
Dog in Heat Peeing Inside?

August 25, 2012

An unhappy dog laying on a carpet.My Shih Tzu is 8 months old and is in heat. She has always used a pee pad until the last few days where we find her peeing wherever she wants. We do not startle her while she is doing this, but firmly say "No" and take her to her pad. What is odd is she still poos on the pad. I don't know if this is related to her being in heat or what. She will be fixed after her cycle.


Please help.

By tina


August 26, 20121 found this helpful

Get little boy underwear and put in a pantyliner, then put the underpants on the dog backwards with the tail going through the opening and then you just have to change the pantyliners.

August 26, 20120 found this helpful

Have you considered having her de-sexed before she came into her first cycle.? Are you a registered breeder and have litters planned for her? Talk to your Veterinarian about the number of times during a normal life-time she will be "on heat". Hope this helps you but more importantly her.

February 4, 20130 found this helpful

My mini Dixie just turned one year old. She is spayed and is doing the same thing. We are so puzzled also.

February 3, 20191 found this helpful

It's called getting a dog spayed not de-sexed. You can't "de-sex" a dog! Fixed females actually leak more that intacte females btw.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
February 4, 20190 found this helpful

It looks like "desexed" is a common term in the industry. It just means spayed or neutered (castrated). Here is an article by Purina about the process.


July 18, 20195 found this helpful

Oh for Christs sake, this person needs advice, not an effing lecture.

August 13, 20190 found this helpful

Lol! I was thinking the same!! Jeez!

August 15, 20194 found this helpful

This is really not a useful answer. The question clearly states the dog is already in her first season, and that she will be spayed after her first season so your points are totally irrelevant to the question being asked.


As for the actual question itself, my dog is also just now in her first (and only) season, and is peeing in the house despite being trained for 8 months now. So glad to hear that it seems to be normal'.

September 18, 20190 found this helpful

Not all registered breeders are good breeders and not all unregistered breeders are bad breeders. I am not a registered breeder and my Aussie gave birth to 7 beautiful babies. I had her and the stud genetically tested beforehand, raised them in home, had them wormed every other week, they received their vaccination and health certificates. Aside from that rant, my female is in her third heat cycle (the first cycle after her litter) I came home to find she had peed in her diaper.


Her temperature and discharge are normal so I dont suspect pyo. Is she just trying to attract males? Animals will often pee so males can smell their hormones and there is an unneutered puppy in the house (he is 3 months and cant impregnate her)

February 5, 20201 found this helpful

How does scolding the owner on how they SHOULD have spayed their dog earlier, help them with their current predicament? If you're here to judge instead of help, then go spread your toxic attitude somewhere else.

August 25, 20201 found this helpful

My Chihuahua is doing the same; when she is in heat, she begins to pee inside. This started after I took home a male Doberman and they are quite the odd couple. My female is usually very good at doing all potty activities outside otherwise.


When she is in heat now, I take out her old crate, which she seems to like and it also solves her need to mark her territory (I think that is what she is doing). Good luck! :)

January 5, 20210 found this helpful

You shouldn't spay a dog before their first heat cycle. Ideally you wait until 3rd cycle

September 6, 20220 found this helpful

Right so I agree, lecture aside, my puppy is 9 months at the end of her first heat and is regressing in potty training. I'm pretty frustrated but glad to see it's not uncommon. Thanks.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 22, 2018

My dog just turned 3 and is in heat, but recently she started to wet the bed which has never happened while in heat. Does anyone have any answers as to why?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
May 23, 20180 found this helpful

Have your dog evaluated by a Vet for pyometra. It is fairly common in unspayed dogs. It is an infection of the uterus. One of the symptoms is increased thirst and urination.


It can make a dog very sick and is life threatening. You need to see a Vet right away.

May 26, 20180 found this helpful

I would have her checked her for a UTI then spayed to decrease her chances of breast & uterus cancers. This will help her to live longer as well.

