
Dog Will Only Eat People Food

July 31, 2010

Dog stairs at dog food bowl while woman sits beside him with her hands raised while shrugging her shouldersI have a 1 year old miniature Jack Russel. She has already had her 1st season. (all fine). For a little while now my dog has gone off her food. She is still very active, still drinking, no loose poos, she might have a little every now and then, but not much.


As soon as she see the kids eating, she wants what they have or what we are eating. It is probably my own fault, for giving her some treats of our food. But it has gotten to the point where she refuses to eat her food because she wants our food! Can someone please help on what to do.

By michelle from UK


August 1, 20100 found this helpful
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Do not give your dog human food, only their dog food that is how I get Jack to eat his dog food and I also have Border Collie.


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August 3, 20101 found this helpful
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I feed my dog "human food". Dogs were wild animals and ate meat, like we do. I make her a stew from meat (beef or chicken), potatoes and peas. I simmer it for a few hours until it is nice and tender, because she is 16 years old and likes soft foods. It smells delicious and has none of the preservatives store bought food has.


The vet gave me some vitamins to give her, as she needs calcium, etc. and she is very healthy and very old! If you give your dog "human food", just make sure it isn't junk food like processed meats (wieners, sandwich meats, sausages, etc.) which we shouldn't be eating anyway!

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November 5, 2017

I have a 8 year old Chihuahua that I got about a year ago. She's never eaten dog food once for me. If I don't give her table food she won't eat.

The people that I got her from said that she never ate dog food for them she's always had table food. How do I fix that?


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November 10, 20170 found this helpful
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My dog is a miniature Pomeranien with a similar problem.Try using 1/2 dog food & 1/2 leftovers. Always warm the dog food in the microwave first to bring out the smell [ DONOT OVERHEAT ] - this will stimulate the dogs appetite. I use a tinned food that is not chunky meat. I then sprinkle the food with a teaspoon of finely chopped steak which has been pan fried.


I buy fat free rump steak. cook it , finely chop it , then put it in the freezer in little containers. I thaw one out once every few days & just sprinkle some over the dog food. Sometimes I chop up a cooked prawn & sprinkle that over the dog food. Good luck.

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August 13, 2013

Small black dog.I have tried so many different brands, I have added water and warmed it up, added food that we are eating to it and she will pick through the food and spit out the dog food. I am going crazy with her; she will only eat people's food. She will go days with out eating if we don't give her people's food. Please any ideas?

By blondieaz76


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August 15, 20130 found this helpful
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I feed my 2 Bichon/Poodle crosses with people food. I also have my Veterinarians approval to do this. Ever since they were 8 weeks old, we have fed them; diced cooked chicken and we mix in cooked carrots (the carrots are mashed and I use about a teaspoon at each meal).


I also give them about 2 tablespoons of Wellness or any other brand of canned food with each meal. Please buy a premium canned dog food, you will see a difference in your dog. Dogs cannot eat just chicken and carrots, they need the nutrients in the canned food. As a treat I make their treats from a recipe we have at our hospital.

I am a retired Veterinary Practice Manager. Please do not feed your fur baby from the table or give her any bones. My whole family feeds their dogs this way. Our Welsh Corgi lived to be 16 years old on this diet. You can go online and find recipes for homemade dinners & treats. My dogs will eat a cooked carrot or zucchini for a snack and we also put cooked sweet potato in with their chicken. They love it. Good luck

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October 30, 2013

My 3 yr old Lab was pulling away from her regular dog food the last few weeks and now will not eat it at all. I took her to the vet, who did comprehensive lab work and everything is okay. I had her teeth checked too. She will readily eat human food, even dog biscuits and today I gave her some cheap dry dog food and she ate it. I want to get her back on her good food, any suggestions?

By Kathie


November 11, 20130 found this helpful

I had this problem a few months ago with my four-year old female Pitbull Terrier. She was still eating, but only about a quarter of what she should have been! We tried a few things that worked:


Mixing plain, organic yogurt with the kibbles - you can gradually decrease the amount (applesauce works too!)

You can buy dehydrated liver pieces at pet stores (they come in a shake bottle). A few shakes of these and they'll be in love with their food!

A drizzle of olive oil over the food may help, too.

Worst case, try boiling up some plain chicken breasts and white rice. This will serve as a suitable mix-in to the food until the pup gets back on track.

Good luck!

(in the end, we ended up switching our girl to raw. She LOVES to eat now... although it's a bit more expensive and time consuming, I feel the end result was worth it).

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August 21, 2012

I have a crossed-bred Pomeranian and Japanese Spitz. It's already three months old. Before it used to eat dog food, but when my boyfriend fed my dog Tinola, a Filipino dish (chicken soup) it started not to eat dog food. It only likes to eat rice with soup and some meat. What can I do?

By Angel G.


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August 22, 20120 found this helpful

Dogs have a keen sense of smell and I think he knows what bad things are in it. Check out "4 D meat" in your search engine you'll want to throw up. You can't tell me that corporate America isn't putting it in the dog food. I'm a strong advocate for feeding dogs real food like cooked chicken,meat loaf, etc.


My family has done this and our dogs lived a longer time longer than the average age for their breed. Switch the dog over to people food gradually so his system adapts to it. If he gets watery stools make sure you aren't feeding him watery food.

It comes out the same consistency as it goes in. If he continues to have watery stools then just given him cooked rice and cooked hamburger but make sure the hamburger isn't greasy. Don't listen to those people who say it's wrong to do. There could be a reason they say it, and that is they probably have a dog club and get nice donations from the dog food industry.

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