
Caring for Elbows

January 9, 2007

mud mask on elbowsI have really dry scaly elbows. I have tried everything to get rid of this. They feel so bad that when rubbed against someone it scratches the individual and they look at my elbows to see if they look like sandpaper. They drive me crazy, but I have tried everything. Any great homemade remedies?


Angelheart from Clyde, TX


By (Guest Post)
January 10, 20070 found this helpful

Crisco and cut a tube sock and slip over elbow

By Fairy74 (Guest Post)
January 10, 20070 found this helpful

Olive oil, warmed slightly in the micro (not too hot!) with a piece of plastic over it for 4-5 minutes

January 12, 20071 found this helpful

Hi, wash your elbows with baking soda. Put some on the palm of your hand & rub on wet elbow. This will make it smoother in just a few days. Do it every night. This also works on dry heels. Then moisturize. Very cheap & effective treatment!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 418 Feedbacks
January 12, 20070 found this helpful

Many years ago I read a funny story in Reader's Digest from a woman who had breakfast each morning at the same restaurant. One morning she mentioned that she had rough, dry elbows and did anyone have a solution. The waitress said, "You need butter." So she put butter on her elbows every night.


Two weeks later, she showed off her soft, smooth elbows to the waitress and thanked her profusely. The waitress said, "You needed butter for your pancakes. I got you 2 pats."

By Cathy (Guest Post)
January 12, 20070 found this helpful

The first thing you need to do is scrub off the dead skin in the shower. I use a sandpaper block (wet). Do this morning and night. Then load on the moisturizer. If you buy a bottle of sweet almond oil, this is the most intensive treatment. Apply with a cotton ball. Maintenance is the key - no skipping! Good luck!

January 13, 20070 found this helpful

This is what i did. I got the green thick Pad (i think they use it for sanding). At fisrt it will hurt but i got use to it & now i use it to wash up with. It works great on your feet to.

January 13, 20070 found this helpful

I use (from k-mart) the store brand of Eucerine cream. I used it 2-3 times a day, massaged in well, until my elbows were baby-butt smooth. Then only once a day.


You do have to maintain. Excellent for all over body dryness. I use it in the mornings so it doesn't ruin my sheets.

By Leann (Guest Post)
January 13, 20070 found this helpful

Try a paste of olive oil and sugar, and rub the dry skin gently in a circluar motion. Rinse off and pat dry, then add the type of lotion you like. You should see a difference in a short time.

By LRP (Guest Post)
January 26, 20070 found this helpful

been there. try using protroleum jelly. place a lot on each elbow then cover elbows with old socks with the foot part cut off. do this before going to bed and leave on overnight. might have to do it for about 4 days depending on how bad they are.

By kerriegirl (Guest Post)
January 28, 20070 found this helpful

try dr. scholl's pedicure essentials foot cream. i know its for your feet, but it works wonders. i couldn't even put on a t-shirt without my elbow's snagging on the fabric.


just put it on 2-3 times a day, and you'll see results in several days!

By Bonnie (Guest Post)
April 17, 20070 found this helpful

I use olive oil and salt rub. Just mix olive oil (walmart has a cheaper version) and regular table salt. Scrub your elbows and feet -- gets them supper smooth. Watch out for small cuts on fingers though, salt will make them burn.

By (Guest Post)
October 21, 20070 found this helpful

Salt water is the best cure. Soak for 10 minutes per day for 1 week, guaranteed they will be gone.

By B (Guest Post)
January 29, 20080 found this helpful

Burt's Bees makes a really nice product called the Coconut Foot Creme. I put it on both my feet and elbows a couple times a week, and put socks over each, and my results have been fantastic.

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November 29, 2006

Does anyone have any ideas to help with a skin rash that I've had around my eyebrows for a year now? I've tried night creams, (Mary Kay, Olay) A&D Ointment, AmLactin (from the pharmacy) and a high-priced sample from my doc that also didn't work. It starts flaking, I scrub the dead skin off, apply ointment, then the process starts over. It feels like leather, itches and looks awful.

I want to cure this before I go to a dermatologist!

Any ideas?


November 30, 20060 found this helpful

Please check out Scalpicin at any pharmacy. This
worked on flaky patches I had in my eyebrows and
scalp. It's good stuff. J.B.

