
Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?

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February 4, 2020

Reason for the Sudden Death of My Dog - dead dogI found my extremely active high strung 6 year old dog Rocky, that I've had for 5 years, dead yesterday morning when I got up. He was lying on the floor next to his bed. He had just begun rigor mortis. He was a Cocker Spaniel Chihuahua mix.


The afternoon before he died we had company stop by and my dog literally freaked out barking and literally screaming when the man walked into the room. I put my dog in the bathroom until they left. Later he went outside to potty and came in until his 10 pm potty break. Then we went to bed. He was quiet at 4:30 am when my husband normally potties him so he didn't check on him. I found him at 7;30 am dead.

He was a rescue who didn't like anyone, but my husband and I. He would bark furiously at anyone else and even in the car at people next to us. Could he have had a heart attack from the unexpected excitement of a stranger coming over earlier in the day?

I miss his happy morning greeting bark this morning.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 4, 20200 found this helpful
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There's nothing like the sadness that occurs when a pet dies. I am so sorry for the grief you're experiencing now.


There's really no definite way to know precisely why your dog died simply based on the circumstances you described.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 4, 20200 found this helpful
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It sounds like the dog had anxiety issues which could have caused this problem and led to a stroke in the middle of the night. I am so sorry this has happened and it is so sad when a dog dies so young.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
February 5, 20202 found this helpful
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I am so sorry. Losing a pet is a loss like no other. I cant even guess as to what went wrong for Rocky. It may have been a stroke or a heart attack. Like people pets often have hidden illnesses. I was struck by your description of your life with Rocky.


Rocky was a lucky dog to have such loving and understanding owners. The world becomes a better place when an animal in need is loved the way you loved Rocky. When you can enjoy your memories, they will be rich. Bless you.

February 7, 20200 found this helpful
Best Answer

I am terribly sorry to hear of your loss.

The only way to know what happened to your precious doggie is to have an autopsy performed. The reason why could be all sorts of things unrelated to the stress of the visitors such as his mixed breed.

Do not blame yourself in any way. You gave him a loving home despite he was not friendly to strangers. Many would not take on such a dog.

Thank you for opening your heart and home to Rocky.


Take Care.

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June 10, 2019

Unfortunately 2 nights ago when I got home from work my heart broke when I found my dog dead in my backyard. I have no idea what has caused his death. He was a very lively and active rednose Pit Bull and was 7 and a half years old. He was stiff and cold when I found him and he appeared to be swollen around the stomach and rib area. I also noticed a small amount of blood coming from his mouth. His eyes were closed, but I took a close look and noticed they looked bloodshot.

I noticed he still had half his food left in his bowl and half on the side and he never left food uneaten he always scoffed it down. At first I though he may have chocked while eating, but if that was the case I doubt he would have crawled to the corner of the yard about 20 meters away to die. So I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea what's happened to my boy as the vet has been no help at all and 2 days later I'm still waiting for a call back.

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April 7, 2019

My 14 year old Chihuahua/terrier mix just died suddenly. He collapsed in our driveway. Thereis no sign of trauma or blood. His eyes looked like they were bleeding and foam was coming out of his mouth. He was diagnosed with a heart murmur 6 months ago.

He also has a hernia on his bottom. The vet did not want to do surgery where it was located. What do you think happened to our dog? I'm so saddened. I know he was old, but he was okay 30 minutes before we found him.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 7, 20190 found this helpful

Sorry about the loss of your pet. His multiple health conditions resulted in his sudden death.

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June 19, 2020

On the 17th June 2020, after 9 and a half years my beloved Jack Russell/English Toy Terrier, Coco, sadly and shockingly passed away. Except for being overweight (it is common in the English toy breed) and a small dog, she was in perfect health. She had no major medical conditions that I had knowledge of. It was my mother who found her. She said her tongue was hanging out and she was very stiff. Her stomach was slightly hard and she wasn't overly cold.

My question though is could she have died because of her weight causing her to have a heart attack? Or some unknown health condition of her heart or other organs? Could she have chocked? Every evening my mother or I would give her a little treat. We have other dogs as well. (Her mum & daughter: both Mum's dogs). So we know she could be very greedy and with being an English Toy she tended to just swallow before chewing. She had choked in the past before and we had to help her. Now with her sudden death I'm quite distraught and confused.

Can anyone help me out please?

Thank You Xx


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
June 20, 20200 found this helpful
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I am so sorry for the loss of your dog. It sounds like the dog had a heart attack that could have been caused by the weight of the dog. I have several small dogs and the vet is always warning me about how much they weight and to keep them fit and trim.


