
Remedies for Leg Cramps

July 12, 2013

In my mid fifties, I started to get agonizing leg cramps in my calves and feet at night. I tried different remedies but could not eliminate them. I like to watch Korean Dramas, so I tried eating the Korean staple food, kimchi for fun. I noticed that when I ate a little kimchi, I did not get leg cramps.


Now I just eat two mouthfuls of kimchi each day and I am leg cramp free. Works like a miracle for me. Kimchi is very hot and spicy so you need to eat it, like you would a relish, with something. You can eat it with rice, eggs, meat, fish, tofu, or chicken or whatever, at any time of the day. Kimchi is is usually made with cabbage fermented with hot pepper. It is very high in nutrients, and can be easily absorbed in the stomach. I don't know why it works, it just does.

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December 8, 2011

My legs tend to cramp at night. I tried elevating on a pillow but I always lost it at night. So I started putting my heavier reading pillow, the kind that fits behind you and props you up, under my legs at night.


November 28, 2012

This may sound crazy but it actually works. My sister told me she had bad leg cramps that prevented a restful night's sleep. She put a bar of soap, any soap, under the top sheet. That's right, a bar of soap! For whatever reason, it works.


July 26, 2012

It occured to me that my night cramps happened most often when I have been eating foods like eggs, tomatoes and proteins. I went online and looked for a list of acidic foods and found a website that gives a good idea of what foods are acidic and therefore should be eaten less often.


August 22, 2016

I use to wake up at least 4 times a night with 1 to 5 charlie horses in my legs. They were so painful I would be screaming. Then a nurse told me what to do.


Buy a brand new bar of soap, it must be white, like Ivory or Dove. Put it at the foot of the bed under your bottom sheet.


June 26, 2013

I had been getting a great deal of cramps in my hands and this tip has worked very well for me as . It is very simple, chew 2 Tums, or any antacid that is taken for an acid reflux or upset tum.


January 9, 2014

I have been having painful leg cramps, particularly at night, for years. I had tried just about everything and decided to try drinking apple cider vinegar, about a tablespoonful, just before bed and on rising.


The cramps disappeared.


21 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 5, 2011

Is there something you can take to help prevent leg cramps?

By doris from MI


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 297 Posts
June 23, 20101 found this helpful
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My mother suffers from night leg cramps and says drinking tonic water really helps her. It is usually found in the pop section of the grocery store.

February 5, 20110 found this helpful
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You should have a diet that has adequate potassium (potatoes, bananas, milk, oranges, prunes, spinach, tomatoes are a few). If you are starting a new exercise regimen or newly active then it may be that your body is depleted of potassium.


This may be just a symptom of a serious malady, which means it may be time to ck with your MD.

February 7, 20111 found this helpful
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Have you tried increasing your calcium intake? I take calcium supplements, and whenever the leg cramps start up, I know that I have been skimping on the calcium! When I resume or increase the calcium, the leg cramps ease up greatly! Good luck!

February 7, 20110 found this helpful
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Hylands Leg Cramp Remedy, available at Walmart. I suffered from leg cramps for years until I found this product.

February 7, 20111 found this helpful
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For several years I had terrible leg cramps almost nightly. After trying all the "folk" remedies and my doctor's suggestions (I'm on several prescription medications and can't use some of the supplements), I discovered that doing some leg stretches before going to bed have eliminated the cramps. All I do is stand on one foot, raise the other leg behind me, grasp that ankle with my hand and pull up until I feel the muscles stretch.


Be sure to keep the bent knee perpendicular to the floor. Hold the stretch for 20 - 30 seconds, then do the other leg.

If you have trouble balancing on one foot as I do, just hold onto something to steady yourself.

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May 10, 2011

I have been getting awakened 3 or 4 times a night with cramps at the front of my right leg at the shin bone, then it travels down to my foot and toes. Anyone else have this trouble?

By Karen


May 10, 20110 found this helpful
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Try calcium, Magnesium, zinc.

May 11, 20111 found this helpful
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That was happening with my mom, she found somewhere that it could be caused by lack of potassium, so now she eats a banana every night. Sounds weird, but it works. If I were you, I'd go to the doctor to rule out anything more serious.

May 11, 20111 found this helpful
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I learned, while working in home care nursing, that night cramps can be caused by lack of calcium in the muscles. They begin to contract from this.


Try taking calcium before bedtime. Warning: if this helps, stopping the calcium will bring them back again.

May 14, 20111 found this helpful
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Leg cramps are also caused by dehydration. Be sure you are drinking enough water. Not soda, coffee, or tea. Those do not count. You must drink water.

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May 17, 2010

My husband has kidney disease and is at about 11 percent right now. He's been suffering from severe leg cramps at night and hurting. He has a history of high potassium so they put him on meds to help keep it under control. I'm just wondering if any body else knows anything on this subject, or has any ideas.

By sensible fromKnox, TN


May 18, 20100 found this helpful
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I had leg cramps nearly all my life, well before I had kidney disease and I buy the homeopathic remedy, Hylands Leg Cramp Remedy, at Walmart. It has a small amount of quinine which relieves leg cramps quickly for me, hope it works for you. I also eat bananas for the potassium.

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May 13, 2009

If you have leg cramps at nighttime, while trying to sleep, keep a salt shaker on your nightstand.

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