yourself up will only make you sad, so I urge you to be kind to yourself.

When you are up to it, I suggest looking for a grief support group for folks like you who lost a beloved pet. Our local animal shelter has one. Your local human funeral home many even know of such a services.

I will send up lots of wishes to help your heart heal from your loss.

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June 24, 2018

I had an 11 year old Chihuahua. She was old, but never ill. She was eating well and she was strong. Yesterday however I noticed she was breathing heavily and deeply, very laboured. I took her inside and tried to make her comfortable and calm. Sometimes she would "snort" if she was upset or worked up. I assumed it was something similar. I tried everything, but an hour later her condition had not improved. I then called the emergency vet and was on the phone for about 3 minutes and when I left her on my couch to make the call she was still relatively alright (and alive).

As I came back to her she was limp and foaming at the mouth, but still alive. I held her and tried to help, but she gasped for about 2 very long minutes and then she passed on. I considered poisoning, but she was old, not adventurous and picky when it came to food and we keep any poison out of reach of pets. I've also read it may be a seizure, but that doesn't explain the laboured breathing for about an hour and then the sudden death. Her death has really hurt me and I'd like to know what happened and if I could have saved her. Please help.

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July 17, 2018

Yesterday my Yorkie terrier died. He was 16 and we had just been given a clean bill of health only two months ago. He went outside came in and collapsed with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

Yes I know he was old, but I am heart broken and sad he was my baby! What could have happened?

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July 23, 2018

My little man, a healthy 6 year old Jack Russell moved on to a better place last week. It was sudden & unexpected. He was barking at the door as he heard someone coming, once he knew who it was he turned and walked away, then suddenly his legs went from underneath him and he fell to the floor, he jolted a couple of times and then nothing. I gave him mouth to mouth and tried everything I could think of to bring him back home, nothing worked, The journey to the vet's seemed to last forever, to see the light drain from his eyes will haunt me till I die, the tip of his tongue just slightly hanging out, no foam or drool.

The vet had no compassion at all. He couldn't bring our baby back and couldn't answer our questions as to why and what. He just stood there as if to say 'what do you want me to do'. The vet was shocked we wanted our baby back after he was cremated. I couldn't get my head around it, and still can't. I don't understand how a healthy 6 year old dog can fall to the floor and move on. Please can someone help, why did he go so soon?

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August 25, 2018

My 2.5 month old Labrador bitch Jenny died suddenly. She was very healthy and playing with me in the morning. It was time for food. I gave her regular Pedigree food. She took one or two bites of food and suddenly was breathing fast.

I think food was stuck in her throat. I searched in her mouth for food pieces with my fingers and got them out. But she continued to breath fast and suddenly she went to her bed. Then white foam came out from her mouth. After few seconds blood also coming from her mouth. And she did potty and toilet.

I was shocked by what was happening. Immediately I took her to hospital. She made susu on the way. And before reaching hospital my Jenny died. The doctor said she is no more. I can't believe it still. I loved my Jenny very much. But still I don't know how she died?

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September 14, 2018

Why my dog stick his tongue out when he died and his eyes were reddish color?

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September 23, 2018

My baby Pug was 4 and half years old. He was my everything, my best friend, my baby, my world. He was fit and fine, but last night he didn't eat and he couldn't walk. I was so worried what was happening to him? It was late night so I decided to take him to vet the next morning. When I woke up he was lying on the floor and pissing he couldn't even get up to piss.

When I took him to the vet the doctor said nothing and gave him DNS and three other injections. Suddenly my baby pug pooped and he stopped breathing. I told the doctor to do something, but he said, I can do nothing. My baby Pug's tongue was out and turning purple.

This is saddest day of my life. I miss my baby so much. Can anybody tell what actually caused him to die? Pugs live like 10-16 years; my baby was just 4 and half.

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September 28, 2018

My fragile 17 year old Brussels Griffon was on my bed and jumped off suddenly. Her legs were no longer strong enough to land on her feet and she immediately stretched out her body and made some noises. I picked her up and she passed in my arms.

I am crushed. Did the trauma cause her to have a heart attack? She had severe heart disease. She wanted on the bed so I gave in and placed her on bed and in seconds she just darted off the bed onto the hardwood floor. She loved the bed. I blame myself. Any feedback would be so appreciated.

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October 27, 2018

I had three Pugs and suddenly each day my dogs would get lethargic, struggling to breathe, and eventually pass on. At this moment all my pugs have passed on. What could've caused this?

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