July 17, 20192 found this helpful

You know, this stuff about getting your dog fixed being "healthy" for them...
Removing the sex organs obviously would keep your dog from getting any cancers related to the sex organs. But cancers like lymphoma and other major cancers are actually at a greater risk of happening after getting your dog fixed. Plus, getting them fixed too early can lead to problems with hormone imbalances. Stop believing everything you're told and do your own research. Getting your dog fixed too soon can do more damage than good! If you are going to choose to get your dog fixed, wait until after their first heat at the very least, so they are sexually mature, their bodies having all the hormones needed to reach puberty and adulthood. You know dogs must be the ONLY animal on the planet who cannot be sexually whole without all these "health problems"!! Funny huh? Maybe it has something to do with all the irresponsible people out there who can't keep their intact dogs... Responsibly? Let's not let them ruin doggy health!

September 28, 20190 found this helpful

If there is a UTI she would be peeing constantly & also drinking major water.

October 29, 20190 found this helpful

That is exactly what my vet told me regarding my GS. Do not spay your female dog till after her first cycle which is about a year for large dogs. Mine is at about 11 months old and has started to mark inside even though she knows its wrong. A very confusing time for them.

November 8, 20200 found this helpful

So glad to see this comment about it being unhealthy to have your dog spayed. This is totally correct. Like humans, dogs live longer and are more healthy when intact - unless you want to give them hormone supplements for the rest of their lives. The propaganda about it being the opposite is just spread to keep irresponsible owners from allowing their dogs to breed out of control. People spread that nonsense without really checking the facts. Ask ANY trustworthy vet bluntly and they will verify: your dog will live a longer, healthier life with their reproductive organs intact.

I never have my dogs spayed, they have never had a litter, and they live many years longer than when I was younger and believed the hype. The hassle of dealing with nine or ten days of a few blood spots, slight odor, and YES - peeing accidents (that sometimes happen right in front of me as if its allowed) is a vey small price to pay. Dont blame the critter too much for a puddle or two, and scolding wont help - I used to get cross until I realized my pup was barely aware she was doing it. Its a response to a feeling of urgency that happens so quickly the dog has no time to follow her training instincts. Give her a finger shake so she knows its not GOOD, but dont make her feel bad about it.

Also, like others have said, if it happens several times a day or you see your dog squatting to go but unable to pass any fluid a trip to the vet is in order.

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August 13, 2014

I have a female 10 month old Lab/Beagle mix. She has been house trained since she was 4 months old, with no accidents. She went into her first heat about a week and a half ago, and the last 4 or 5 nights she has been peeing on the bedroom floor while we sleep. She never tries to wake us up to go outside, just does her business on the floor and we find it in the morning. Is this a normal behavior for a dog in heat? (I plan to get her spayed after she is out of heat and her body goes back to normal)

By Amanda


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
December 7, 20170 found this helpful

They can have different behaviors when in heat. This can be common. You need to either kennel her or if she leaves them on, diaper her.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 7, 20170 found this helpful

The urine smells much stronger during this time. You might want to diaper her.

January 5, 20210 found this helpful

These lecturers on here kill me. There are many reasons a person has to get there dog spayed after a first heat. I had always planned on getting my pup spayedeven set the date TWICE but her frequent UTIs delayed the process. The vet and I decided the best bet for helping her UTI issue was to let her go through a cycle. Also to answer the question, my dog is also wetting the bed despite being potty trained and not having a UTI so I think its normal.

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October 24, 2014

My dog has been house trained for a while. She came into her first heat about two weeks ago; she just started peeing in the house and outside. She is peeing a lot, everywhere.

By Kayla from Englehart


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
October 27, 20140 found this helpful

Have your dog see a vet maybe it has urinary tract infection. In the meantime, put a doggie pantie on it and pad it extra thick to hold urine. Change it throughout the day. You can buy a bag of cheap baby diapers and cut a hole to fit tail and that works too unless the dog wants to fight about it and pulls it off. It's worth a try and it's a cheap problem solution to a temporary situation.

January 2, 20200 found this helpful

Urine marking behavior usually begins when the dog reaches sexual maturity. An intact male dog is most likely to mark when there is a female dog in heat nearby. Intact female dogs are also prone to marking when they are in heat. ... Any anxiety-producing situation can trigger urine marking as well

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