I know after a dog has been fixed it is a lot easier for them to gain weight. In small dogs too much grease or fat can get around the muscles of the heart and this can cause a siezier or heart attack.

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February 23, 2020

My six and a half month old Great Dane passed on the 21st. He was fine and showed no signs of anything being wrong with him. I was in my bedroom just getting up and ready for the day and my brother and sister were letting him and our other dog back inside after letting them out to go potty.

They started screaming for me and saying that he was making unnatural sounds, my first thought was that he probably stepped on something and that he'd be okay, but I still rushed to my feet and went over to him. I heard the howl, it was like a human shrieking from pain and when I finally got to him he was lying on his side on the back porch, he was peeing and then it sat there in a pool. I saw his body quiver and he stopped breathing, his tongue fell out of his mouth and his eyes stared blankly off in front of him.

I looked in his throat to see if something was choking him, but there was nothing. He had no bites on him, no wounds of any sort. He just, dropped dead. We don't know why and he is currently at the vet where they are searching for the possible cause of his death. I just want an answer. How does my puppy just suddenly die out of nowhere? I feel like I could have handled this grief less intensely if I had not seen it all play out in front of me. His dying breath and all of the in between will not stop playing behind my eyes. I can not talk to anybody about this because I start to cry at the thought because I can see it all playing out again. The few I have spoken to just say sorry that my dog died. But it wasn't just my dog dying, it was watching it happen and not being able to do anything to save him. Does anybody know what could have caused this? And any advice on how to move forward?

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February 10, 2020

My 2 year old Yorkie just started vomiting late afternoon non stop. I monitored him and gave him tablet for vomiting.

He was not lazy nor looked sick. The next morning he was dead within 12 hours. What can it be?

A Yorkie on a carpeted floor.
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August 4, 2019

I come home for lunch everyday to feed my dogs and check on them. Thursday, everything was normal. Both of my baby dogs were acting normal. I fed them and gave them a treat like I alway do before I leave. I came home after work and found my 6 year old Yorkie dead/cold dead. She was 14 lbs and bit overweight, but she was healthy, active, and playful. Her tongue was sticking out and stuck between her teeth. She had saliva around her mouth and a small amount of blood in her nose.

She was in one of her favorite spots to sleep when it's hot. The air condition is running. The house temperature was about 76. I had the vet check if there was anything stuck in her throat. They didn't recommend I do a necropsy. They said it was expensive and they may not even know in the end. Why? Why did she die? Did she suffer and no one was there to save her? What am I missing here?Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs - black and white photo of a Yorkshire Terrier

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June 27, 2019

Our playful, happy "Horse-dog", Shadow; had just turned a year old a couple of weeks ago. Shadow got his name because there is a shadow of a dog's head on his stomach. Yesterday he wouldn't eat or drink all day and just laid around, which is completely unlike him.Understanding Pit Bull's Sudden Death - grey and white Pit


We both agreed that he would go to the vet today if he wasn't better. But this morning when my fiancé went to feed him, he was dead! Foam was coming from his mouth, and it looked like blood coming from his butt. My fiancé and I are both devastated. Him more than me, as Shadow was his dog. We are both stunned and don't know what to think.

Understanding Pit Bull's Sudden Death
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May 8, 2019

I had a 7 year old German Shepherd who was fit and healthy as told by the vet. I took him in for a check up around 2 weeks ago as he had injections for the kennels as we were going away.

Last Sunday he was all playful and happy, being his usual self! There were no signs of stress or unhappiness! Around 9 o'clock we brought him in the house ready for bed, he had his food/water (dogs biscuits and chicken), and went back out for a toilet then came back in! At around 12 o'clock (night) my mum heard him panting, but not badly just as if he was thirsty or really warm. So she let him out and he came back in and was fine. We woke up around 6 am to have seen 2 sick patches (one green water and other a big lump of food). We found our dog laying in his normal place/position, but obviously he had passed away. (Thinking passed away in his sleep.) So we just wanna know what people think it could have been. We are all heartbroken that our best friend has gone and it's so tough knowing that's hes not here. Any help/ideas would be lovely.

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May 3, 2019

Our 8 yr old female American Bulldog died suddenly yesterday. She seemed a little mopey, but did her normal routine, belly scratches and all.

My S/O went to shower and she followed him as usual, and when he got out, maybe 10 minutes later, she had squeezed herself into our small dog's crate in the room, had defecated and peed and her tongue was hanging out. He tried to give her CPR, but she had passed.

There are no signs of anything in or outside of the house that she could have gotten into and the other 2 dogs are fine.

We are confused and at a loss.

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