By Lois (Guest Post)
November 30, 20060 found this helpful

It is probably dandruff. Many people do not know it can be on your skin. Use dandruff shampoo with selenium 2.5% or selsun RX 2.5%.


Triamcinolone acetonide cream is helpful. You may need a prescription for these. Try selsen blue shapoo first.

November 30, 20060 found this helpful

I have this problem too, if I put my elbows on tables. Not knowing what cleaning solution was used and if it's a wooden table that has furniture polished on it, it will break my elbows out as well. I either were long sleeves or keep my elbows down.
For itching and healing, I use "Sarna" lotion.

By (Guest Post)
November 30, 20060 found this helpful

Could be psoriasis or eczema. Try other solutions and if they don't work see a dermatologist.

December 1, 20060 found this helpful

I had something similar when I was younger. Turned out to be warts. Just a whole lot of them. Took me years to get rid of it. My mom wouldn't take me to the doctor.


I suggest going to the Dermatologist BEFORE you figure it out. He will know for sure.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 696 Feedbacks
December 1, 20060 found this helpful

I get something similar from time to time. I find that keeping the area clean really helps and then putting on some moisturizing lotion. If it itches, some hydrocortisone cream will help.

Really tho, seeing a skin Dr would be your best bet.

By j (Guest Post)
December 1, 20060 found this helpful

Try cutting a grapefruit in half and putting your elbows in it, swirling the half about your elbow and then letting it sit for a bit. The acids are supposed to do wonders and afterwards, keep it very clean and do this once a week or so.

December 1, 20060 found this helpful

It sounds very much like psoriasis. I have had it for years on my elbows and it cannot be cured only controlled - I use a cream called Psor-Asist avaialble here in Australia but your chemist may have something similar. Stress can cause it to flare up and also some diets which have too much citrus in it can cause problems too. If you take evening primrose oil apparently that can help too and I have also been told that a pro-biotic like Yakult would help. That didn't work for me but who knows there is no harm in trying that unless you're lactose intolerant

By Claudia-MD (Guest Post)
December 4, 20060 found this helpful

If you have had this problem for a year and nothing seems to help, I wouldn't wait til it clears up to see the dermatologist....I would go now. The doc will probably be able to easily diagnose it and provide you with something that will relieve it with no further trial-and-error, guesswork.

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January 5, 2007

I would like a remedy for getting my elbows free from looking dirty. They are very dark and often times very dry looking. It's very embarrassing. Does anyone know how to get my skin color back?

Thank you,
Penny from Ipava, IL


By Michawn (Guest Post)
January 6, 20070 found this helpful

I've heard a half of a lemon or grapefruit (high acid) would do great. Cut in half sorta squeeze it to get the juices going and twist on your elbow. The acids in fruits are very good for our skin, just make sure there are no cuts. Once done, throw the peel in the garbage disposal (assuming you have one) and a shot of hot water while grinding them up helps clean and sanitize at the same time.

Hope that helps.

By Debra in Colorado (Guest Post)
January 6, 20070 found this helpful

First go see your doctor, My mom had a condition that was just like that and the doctor gave her some creme and it helped alot. If your doctor says that it is not a medical condition try this: Fill a small bowl with hydrogen Perxoide and soak your elbows. This will bleach the skin. Rinse with cool water. In another small bowl mash one small avocado with some mayonaise. Apply to elbows and rub in. Then wrap your elbows with some gauze and let it stay on for about 30 minutes then rinse. Hope this helps.

January 8, 20070 found this helpful

My aunt is a quadrapalegic, and the nurse uses one of those pumice stones to scrape away the brown spots, use very gently, and then puts moisturising lotion on it every day. On the days when it's not too bad, she has even used a soft emery board. Hope this helps you out.

January 9, 20070 found this helpful

Thank you all for your help.
It's nice to know somebody knows more than I do. LOL

I'm trying remedys from you all


By Maria (Guest Post)
March 13, 20080 found this helpful

Get in a habit of applying lotion on your elbows after you shower or bath you will see a huge difference in a couple of months have patience.

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August 31, 2012

How could I clean my brown knees?

By Barnali

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July 15, 2016

This page contains remedies for dark circles on elbows and knees. The skin on these joints can callus and become darkened in color and need some extra care.

Young girl in sweater dress hugging her knees

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